15 Best West Coast Beaches In The Us

Even though Pacific Coast beaches are significantly colder than other beaches located along the Gulf Coast or Atlantic Coast, there is still much to see and experience. Especially if you do not want to venture outside of the United States, these West Coast beaches can make it extremely convenient for when you want to take a family vacation, a girls trip, or you want a day by the beach just for yourself....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 661 words · John Sanders

15 Relationship Caution Signs You Should Never Dismiss Amanda Chils

To help you navigate, I’m going to walk you through some basics. Ideally, you have wonderful and supportive relationships — but building those takes work and a particular skill set. While relationships are one of our main vehicles for growth, they can also be one of our main vehicles for trauma. One of the keys to avoiding toxic relationships is to learn to recognize and respond to those early caution signs....

January 13, 2023 · 21 min · 4342 words · Nina Jefferson

16 Common Dreams About Crushes And What They All Mean

What does it mean when you dream about your crush? According to psychiatrist and student of dreams, Greg Mahr, MD, “A crush may appear in a dream representing the element of fantasy. Depending on what else is occurring in the dream, the crush may appear as a representation of avoiding the painful realities of life through fantasy.” Dream interpretation is tricky, as many times our dreams don’t really make sense when you stop to think about them....

January 13, 2023 · 9 min · 1836 words · Elizabeth Touchstone

25 Reasons You Can T Lose Weight No Matter How Hard You Try

While there are plenty of other healthy accomplishments to celebrate on this journey, it can be frustrating to not see results when you step on the scale. Sound familiar? Chances are, one of these reasons is all that’s standing in the way of your weight-loss goals. RELATED: 11 (Kinda Weird) Things That’ll Make Him Fall For You, According To Science Here are 25 reasons that explain why you can’t seem to lose weight, no matter how hard you try: 1....

January 13, 2023 · 9 min · 1812 words · Elizabeth Miles

2Nd House Astrology A Guide To The House Of Value

The sign in the second shows us how you instinctually manage and save money. While the first house shows the development of your identity, this house can also show ego development — how you see yourself, the status of your self-esteem, and how you manage your possessions. In relationships, the sign in the second house can also show a glimpse into how you act and react in relationships since Taurus, ruled by Venus, is the natural ruler of the second house....

January 13, 2023 · 12 min · 2430 words · Jill Vickers

3 Main Reasons Men Lose Interest How To Get It Back Clay Andrews

But what can be truly devastating is when a man pulls away, gets distant, and loses interest — whether that happens over time or seemingly overnight, leaving you in tears and, more likely, scratching your head. As a relationship coach, I speak to many men (and women) who fall victim to common behaviors that cause the demise of their relationships. RELATED: 7 Signs He’s Acting Like A Jerk To Hide Deep Emotions Often, if you are aware of what causes a man to lose interest, you may be able to repair your relationship before it’s too late....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 908 words · Carlos Tilotta

3 Sad Signs Your Marriage Is Dead

I remember the day I shut the door. I told my wife I didn’t want any more of my life wasted with her, and she was dragging me down. I was sick of living in misery and not feeling the support. It bothered me a bit when she cried, but when my kids cried, it hurt me. I kept walking. I walked to my truck, threw my bags in the back, and drove away....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 880 words · Gloria Dyer

3 Subtle Ways You Self Sabotage Your Own Life Without Realizing It Nancy Carbone

When I discovered that, I stopped living for everyone else and started learning to put myself first, I realized that I didn’t need anyone else to feel good about myself. Previously, I had extended myself to please others, to the detriment of myself. RELATED: 12 Common Ways People Self-Sabotage Their Happiness Learning how to be happy with yourself means learning to love yourself. How do you get there when you’re surrounded by so many people whom you want to please?...

January 13, 2023 · 8 min · 1681 words · Jacqueline Price

3 Types Of Winter Solstice Journal Prompts For A Fresh Start In The New Year Patricia Bonnard

To do so, you can use winter solstice journal prompts to sharpen and guide your personal development plans for the coming year. These are manifestation journal prompts that really work. In the northern hemisphere, the solstice is the first day of winter, traditionally a time for introspection and spiritual inner work. This is also the midpoint of winter as well as the day of the year with the longest night....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 482 words · Robert Hinshaw

3 Ways To Get And Keep A Man Without Playing Silly Childish Games Dina Colada

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place,” said George Bernard Shaw. That’s the truth, especially when you put on your pretty smile, a red halter dress, and hope for the best on your first date with Mr. Sweet Black Mercedes Convertible. You think everything is going well, and then you never hear from him again, or the next guy, or the next guy....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 698 words · Teresa Carlin

3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their True Love During The Full Moon November 18 19 2021

There was always something about ‘praying’ beneath the Full Moon that made us feel that our wishes would be granted. For those zodiac signs who believe and for those signs who don’t, there are still so many of us who glance up at the Moon in the sky and hope that this beautiful lunar body will smile down upon us, giving us what we truly want. Starting November 18 to November 19, 2021 there are three zodiac signs who find their true love during the Full Moon in Taurus....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 775 words · Michael Wingfield

3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Best Love Life During The Moon In Cancer Starting February 11 2022

The Moon brings out our feelings in ways that are often unexplainable, and for Aries, Cancer, and Aquarius zodiac signs the following three days hold emotional promise. We all want the best love life, but the only way to have a perfect love life is to allow yourself to become vulnerable and open anything less is just faking it. You have to be open to receiving love from another, and when love is on the line, why bother removing yourself from the picture?...

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 729 words · Amelia Henderson

3 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer To Be Single January 10 12 2022

Being single has always been frowned upon, and yet, look at the history of relationships; most marriages end in divorce. Some folks run into the arms of others and immediately couple up as soon as they break up, but for many, many others, the idea of partnering up again is just not the preference. During Saturn square Uranus, this feeling of independence is supported and promoted. Being single is fantastic, and it’s only really known just how amazing it is when one decides it’s what they want....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 624 words · Timothy Swisher

3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Leave Their Relationship During Mars Sextile Saturn December 30 2021 January 8 2022

This is the transit that rules departures and prompts endings. This is where we leave our marriages, our partnerships, our families. Sounds sad and drastic, but isn’t that how life is sometimes? Desperate times require desperate measures. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Relationships During Jupiter In Pisces, December 28, 2021 - May 10, 2022 There is nothing sad or drastic here, however. What we’re looking at is an absolute necessity in the making....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 689 words · Marilyn Thacker

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 3 2022

The Moon will transition into Aquarius shortly before midnight giving us the cusp energy of these two signs. It’s a day for feeling determined to sow something new (Cappy) and to go about it any way that we have to (Aqua). This post Cap stellium energy will have many of us truly looking ahead with a different exuberance than we have had previous New Years’, it’s truly as if the universe has conspired to give us the fresh start that we’ve been longing for....

January 13, 2023 · 6 min · 1208 words · Michael Hopping

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On February 10 2022

These themes are ones that we are all feeling in our own lives. Even if it was quiet yesterday, there was still that impending feeling that something was on the way, which may have made it harder to relax. But today’s energy with the start of the third and final Mercury-Pluto Conjunction and two different lunar aspects brings our attention to what needs to change and what we may also be trying to avoid....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 574 words · Alan Gross

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On February 13 2022

Pisces, Aquarius, and Cancer zodiac signs, you will feel the energy of the Cancer Moon and get more excited about what comes next for you. January was slow, but now that we are in the middle of February, the pace is rapidly changing for the new year. So, leave room for the unexpected. February 13, 2022, brings more happiness in big but also small ways. Mercury is speaking to Pluto but conversations and connections are less rocky for you, which means more closeness and intimacy due to less miscommunication....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 862 words · Kenneth Brownie

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On March 6 2022

It is Pisces Season. And, it has been hard to feel things are different for you due to the planet Mars and Venus in Capricorn. This was not a fun time, but you worked on essential things for yourself. As a result, you now see the truth of any connections you have been wearing rose-colored glasses for. Today Venus and Mars, the celestial lovers, go over plans, foundations, and worth....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 938 words · Elizabeth Nitcher

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On November 26 2021

If we play our cards right, so to speak, we may end up having ourselves a truly great day. This goes for all the zodiac signs, though three signs, in particular, are slated for a seriously good day, on November 26, 2021, making this a great day for three zodiac signs. It is Sagittarius season, so we can rely on the fact that whatever comes our way, we can handle it easily and on our own....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 702 words · Julie Martin

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 29 2021

It’s one of those days where we find ourselves looking at some tragedy and saying, “Wow, that could have been me.” RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves The Most During Jupiter In Pisces Starting December 28, 2021 Moon opposition Uranus puts the disaster in our view, while Mars sextile Saturn lets us see how dangerous things can be if we aren’t careful, and Mercury conjunction Venus saves the day by letting us escape the fate we see before us - the one that seems to have skipped over us — fatefully....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 594 words · Katie Sanderson