No one likes feeling low in confidence and spirit, so when you do, repeating self-love affirmations are a good way to reprogram your mind to boost your self-esteem and mental strength. Positive affirmations are statements you repeat to yourself (usually daily) to counteract unhelpful negative thoughts in order to refocus on more beneficial ones. RELATED: 45 Powerful Love Affirmations From TikTok (& Elsewhere) That Actually Work Many of us have days where we wake up and tell ourselves the day is going to be awful and we are determined to be in a bad mood, which is generally a self-fulfilling prophecy; positive affirmations for self-love work the same way, but instead, you tell yourself productive, positive things. Affirmations have been proven to work and are very helpful in a number of areas such as managing stress, increasing productivity, adjusting bad habits, and yes, boosting your confidence. Think of it like this: we have exercises we do for our physical bodies to strengthen them and keep them healthy; affirmations work the same way for our minds. Over time, affirmations can reprogram the way you think, and eventually, the way you act.

100 self-love affirmations

Here are some daily self-love affirmations to help boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. Photo: Ron Lach via Canva

1. Today, I choose me.

2. I love my body and all she does for me.

3. My inner world creates my outer world.

4. I alone am whole.

5. I have everything I need within myself.

6. I have the power to change my world.

7. I have much to celebrate about myself and my life.

8. I choose to stop apologizing for being me.

9. I let go of negative self-talk.

10. I believe in me.

11. My life is a place of happiness and love.

12. I love the woman that I am.

13. I say no with ease.

14. I am more than a body.

15. I am not my mistakes.

16. I am growing and learning each and every day.

17. I lovingly embrace all my fears.

18. I am deserving of happiness, love, peace, freedom, money, and anything else I desire.

19. I accept myself unconditionally.

20. I respect my accomplishments and celebrate my successes.

21. The only approval I’ll ever need is mine.

22. I radiate love, peace, and happiness.

23. What I give is what I receive.

24. I am loved.

25. I am a work of art, cherished and admired.

26. I am magnificent.

27. I am free to make my own choices and decisions.

28. I accept compliments easily.

29. I accept others as they are and they, in turn, accept me as I am.

30. I choose not to take it personally.

31. I deserve all that is good.

32. I rock people’s socks.

33. I’m a diamond already. It’s time to shine.

34. I radiate confidence, self-respect, and inner harmony.

35. I release any need for misery and suffering.

36. I am fierce.

37. My body, mind, and soul are the picture of perfect health.

38. I am balanced.

39. I honor my inner voice.

40. I am abundant.

41. I am safe. I am supported. I am protected.

42. I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.

43. I choose to be grateful for all that I have.

44. I am powerful beyond my wildest dreams.

45. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.

46. The universe is conspiring to help me succeed.

47. I am delightful.

48. I am not afraid to feel my feelings.

49. My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive, and prosperous thoughts.

50. I consciously release the past and live only in the present.

RELATED: 50 Self-Respect Quotes That Will Remind You To Always Honor Yourself

51. I attract wonderful people into my life.

52. I am a magnet of love.

53. I am exactly where I need to be.

54. I release the need to judge myself and my body.

55. Self-appreciation and self-love come to me with ease.

56. My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony.

57. I trust my body’s natural wisdom.

58. I feel at peace with my appearance.

59. I feel completely comfortable with myself and accept myself with love, respect, and appreciation.

60. I choose to see this differently.

61. I am worthy of love, forgiveness, and healing.

62. I am open to receiving abundance and prosperity.

63. I see my struggles as opportunities to grow and learn.

64. Nothing stands in the way of my self-love. I can choose self-love now.

65. I see my body as my best friend and closest partner in life.

66. I nourish my soul and answer to my true hungers.

67. The more I practice loving myself, the more loveable I become.

68. I have my back.

69. I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough.

70. I am whole just as I am.

71. I give myself unconditional love!

72. I feel great about who I am.

73. My life is amazing!

74. I have unlimited power.

75. I believe in myself and my power.

76. Others love me for who I am.

77. I treat myself with respect and honor.

78. I view myself through kind eyes.

79. I feel comfortable speaking my mind.

80. I love to share my ideas and thoughts.

81. I have unique and special ideas to share with the world.

82. I am grateful for the amazing, wonderful things in my life!

83. I deserve everything I desire.

84. My life is rewarding and filled with joy.

85. My life is full of adventure and incredible experiences.

86. I accept and embrace myself for who I am.

87. I am worthy of infinite compassion.

88. I feel profound empathy and love for others and their own unique paths.

89. I am at peace with all that has happened in my life.

90. My life is filled with joy and abundance.

91. Happiness flows from me.

92. I am willing to keep going, when things get tough, to achieve the success I deserve.

93. My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.

94. I am grounded, peaceful, and centered.

95. I respect my limitations and thank myself for the things I am able to accomplish.

96. I’m committing myself to living a happy life.

97. I am a work in progress, I am not done yet! My life is constantly changing and improving.

98. I love myself just as I am today.

99. I choose to be kind to myself.

100. I am grateful to be the person I am.

RELATED: 45 Positive Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day Off Right Erin Watson is an Editorial Intern. Her main focuses are horoscopes, relationships, and entertainment. 

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