3 Halloween Safety Tips For Kids With Adhd Sharon Saline

Halloween safety is especially relevant for kids with ADHD who typically need extra support with impulse control, emotional regulation, and pacing. Younger kids may just need more supervision than usual. Older kids will benefit from a Halloween safety game plan to which you both agree ahead of time. RELATED: 5 Tips To Crush The Holidays As The Parent Of An ADHD Child 3 ADHD-friendly Halloween safety tips Here are a few practical tips to ensure your child has a delightfully spooky and safe Halloween....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 834 words · Ralph Prewitt

3 Psychological Games Men Play To Test Women They Love

Why would a man play psychological games to test a woman he loves? Perhaps men test women because they feel helpless, and they do so to see if his flaws will make you walk away. The first three stanzas of Robert Creeley’s poem states, “Yesterday I wanted to speak of it, that sense above the others to me important because all that I know derives from what it teaches me. Today, what is it that is finally so helpless, different, despairs of its own statement, wants to turn away, endlessly to turn away....

January 12, 2023 · 7 min · 1334 words · John Zwolinski

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love Starting October 17 19 2021

When the Fire signs fall in love, they go big or they go home, and that stands true for making a fool out of themselves for love. When the Moon Conjunct Neptune, you can count on these fiery fools to do all they can for the sake of love and happiness. Three zodiac signs may become fools for love, during the Moon conjunct Neptune starting October 17 - 19, 2021....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 795 words · Britt Newby

3 Zodiac Signs Who End Relationships During The Moon In Leo October 28 2021

What’s interesting is that both of these states can work for us. Every hear of ‘fake it ’til you make it’? Well, that’s the Moon in Leo, doing its job on our psyches. Before the courage becomes real, sometimes we just have to pretend we have it, and all will fall into place, accordingly. And that is what might happen to us when we experience this transit’s influence, if we are in a relationship that needs an overhaul; we may just have to fake it ’til we make it, and sometimes that kind of false courage plays out as getting up the nerve to tell someone goodbye and ending a relationship once and for all....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 804 words · Kirk Perry

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get Rich November 15 17 2021

So, how does one play the right numbers, or come into the luck of being a winner? There are two answers. The first is that you must make your own luck by focusing positive energy on a goal, and the second is to work with auspicious cosmic transits, such as Vesta in Scorpio. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Attractive To Everyone During The Moon In Aries, November 14 - 17, 2021 Things change with this transit....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 702 words · Vincent Roupe

3 Zodiac Signs Who Meet Someone New During The Moon Square Jupiter December 30 2021 January 1 2022

This is an extraordinary time, folks, and if you are someone who wishes to add to your personal joy by bringing in a new person. Your moment has just arrived. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love During The Moon In Sagittarius, December 30, 2021 - January 1, 2022 Several signs of the Zodiac will be meeting someone new during Moon square Jupiter on December 30, and for those signs, this happening will occur with open arms and a feeling of relief....

January 12, 2023 · 3 min · 593 words · Arlene Collins

3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Scorpio Season Starting October 28 2021

We’re no longer on the cusp of Libra - we’re in Dark Country now, and when things get dark, we get mean. In love, our tolerance levels are now at an all-time low, meaning - we can’t stand anything or anyone. Not exactly humanity at its finest. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find The Courage To End A Relationship During The Moon In Leo On October 28, 2021 This is the season for breakups....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 797 words · Cathy Tiner

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On December 2 2021

Under the Sagittarius Sun we are looking for growth and to expand both ourselves and our lives. We want to get to the next chapter, to see what beautiful things await us and to experience all that we can. But we are reminded first that in order to reap the reward we need to put in time to learn the lesson. There is always a lot that comes to fruition or finishes up this time of year, but this time around we are truly being asked to let go of situations and cycles that we’ve been carrying for the past two years....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1119 words · Andre Fink

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On February 22 2022

The 2-2-22 reveals where we must go next on our path and shows us how to align ourselves to our inner truth. No matter what zodiac sign you are, celebrate the ending of this unique energy portal which began on February 2, 2022 — the entire year will be special for you, too. Today’s energy is genuinely one that wants to remind you who you are to truly have the life that is meant for you....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 801 words · Danny Anglin

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 26 2021

It seems that change and growth are still the themes today as we rise under the Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon, this time accompanied by a Venus Neptune square which prompts us to take on some heart centered actions. Ever since planets started turning direct at the beginning of the month it seems that change is on the forefront of most of our minds. Whether it’s changes within an existing relationship that is simply growing or the changes that occur when we either grow together or apart with another, it seems the time has come to no longer remain where we are....

January 12, 2023 · 6 min · 1104 words · Susie Billups

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On November 23 2021

While we probably won’t see too much flack coming from Moon Trine Neptune or Moon Trine Mars, we will definitely feel the burn of Moon Opposition Venus and Moon Opposition Pluto. Let’s focus on those two latter transits, as those are the ones to throw us for a loop on Tuesday. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On November 23, 2021 Moon Opposition Venus can make our romantic endeavors seem riddled with flaws during this transit, we tend to be overly judgmental towards partners, and without being conscious of it, we tend to start little rifts that, if left unchecked, may turn into major familial disputes....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 703 words · Carolyn Ritter

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Horoscope On April 7 2022

And for those of us who like to work ‘outside of the box’ we will come to know some serious disappointment. This is not the day where our great vision takes us to new heights; rather, this is the day where we have presented a limited situation that we can do very little about. On this day, we will want to go the distance, and in return, we’ll be confronted with rules, regulations, and restrictions....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 733 words · Wade Davenport

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Ex Returns During Sun Sextile Uranus On March 2 2022

Some of us may actually want to see our exes again, as we may not have felt complete when the breakup occurred. Others may secretly harbor feelings for this ex, hoping they will return, because life feels better with this person in our lives. But the majority of us break up with the intention of never seeing that person ever again. Of course, it takes two to tango, as they say, and what is implied here is that — when two people break up, it’s not always mutually agreed upon....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 807 words · Steven Celedon

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Start To Grow Starting March 4 2022

Three zodiac signs whose friendships start to grow will take risks and chances during transits like Sun conjunction Jupiter, which is what hovers above us right now. One of the really nice effects of this weekend’s transit March 4 - 6 2022, is that it allows us to deepen our already existing relationships, and platonic friendship tends to benefit dramatically. Perhaps your friend just needed that extra push to get past the original awkward stage, and that’s exactly what you’ll get....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 841 words · Larry Tamondong

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves November 20 2021

We’re talking about our love lives being improved, but not necessarily because we’re having ‘better intimacy’ or we’re ‘communicating better.’ In fact, we’re talking about taking that love a step further — marriage. How we go about this is exactly what’s going to make us happy, as a couple. Not everyone in the world wants a fancy wedding, if they are, indeed, planning on getting married. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Great Wives, Ranked From Best To Worst If you identify with this kind of thinking and just happen to be engaged and planning your marriage, you may be influenced by the Moon Trine Saturn — a surefire kick in the butt that may have you thinking about eloping....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 798 words · Peggy Nemec

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves Starting November 3 2021

Jupiter is the planet of growth. The Moon is the symbol of our feelings. So, you can’t go wrong with a transit like Moon Trine Jupiter, as it’s almost tailor-made for certain people to reap the benefits of. This is an awesome opportunity to sit down with the person you love and hash out what’s needed in your love life - and what needs to go. Moon Trine Jupiter makes everything seems possible, and that means conversation within a safe space....

January 12, 2023 · 4 min · 703 words · Willie Cooper

32 Signs Of Unhealthy Relationships To Be Aware Of

Signs of unhealthy relationships can be so subtle it’s easy to dust them under the rug or excuse them as kind of rough patches all relationships go through, or they may be as clear as day. Regardless of whether these issues seem big or small to anyone else, no one should feel as though they have to settle for anything less than a loving, healthy relationship. Healthy relationships are worth the work, with scientific evidence to back it up....

January 12, 2023 · 10 min · 2046 words · Jaime Contreras

4 Reasons Star Wars Fans Make The Absolute Best Lovers

I thought it was time to share what all of my fellow Star Wars junkies out there have been dying right along with me to shout from rooftops across the galaxies that, yes, what you have heard is indeed the plain, cold truth: we are not nerds, and in fact are great lovers. We may even be the best lovers. If we can care about Star Wars so much, imagine how much we could care about other things....

January 12, 2023 · 3 min · 454 words · Diana Jacobs

4 Words That Instantly Make You Seem More Polite

RELATED: 8 Things To Consider Before Giving Up On Love In 2014, Paul Ford, a writer, and programmer shared a piece about one of his polite person’s tricks on how to be polite, which he swears has never failed him. RELATED: Women Can’t Resist Men Who Do These 4 Things When you’re at a party or event and find yourself in a conversation with someone you don’t know well or even at all, try and see how long you can hold off talking about what they do for a living....

January 12, 2023 · 3 min · 488 words · Larry Riley

40 Best Psychological Thrillers On Netflix

Psychological thrillers are different from horror movies because they are the type of movie that explores the psychology of characters. Oftentimes the main character is a person who is unstable and unhinged. These types of movies dive into the complexities of our own minds and make us really think while also being scared to death for what’s going to happen next. These movies are scary because they have the power to burrow into our subconscious minds....

January 12, 2023 · 12 min · 2529 words · Steven Dodson