This is about to make you instantly feel better. Drop these worries and start putting your care and intention toward things that actually MATTER.

11 Happiness-Sucking Habits The Smartest Women Have No Time For

1. Feeling guilty because you skipped ONE workout.

It’s okay to take days off and not tell yourself that you’re a failure for it. As they say, it takes more than one workout to make a better body, and it takes more than one cheat day to ruin all your hard work. RELATED: 10 Ways To Make Yourself Happier In 30 Seconds Or Less

2. Crying over bad boyfriends.

Before they get the title of boyfriend, they better earn it. And if he makes you cry or leaves you at home feeling sorry for yourself, he ain’t worth it. You don’t have enough time to spend any of it wasted at home crying.

3. Working a job you hate.

Leave it for someone who might be happy in that job, and demand that your very limited and precious time and energy are spent on something you believe in. Life’s too short to be miserable for 40 hours a week.

4. Insulting yourself.

In the bathroom mirror, when you look at your Instagram photos when you try on clothes… All the millions of chances you get to criticize your body are also millions of chances to respect yourself, compliment yourself, and build up more self-esteem by being your own loudest cheerleader.

5. Uncomfortable underwear.

Yeah, really.

6. Not sharing your dreams with your friends, family, and loved ones.

If you don’t share your dreams and goals with your friends, family, and the people you love, they won’t know how to support or encourage you. And if you don’t share what it is you want to create or do, you have no right to expect it to magically happen for you. Use your words as your greatest tool for recruitment. RELATED: 55 Inspiring Quotes That Remind You To Follow Your Dreams

7. Being too lazy to make changes in your life.

Excuses take a lot of time — you have to create them, repeat them until you believe them, and then use them in all the areas you’d otherwise be getting shit done. Stop it.

8. Comparing yourself to other people.

No amount of wishing you were someone else is ever going to make you anything but what and who you already are. Start focusing on making YOURSELF someone you want to be.

9. Not spending your money on travel and adventure.

There are just too many beaches, bungalows, mountains, creeks, hammocks, rooftops, vineyards, canyons, cliffs, and city skylines to not get out there and see it all. You’ve only got so much time before it’ll be too late to travel — and what are all those savings good for if not taking you to another world?

10. Being critical of others.

It doesn’t make you feel better about yourself, it just makes you look unhappy and unforgiving. No one wants to be around that kind of person.

11. Valuing the opinions of other people over your own.

This article was originally published at Huffington Post. Reprinted with permission from the author. RELATED: 50 Self Love Quotes That Prove You Should Always Prioritize Yourself Rachael Yahne is an award-winning blogger, writer, and cancer survivor. See her lifestyle articles about purpose, passion, well-being, and asking life’s biggest questions on