3 Heart Chakra Healing Techniques To Bring Out Your Authentic Self Patricia Bonnard

You need to be intentional about it and practice tuning into yourself and, in particular, your heart center. 3 Heart chakra healing techniques to find your authentic self 1. Sensing into your heart center. You can always connect with your heart center to gain insights and receive guidance on who you are at your true center. The process is very simple. But, unfortunately, not often practiced. Pause. Shift your focus inward to sense inside yourself: your embodied self....

January 9, 2023 · 6 min · 1259 words · Jonathan Knapchuck

3 Qualities To Look For In A Relationship If You Want Your Love To Last

Find someone with one or two of these traits, and you will forever feel like something is lacking in your partnership. Find someone with all three of these things, however, and you may find yourself surprisingly attracted to someone who you tell yourself isn’t your “usual type.” 3 Qualities To Look For In A Relationship If You Want Your Love To Last 1. You must be sexually attracted to them....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 846 words · Betty Ford

3 Signs You Re Dangerously Obsessed With Your New Relationship

Many people find themselves in relationships that they may think are loving when, in reality, it may just be an unhealthy infatuation or even obsession. Would you be able to tell the difference between infatuation vs. love? Even when faced with the hard reality, it can be difficult to admit that you might just be more infatuated or obsessed than actually in love. So, here are three huge signs you might want to pay attention to: RELATED: How To Tell The Difference Between Love Vs....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · 616 words · Tina Shipley

3 Spiritual Pillars That Build A Happy Relationship William Bill Meleney

But you’re not happy because your relationship isn’t what you wish it could be. Is your relationship suffering from complaint, criticism, or control? Is there yelling and disrespect in your relationship when things get heated? Is your partner disregardful, inattentive, or persistently interrupting? These are insidious problems that result not only in unhappiness but also in isolation, separation, or estrangement. The role of relational wellness in happiness In 40 years as a counselor and psychotherapist, I’ve met thousands of individuals, couples, and parents who seem to be healthy and happy on the surface, but that one key factor is still missing....

January 9, 2023 · 5 min · 993 words · John Williams

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Selfish Lovers Starting October 20 2021

When Mars is in Opposition to the Moon, then the conflict we feel starts out in our head, where we build both our offense and our defense. While Mars can be a fiery source of problematic behavior, it can also be impersonal - ‘war for war’s sake’. Because we have the Moon - our Moon - involved, it all becomes personal and emotional. This transit will stir up the emotions of those who tend to be impulsive and erratic - many of us will want to grab what is ours and run, while others may even want more than their share....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 788 words · Addie Chen

3 Zodiac Signs Who Finally Find True Love During The Sun Sextile Mars Starting October 10 2021

True love might be something we find in a person - but it might also be something we feel for a place, or an animal, or even a child - true love does not necessarily mean romantic or sexual love - it means TRUE love, the kind that runs deep. Which zodiac signs will find true love during the Sun sextile Mars starting October 10, 2021? Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius are the three luckiest zodiac signs when it comes to the love department beginning this Sunday....

January 9, 2023 · 5 min · 879 words · Carolyn Gregg

3 Zodiac Signs Who Get Back With An Ex Starting November 30 2021

If we have acquired any wisdom over the years, this is the time where our knowledge comes in to help us. Moon Trine Saturn also brings us common sense - which may make us re-evaluate our lives, including decisions made in the past, most especially decisions we made in love, like the kind that had us breaking up with someone we once loved. In other words, this is a very good time to reconsider whether or not that special someone from the past needs to come back into our lives....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 725 words · Bernice Sanford

3 Zodiac Signs Who Long Distance Relationship Falls Apart During Mercury Square Uranus Starting February 27 28 2022

Long-distance relationships. If you’ve ever been in one, then you’re probably shuddering just reading this. Long-distance relationships are very hard to maintain. They require enormous amounts of trust, patience, and belief. In the beginning, they feel like they are all promises and excited. And while many of these relationships can last, after a certain period of time, they tend to fall apart. This is the season where they fall apart....

January 9, 2023 · 5 min · 889 words · Sheila King

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 28 2021

It is a reminder that the best parts of life are meant to be enjoyed-not put off. Scorpio Season means transformation time, but true change isn’t just about work. It’s not just about how many hours we put in or how much we can get done, instead, it often comes down to what we actually make time for. Today the Moon is in Leo prompting us to remember to put a little joy, fun, and love back into our lives....

January 9, 2023 · 5 min · 1063 words · Adrienne Lawson

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week Starting February 7 13 2022

If you are single, the love bug will still be able to hit you, and it will take the form of self-love and self-respect. What could be better? RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Week February 7 - 13, 2022 We’re also looking at the Moon square Mercury transit. Last week, Mercury stationed direct last week, which might give us the ‘gift of gab’ so to speak, meaning that we will feel at ease with our own words, and we won’t fear offending someone, simply because we phrased something the wrong way....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · 617 words · Donnell Aldrich

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Week Starting November 1 2021

A rough week isn’t great news, but there’s always something beneath the surface that we can learn from starting November 1, 2021. As we know what rough feels like, what actually causes the fates to deliver such a week? This is where we look to the stars for answers. This week brings conflicting transits. The more difficult of these transits are here to wreak havoc for certain signs of the zodiac....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 725 words · Rachel Houle

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Heart Heals After A Breakup During The Moon In Gemini April 5 7 2022

The Moon in Gemini brings out our intuitive side, which also suggests that we may come to know ourselves a little better during this astrological transit. What we will find out is that we are unhappy and that the root of that dissatisfaction lies in our memory of someone whom we once loved, who, perhaps, never loved us back. We can honor this memory for as long as it takes, but that only seems to make us more miserable....

January 9, 2023 · 4 min · 768 words · Donald Nelson

4 Books That Bill Gates Read Twice

And I started thinking about all the facets of reading and how to optimize them. Of course, before you even begin reading, you have to choose what you read. There are hundreds of thousands of books on this planet! How do you decide which ones are worth your time? Then, I realized that I need trustworthy recommendations. And that is when I remembered that a few months ago, I learned that Bill Gates himself has a very active Goodreads account....

January 9, 2023 · 7 min · 1383 words · Donald Scally

4 Simple Rules For Thriving Relationships Life Coach Susie Pettit

And yet, despite all the relationship advice on how to communicate, open up, and work through negative emotions, do you find yourself struggling to put these communication skills into practice? It’s not a matter of just being in love with someone — after all, how many of your relationships would you define as “thriving?" How many would you define as soul-sucking? The relationships you have can affect every aspect of your life including health, wealth, confidence, body image, success at work — even things like your view of humanity and the ability to reach your highest potential!...

January 9, 2023 · 7 min · 1354 words · Jazmine Drouin

4 Subtle Signs You Re Going The Wrong Way In Life

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had this as a warning that would go off whenever we are close to doing something that could ruin our lives? For those of you who are not familiar with this 1960s television show reference, here you are. RELATED: 3 Surprising Things You Can Do In Your Spare Time To Live Longer When we thought about taking that job that would work us harder than we ever thought possible?...

January 9, 2023 · 9 min · 1843 words · Suzanne Ambler

4 Ways To Support Your Tween When They Have Their First Crush Sharon Saline

Do you notice them spending more time in front of the mirror, carefully picking out just the right outfit, and doing their hair? Are they suddenly showering more often, texting with intensity, or casually dropping someone’s name in conversation with a slight blush? Brace yourself: It’s your tween’s first crush! RELATED: 6 Ways Parents Can Communicate With Their Teenagers Better (According To Teens) They are awash in a range of new, powerful emotions that, when combined with the hormonal surges related to puberty, might transform them into someone you barely recognize!...

January 9, 2023 · 5 min · 925 words · Michael Manfre

5 Common Relationship Problems That Come From Your Past Life Ronnie Ann Ryan

But what is a relationship pattern? And how do I spot them? The best way to describe it is when you see the same thing happening over and over again with your romantic partner, even though the people change. A pattern is anything that repeats and that is worth looking into. When your relationship patterns repeatedly result in disappointment, hurt feelings and broken hearts, difficult communication, and damaged self-esteem, pay attention....

January 9, 2023 · 8 min · 1646 words · Charles Aichele

5 Divorce Statistics That Predict The Success Of Your Marriage

Everyone knows someone whose family was torn apart by breakups and separations. Divorce, specifically, can tear families apart and lead to long-lasting grief. But there’s so much more to know about the end of marriages. RELATED: 9 Divorce Myths You Need To Ignore (And What To Do Instead) Here are five divorce statistics that will predict the success of your marriage: 1. Fifty percent of divorcees regret ending their marriage....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · 607 words · Timothy Garcia

5 Simple Phrases Savvy Parents Use To Persuade Teens To Open Up Keya Murthy M S C Ht

Now, there’s more to communication than knowing what to say and that is when to say and how to say it. Saying the right words so your child gets you, too. Communication is all about connection. So when you say what you say, your teenager also hears you, feels you, gets you, and wants to know more of what you have to say. Before I get into how you can master this craft, let me share what parenting teens can mean....

January 9, 2023 · 6 min · 1157 words · Curtis Reed

5 Types Of Men Who Are Not Marriage Material Eng Yasmin Abouelhassan

In general, women tend to rely on words, whereas men rely more on actions to show their love. So, when men speak sweetly to women, women believe them, even if they don’t behave accordingly. Many men, on the other hand, see how women behave and interpret the behavior to mean what they want to believe, regardless of what the woman says. RELATED: 11 Ways To Know If You’re Wife Material, According To Men So, if you say you don’t love him but continue being intimate with him, all your words are in vain — he interprets your actions and draws his own conclusions about how you feel....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · 624 words · Daniel Mccormick