3 Common Thinking Errors That Sabotage Your Chance At Happiness

Every person creates their own social reality. The way you view the world is completely subjective because we all have cognitive biases. The concept of cognitive biases was introduced in 1972 by two psychologists, Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. A cognitive bias is a systematic thinking error that impacts judgments, and therefore, our decisions. As of this writing, there are 106 decision-making-related cognitive biases known! We all make these errors....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 938 words · Juan Smith

3 Hidden Ways Demons Can Secretly Enter Your Life

RELATED: How To Release The Spiritual Imbalances That Are Keeping You Sick & Stuck This portal has no gatekeeper. This means it’s an open door for anyone. This doesn’t always happen when mirrors are directly across from a door. But it’s still not very rare. To fix this, you can move the mirror. Or you can cover it up with a blanket or cloth. In Feng Shui, the mirror doubles what is reflected....

January 8, 2023 · 3 min · 572 words · Bobbie Ohara

3 Questions To Ask Find Out If A Guy Likes You

And yet, here I am at the age of 33 still struggling to figure out if the dudes I have feelings for have the same kind of feelings for me. To be clear, I’m talking about “pants” feelings. The kind in the bathing suit region. You know, attraction. At this point, I feel like I have a relatively good handle on figuring out whether or not a guy finds me attractive....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 892 words · Lloyd Vanhorn

3 Types Of Sex Married Couples Should Have John Gray

Sex releases the hormones that make us feel good (testosterone for men and oxytocin for women). Now, we all know that sex is almost always on a man’s mind and he generally is “in the mood” anytime, anywhere, and any way. But for a woman to build her desire and fully enjoy the sexual experience, she first needs to feel special and cherished by her partner. She yearns to be wanted and responds best when a man pursues her with devout intensity (regardless of the relationship stage or length)....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 1052 words · Harold Clark

3 Ways To Make 100 Sure You Don T Raise A Mean Insensitive Bully Samin Razzaghi

Before I was a life coach in private practice, I had the chance to work with teen girls as a school counselor. I was privileged to have them share with me their struggles with bullying, feelings of low self-esteem, and the daily challenges that most parents are either unaware of or feel powerless to do anything about. I’ve seen teen girls call each other names, put out compromising photos of each other on the internet, and just be plain mean to one another....

January 8, 2023 · 3 min · 617 words · Henry Velasquez

3 Ways To Make A Woman Feel Like A Real Life Goddess Angela Ambrosia

Every man wants to fall madly in love and every woman wants their lover to see them as bigger than how they perceive themselves. Most women carry insecurities about their being, their personality, their body, their hairstyle, and the wrinkles that come with time. Women want to be seen as so much more than all these physical things. When a man sees through these appearances and connects with the feeling of a woman bigger than her personality — he hits the gold mine of love....

January 8, 2023 · 3 min · 537 words · Elizabeth Holtzman

3 Weird Health Warning Signs To Never Ever Ignore Mitzi Bockmann

Did you ignore the warning signs that you were sick? Warning signs that, if you had heeded them, might have prevented you from getting sicker? If yes, no worries. We all do it. And we recover from our colds. But what if there is something else going on with you? Something other than a cold. Something that if you catch it early you have a much better chance of a full recovery....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 837 words · Carlos Rosen

3 Zodiac Signs That Hurt The Ones They Love During The Moon Square Uranus Starting October 29 2021

If we are secretly harboring negative thoughts about the people we are in relationship with - family, friends or lovers, we may see that this transit, Moon Square Uranus, which starts on October 29, will bring our thoughts into action - and some of those actions may lead to regret. We don’t want to hurt the ones we love, but sometimes we just can’t help it. Sometimes there are circumstances that can’t be avoided, where harsh truths need to be revealed in order to get to the healing phase....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 771 words · Barbara Parks

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love During Mercury Square Neptune Starting January 7 10 2022

Ah, Mercury square Neptune, where sweet nothings are whispered in the ears of willing lovers, and lofty promises are made without batting an eyelash. Neptune gives us the gift of fantasy and lover’s dreams, while Mercury makes us say anything to make it all feel real. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want An Open Relationship During Moon Conjunct Neptune Starting January 7- 9, 2022 This is a tricky transit, as it works our sense of possibility; we believe the illusions put forth to us, in love and in romance....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 771 words · Gregory Andrus

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love January 17 19 2022

When we are lucky enough to have the Moon in Leo, we are lucky in love. This transit brings out our best side. We make great first impressions, and as you know, there’s no second chance to make a great first impression. Leo energy suits us all very well, but three signs of the Zodiac will take that energy and run with it — all the way to the top....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 647 words · George Valadez

3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love With A Friend Starting October 13 2021

An interesting set of leading traits, wouldn’t you say? This means that this transit can bring out in us a need to do things our way, for the purpose of being at peace and one with love. Pride is a trait that comes with this transit as well, and this can make us feel like we have to take a stand, whether to defend ourselves or to set ourselves apart from the crowd....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 817 words · Peggy Warren

3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Worst Love Life During Mars In Scorpio Starting October 30 2021

On one hand, it might be just what we need to spice things up, and on the other, it may very well mean disaster. And for three zodiac signs who have the worst love life during Mars in Scorpio starting October 30, 2021, it’s not pretty at all. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Secret Love Gets Revealed During The Sun In Scorpio While wild intimacy and crazed violence might sound like fun-fun-fun to a serial killer, the rest of us may not automatically be on board with that kind of fantasy....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 731 words · Delores Forman

3 Zodiac Signs Who Risk Everything For Love Starting February 5 2022

Sometimes we know exactly what we need to do in order to affect that change, and sometimes we are simply shown the way to change, and in order to accept it, we have to risk something that is important to us. RELATED: One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of February 7 - 13, 2022 We are creatures of deep loving potential; it’s the best thing about human beings: our ability to love and give kindness....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 690 words · Patrick Keil

3 Zodiac Signs Who Start A Secret Affair Starting November 3 5 2021

That’s Scorpio energy for you - always pushing the envelope and taking risks with people’s hearts. So, we’re in the heart of Scorpio season right now AND we have a Moon in Scorpio, starting November 3 - 5, 2021. This means that there are three zodiac signs who will start a secret affair, and there’s a reason why. It looks like two plus two equals four, folks, and what’s meant by that is - with all of this dangerous sexual energy in our midst, someone’s (looking at YOU) going to want to start up a dirty little secret....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 771 words · Elsie Shotkoski

3 Zodiac Signs Who Take Their Partner For Granted During Moon Square Mercury Starting October 27 2021

And yet - they’re made for each other. There is no thought in their mind of divorce or breaking up; they have adopted a mundane lifestyle, where neither party grows, and no one really cares. Perhaps this describes your own relationship. It certainly isn’t a rare condition. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY Married couples tend to do this after many years of being together....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 716 words · Linda Nolasco

3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love They Can T Have During Moon Sextile Saturn On March 24 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022 brings us an interesting transit: Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn, and this astrology forecast hits hard in the feels department. We are shown our limits today, and though we may not want to believe in those limits, we will be confronted with them anyway. This goes doubly so for those of us who want the love of a person who will simply not love us in return....

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · 702 words · Olga Welch

3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Go Back To An Ex Starting April 7 2022

The Sun sextile a Cancer Moon is the kind of transit that puts us in touch with who we really are and what we want out of life. This is a purely positive cosmic event, and it is up to us to take the good that avails itself to us and make the best of it. This is also the time when we realize our mistakes, and better yet — a time to understand that some of those mistakes can be reversed....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 981 words · Deborah Terry

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 11 2021

The big news of the day is that the two exact transits between Venus and Pluto this month occur starting December 11, 2021. Venus, all about love, is currently in Cappy preparing for her retrograde. Then, she joins Pluto, the transformation and truth planet, to help bring about significant changes in our life path. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Ex Returns During The Moon Square Mars Starting December 10, 2021 With just about a week to go before retrograde occurs this year, it’s time for us to recognize common themes, which will be the subject of this large-scale astrology event....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 947 words · James Watson

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 30 2021

Once again today we will move through the Mercury-Venus conjunction helping us to speak on those things we’ve reflected or learned about in our relationships. Even if currently single, our relationships often provide points of clarity that no other aspect of our life can. They help us learn our worth, reflect on what wounds we still carry, and ultimately mirror where we’re at with ourselves. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Relationships During Jupiter In Pisces, December 28, 2021 - May 10, 2022 Today there is something to clear up and settle before we move more closely into our new beginning tomorrow....

January 8, 2023 · 5 min · 1055 words · Justin Parrish

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On January 29 2022

When direct, Venus brings lessons and the ability to see who is truly meant to be a part of our journey and who is not. Venus is the planet that rules love, relationships, financial abundance, and even our homes. Currently, in Capricorn, she has been concerned about showing us what is stable and what we truly value. Since turning retrograde on December 18th she has been putting us through some intense lessons to help us discover our own truth and so that we can start making different decisions for our relationships....

January 8, 2023 · 6 min · 1148 words · Ramon Dean