Why Cheating Is Always A Choice Charles J Orlando

Some have taken the road of silence and others come clean right away. But it’s been fascinating to watch the cheaters confess. Why do people cheat? As a man, I’ve listened to these tearful laments and I can’t help but roll my eyes. These cheating men were just fine traipsing around the town with their mistresses in tow — an unsuspecting wife or girlfriend holding down the proverbial fort, oftentimes dutifully caring for the kids — and now they want me to believe they’re sorry?...

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 861 words · Christopher Mcdonell

Why Do I Feel So Defeated By Life S Experiences

You ever feel like you’re tainted from life’s experiences? You try to resist and ward off those evil temptations, but eventually, you cave. You give in. You give up. You give yourself what you’ve been desperately trying to avoid. RELATED: 4 Steps To Take When You Feel Lost & Out Of Control I used to be good. Innocent even. I considered myself a good person. No matter what devastations happened, no matter what obstacles I’ve been faced with, no matter what loss I have endured, or the heartaches that I somehow managed to nurse back to health, I’m constantly trying to look on the bright side of things....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 538 words · Benjamin Wilson

Why Every Nice Guy You Reject Is Becoming Someone Else S Perfect Boyfriend

Good guys finish last. At least, that’s how the saying goes. You would think this means that all girls love the bad boys and we are swatting away good guys like flies. Meanwhile, all we are thinking is: why does it seem like every guy is such a jerk?! Where are all the good guys? The good ones are always married, taken, and/or gay. We are queens, of course, and this means that the right guy that is about to come along should be begging for a chance with us....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 955 words · Mary Gibbs

Why I Consider My Mom A Frenemy

Our little beach apartment is ragged. We can’t use the dryer without the risk of having it rip our clothes. There are holes in the walls that resemble oversized flies. Every window is drafty. The shower faucet is just another example of the apartment’s desperate need of repair. That morning, I scrolled sleepily through Twitter and Facebook before rousing to begin the day. Then I tried taking my mother’s dog out for his walk....

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1315 words · Steven Webber

Why I Ll Only Date Someone Who S In Therapy

However, I am currently dating someone who also goes to therapy, and it’s the healthiest relationship I have ever had. I have been in therapy for about a year and a half now, and it has helped me greatly. I am more comfortable with myself and my flaws. RELATED: 5 Therapy Techniques Proven To Help Relationships I knew that my personal growth would help my relationships with other people, but I had thought that someone who needed the same help that I did would trigger me or clash with me....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 795 words · Mildred Mccarty

Why I Refuse To Forgive Anyone In My Life

But it’s way harder than it seems. I’ve never been able to forgive anyone in my life. Sure, the sting of anger and hurt of one’s transgressions and wrong-doings toward me eventually erodes with time, understanding and compassion. But forgiveness? I don’t think so. RELATED: 90 Forgiveness Quotes To Help You Let Go & Move On My refusal to forgive sounds really harsh, I know. Right now you’re probably thinking you’re a much better person than I am....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 686 words · Chad Beard

Why I Refused To Be My Parent S Caregiver

My mother, BB, turns 97 in March and finally realizes the family she’s alienated from isn’t going to jump in and be her unpaid and unappreciated staff. If BB is going to continue living in her house with her pets, she’ll need some professional help. Caregivers are incredible I hear stories from my friends who take care of their elderly parents or read personal accounts of caregiving from other writers like Mary McGrath, and I have huge respect and empathy for what they do every day....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 820 words · Joseph Luper

Why I Ve Never Shared A Bed With My Boyfriend Of 10 Years

My niece has thought of everything, from making sure we have our own towels and toiletries in her well-appointed guest bathroom to the kind of yogurt we like for breakfast. RELATED: The #1 Rule We Keep In The Bedroom For A Good Marriage Photo: Author But things get awkward when she shows us where we’ll be staying and we see that the room only has one bed. This wouldn’t be an issue for most couples, but it is for me and Andy....

January 13, 2023 · 6 min · 1208 words · Mark Hernandez

Why Keeping His Old Texts Is Nothing But A Waste Of Time

When I was ten years old, the boy next door broke my heart into a thousand pieces, and in that moment, I swore love just wasn’t for me. I listened to sad songs on the radio and cried to my mother as she pretended to care. I did everything that an emotionally driven, and a tad dramatic girl could do after such rejection, but the worst mistake that I had made was creating mental keepsakes of yesterday’s problems....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 808 words · Nicole Jones

Why Kids With Married Parents Have Higher Self Esteem

Therefore, when research from the British think-tank, the Marriage Foundation, said that teenagers with married parents have higher self-esteem on average than their counterparts from other types of family, it’s pretty obvious that the findings have been somewhat skewed to meet the agenda of this organization. RELATED: The Marriage Secret Nobody Likes To Admit — Revealed In fact, they say on their website, “We champion long-lasting, stable relationships within marriage....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 460 words · Sharon Taylor

Why Our Marriage Is Stronger Than It S Ever Been Even After Six Kids And Full Time Careers

As one might imagine, they are very busy people. Megan works as a stay-at-home mom and home-schools her children, and Alex is a U.S. Air Force veteran and a personal trainer. Their hours are crammed with kids, work, and chores, but they remarkably still find time to prioritize their relationship and sex life through small rituals and weekly date nights. Here, Alex and Megan talk about their pregnancies, how kids affected their relationship, how they keep their marriage healthy, and why they live and die for management apps....

January 13, 2023 · 8 min · 1585 words · Lauren Banton

Why Red Flags Don T Look Like Red Flags When They Feel Like Home Ann Papayoti

“Why didn’t I see it? I feel so stupid.” “My romantic relationships never last. I do everything to make them happy, and they leave me anyway.” “I want love like everyone else, but why is it so difficult and painful for me?” Then I read a phrase that felt resonant, one sometimes shared as a quote. It is simple, but quite poingnant: “Red flags don’t look like red flags when they feel like home....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 1007 words · Charles Drake

Why The Friend Zone Is Offensive And Doesn T Exist

People who don’t like this dating term believe “the friend zone is” a misogynistic concept, largely used by men to describe a failed romantic pursuit towards someone they are friends with. What is the friend zone? The “friend zone” is a relationship concept asserting that once two people who could potentially have a romantic connection spend too much times as “just friends,” at least one of the two, usually the woman, will no longer be able to see romance with the other as an option....

January 13, 2023 · 7 min · 1437 words · Lucille Yong

Why There Is No Such Thing As An Easy Life

The greatest reward lies in the things that challenge your comfort zone. We’ve all been in the same boat at some point in our lives — frightened, lost, anxious, insecure, and consumed by darkness. Oftentimes, the bleak clouds that loom over our lives hail from unfulfilled aspirations and plans that we’ve been holding back for years. We’d rather choose to spend our time staying ashore instead of taking the plunge into the unknown simply because it’s safe, comfortable, and familiar — therein lies the problem....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 665 words · Albert Marlett

Why This One Repressed Emotion Is Ruining Your Relationship Author Coach Christy Whitman

Your thoughts can influence your mood and emotional health. And by focusing on energy healing to shift your thinking into positive thoughts, you can also improve your emotional intelligence and make yourself happier in the process. We’ve all felt it. That sinking, empty feeling that crashes over you after a breakdown in an intimate relationship. RELATED: Woman Uses Serial Code On Tampon Found In Boyfriend’s Bedroom To Investigate Whether He Cheated Suddenly, you can’t focus....

January 13, 2023 · 8 min · 1559 words · Lucia Nye

Why Waking Up To Love Songs Can Make Or Break Your Day Bill Protzmann

Their playlists these days include anything emo, retro Nirvana, EDM (or ADM, in the case of Owl City), and quite a lot of explicit hip-hop and rap. This is a big shift from their musical tastes a few years ago when their go-to tunes were love songs from Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Adele. So, do I censor what they listen to? RELATED: Try This Simple Trick To Get Instant Clarity From Your Spirit Guides In many ways, their musical tastes mimic the normal progression we all make as we leave our childhood/tween years behind, rebel against whatever our family’s version of “normal” is, and declare our new individuality with music that reflects the anticipation of adulthood....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 600 words · Tracy Cartier

Why We Didn T Default On Our Student Loans

A few years ago, I read a New York Times Op-Ed piece entitled “Why I Defaulted on my Student Loans.” The author of the essay shares his personal story of borrowing money to finance his college education 40 years ago. In many ways, it’s a story our family knows too well. After all, over $80K of our $127K debt was in the form of student loans. Like the author, Lee Seigel, my husband and I both worked at a mall when we were in college....

January 13, 2023 · 5 min · 1030 words · Chang Ramirez

Why Your Tone Of Voice Matters More Than You Think It Does In Relationships

I sat there, under the weight of what my friend, Danny, just revealed to me. “Really? Sharp?” I replied. I was totally oblivious to how I was coming across and my tone of voice because, for the previous six years of my life, I was rewarded for that type of communication in the athletic arena. But here I was, not playing sports anymore (because you have to be really good when you’re only 5'7"), and I needed to figure out how to talk to people again....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 474 words · Sheila Goldenberg

Woman Accused Of Killing Child S Father In Colorado Springs Says He Threatened Her

Raquel Chamberlain has been charged with first-degree murder for the shooting of Tryvone Brooks, 24, on March 22 at a home near Patty Jewett Golf Course in Colorado Springs. Raquel Chamberlain claims Tryvone Brooks made numerous threats against her before she killed him. The affidavit describes Brooks and Chamberlain’s relationship as abusive and states that the former couple was having frequent arguments over their child. RELATED: Police Found ‘Concerning’ Items Left Behind In Car Of Missing Mom Last Seen With Allegedly ‘Abusive’ Ex Two days before the shooting, Brooks allegedly assaulted Chamberlain, her mother, and a friend while they were collecting her child from his home....

January 13, 2023 · 3 min · 471 words · Olga Wright

Woman Dumps Boyfriend At The Airport After His Mom Humiliated Her

She shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I The A–hole” subreddit where users from across the internet ask for advice on a conflict in their lives. The woman has taken to the subreddit to ask if she’s in the wrong for dumping her boyfriend after being humiliated by his mother. Her boyfriend’s mom has never liked her but her actions before the trip were the last straw. His mom, Becky, paid for her, her husband, her kids and their significant others to all fly to Cabo for spring break — an exciting trip if it wasn’t for how Becky had treated her over the years....

January 13, 2023 · 4 min · 640 words · Veronica Hickey