Parents Of 5 Year Old Lost In California Flood Share His Last Words

5-year-old Kyle Doan and his mother Lindsy were on their way to school on Monday, January 9, when their car got stuck in the rising flood around 7:45 am. While witnesses were able to pull Lindsy from the car, Kyle began to float downstream. RELATED: My Daughter Died, But I’m Still Mothering Her Kyle’s father Brian stated that his wife was “in the water, my son’s in the water ahead of her....

January 14, 2023 · 3 min · 497 words · Larry Scott

Planned Parenthood Services Helped Me After 3 Different Doctors Refused

But the clinics offer far more than abortions, something I learned first-hand after being denied access to birth control by three separate doctors. My personal birth control method of choice is Nexplanon. It is a flexible bar about the size of a matchstick that is implanted under the skin of the upper arm. I have had friends tell me about this form of birth control based on their own experiences with it, but it wasn’t until my sister recommended Nexplanon to me that I decided to finally try it for myself because I thought our similar biology would translate well....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 1054 words · Vincent Anderson

Pregnant Woman Wonders If She Should Allow Husband To Bond With Unborn Baby

The soon-to-be mother has an anxiety disorder that makes it hard for her to stay calm whenever she is being touched — especially when it’s sudden. RELATED: Woman Wonders If She’s Wrong For Exposing Sister’s Cheating Boyfriend After She Shamed Her For Getting Pregnant After blowing up at him one night when her friends were over, they got into an argument and she was no longer sure if she reacted the right way....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 708 words · Rochelle Wilson

Revealed The 7 Biggest Lies Your Man Has Probably Told You

But there are crucial differences in the lies women and men tell. A study by psychologist Bella M. DePaulo of the University of Virginia found that when women lie, they tend to focus on making others feel better — such as the woman who tells her hostess that dinner is “simply delicious” even as she cringes with every mouthful. At the heart of many men’s lies, however, is the male ego....

January 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1706 words · Martin Caputo

Sagittarius Woman Zodiac Sign Dates Personality Traits Facts

Known as the Archer, this zodiac sign is fierce, adventurous, optimistic, spontaneous, and intellectual. Sagittarius is a Fire sign ruled by Jupiter, and because they are mutable, this means they tend to be flexible, and are fine with switching up traditions. Sagittarius Woman: Overview Sagittarian women are brimming with passion and energy. They are known to be super-curious and active. You’ll likely see her spending her free time roughing it in a van for a road trip, or reading any new book she can get her hands on in her down time....

January 14, 2023 · 12 min · 2410 words · Suzan Perrez

Should I Call My Ex An Expert Explains 10 Reasons Not To Elizabeth Stone

At the time, you may have told them you would be there for them no matter what, but doing so didn’t include trying in any way, shape, or form to stay in touch. It hurts, and you hated losing them, but in the end, you had to accept their decision. Should I call my ex? Plain and simple, the answer is: no. There is (almost) never a good reason to reach out to your ex, whether it’s because you miss them, you’ve had a few too many, you found one of their white tees (of which they have about 30 more in his dresser at home) and you’re worried they’ll desperately miss it, or you want to “check up on them....

January 14, 2023 · 9 min · 1881 words · William Gutierrez

Someday Someone Will Thank You For Letting Me Go

Sometimes, it even feels impossible. Especially if the relationship was one of the more exciting things you had going on. We’ve all been caught up in someone else to a point where we forget about ourselves. It’s one of the downfalls of love that’s often cloaked and hidden in romance. Being with someone is exciting and can make you feel like you’re a part of something big and special. RELATED: How To Get Over A Breakup Fast Relationships make you feel more confident, cared for, and like you’re on top of the world....

January 14, 2023 · 3 min · 477 words · Patsy Griffin

Stop And Realize Your Limit With People Before You Burn Out

I’ve always prided on myself for the fact that I give an endless supply of energy towards other people. Even in my most exhausting moments, I still found myself in a place where I’d find myself eager to assist others and their needs. It never got old to me. But then it got to the point where I found myself becoming bitter that people were coming to me so frequently that I didn’t even have time for myself....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 667 words · Allan Farmer

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who End Their Long Distance Relationship During Moon Conjunct Mercury On August 29 2022

Nothing like ‘other people’ to show us how worthless our lives are, according to their set of standards. If we’ve come this far and we’re able to say that, yes, we are in love with someone who is not in the vicinity and we are continuing on with them via phone or email, despite the lack of physical presence, then we are going to be subject to judgment. It’s just the way people are; they don’t like what they don’t understand, and long-distance relationships, for some reason, really bug certain people....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 862 words · George Walsh

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Get Back With An Ex During The Moon Opposite Venus On November 8 2022

Much of this planetary transit impacts fallen romantic relationships, due to Venus being in Scorpio, the zodiac sign where she struggles to express herself the most. What we’re looking at here astrologically speaking on November 8, 2022, is an ironic set of circumstances that needs closure between two people who ought to be together when they are not. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Luckiest In Love The Week Of November 7 - 13, 2022 Essentially, this implies that if we are in the position of having an ex that still means something to us, today’s love horoscope and astrology forecast bring about a greater chance of reuniting with them than any other day....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 895 words · Brian Bravo

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have A Rough Horoscope On April 6 2022

It may start with a nightmare that wakes you up a little too early, and it will progress into your coffee maker either not working, or you being out of coffee altogether. Today is made up of little annoyances. No need for panic, but heed the warning anyway. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love During Aries Season, From Now Until April 19, 2022 Moon sextile Mercury is generally a good transit for us, but because it falls on April 6, and with Moon trine Mars on its tail, what we’ll be seeing is a lot of materialistic messiness....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 787 words · Chris Parker

The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Heartache Comes To An End During The Sun Sextile Uranus On Sunday July 10 2022

Today’s transit fosters the idea that we will come to know who we truly are. We spend lifetimes trying to figure out our purpose and take on many different roles to get where we are now, but today things become crystal clear. No matter what your zodiac sign is, all ofus unconsciously throw ourselves into relationships that cause us pain and heartbreak. If we let nature flow through us, we will come out on the other side of that pain, feeling fresh and strong....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 870 words · James Gregory

The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Karmic Relationship Ends During The Moon Opposite Venus On January 8 2023

Today is when many of us literally feel a ‘bump’ in the life force, as if we are picking up on some major transition. This bump is like a pause, a shift in trajectory; we thought we were going one way, but it turns out we are no longer going that way. We have severed the ties, and we need to start anew. In relationships, we may find that we’ve come to the end of our own....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 822 words · Joe Ratcliff

The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During The Moon Trine Uranus On October 21 2022

This transit is quite loving and very beneficial, but the way it works on us is through strife. In other words, we have to bottom out before we can see the light. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On Friday, October 21, 2022 We have to strip down and figure out what everything is worth so that we can salvage the good and rid ourselves of the bad....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 813 words · Flossie Smith

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes Saturday August 6 2022

The Moon sextile Pluto works on our sense of self-deception; we may not trust our own instincts during this time, and that could potentially cause trouble in our lives. On August 6, some of us will doubt ourselves to such a degree that we’ll end up canceling something we’ve worked hard to achieve simply because fear takes over. Fear of rejection or being made fun of gets us right where it counts and at the very worst of times....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 782 words · Andrew Sluss

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On December 26 2022

You feel as though you haven’t had a split second to even think on your own, and on this day, that feeling will double up simply because we have the Moon conjunct with Saturn adding to the hassle of the day. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On December 26, 2022 You know that you are coming across as a pessimist today, and you don’t feel like burdening others with your negativity....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 761 words · Priscilla Pilcher

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On Friday July 29 2022

We resent just about everything today and most of that is people-related. In other words, during Moon square Uranus, we really just can’t stand to be around others. It’s not exactly a social day, especially for three of the zodiacal signs. What makes this a rough day is that it’s going to feel like everyone is bugging us, getting on our nerves, and asking way too much of us. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Betrayed During The Moon Square Uranus On Friday, July 29, 2022 And while some of what is asked of us may actually be what is required of us at work, we’re still going to translate all communication as a hassle; one we’d readily rebel against … just because we’re not in the mood....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · 836 words · Hugo Maier

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On September 14 2022

While this week isn’t promising much more than a headache due to frustration and possible rejection, there isn’t much else going on, and it’s certainly something we can all deal with. We’re looking at how certain transits bring conflict into the lives of those born under certain zodiac signs. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For September 12 - 18, 2022 These hardships aren’t cruel or intense, but they are annoying, and that’s what’s going to be getting on our nerves this week; the idea that we can’t have what we want because someone is standing in the way of our getting it....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 921 words · Terry Vernon

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On September 18 2022

Sun trine Pluto may be all-powerful, but if we’re on the wrong side of the Zodiac, that power may go to the wrong strengths, and that may end in our creating some very self-destructive situations for ourselves today. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For September 18 - 25, 2022 The sun gives power to Pluto on this day, and Pluto’s influence on us is one of depressive energy and dark-minded thinking....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 861 words · Willie Nievas

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On Sunday August 14 2022

During Leo Sun, we will see ego flare-ups and grand displays of bratty behavior but what we might not have been aware of is that on this day, during Leo Sun, we also have Sun opposite Saturn, which will feel like having a spotlight shining down on everything that bothers us. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For August 2022 If Saturn was a person, they would be a strict boss; there would be no time for jokes, no room for fun, and no place for leniency....

January 14, 2023 · 5 min · 873 words · Lillie Crepeau