No matter where we were — blasting music in the car on a way to a party or in a deep discussion at a sleepover about the cute boy in third period — when the clock ticked to that magical time, we put our lives on hold to make a wish on 11:11. I can’t say for sure if making a wish at 11:11 means anything, but in some weird way, it made us feel like we had a little bit of control over a time in our lives that was almost always chaotic. And now that I’m a full-fledged grown-up, I felt like I needed to know the whole story.

What does it mean if you keep seeing 11:11 or 1111?

Angel Number 1111 is considered a sign alerting you to new opportunities or new beginnings, letting you know you are on the right path and your prayers have been heard. Of course, one explanation posted on Urban Dictionary reads somewhat differently: “11:11 — the time of day when everyone spams your Snapchat feed with a black screen and a clock just to let everyone know that they’re crushing on someone when it’s obviously not gonna last.” For those who have an interest in numerology, however, 1111 is far more important than that — it’s an Angel Number. Angel numbers are number sequences that appear in a repeating pattern connected to a specific vibrational energy believed to be sent to us as messages from the angels. If you’ve been seeing a certain number pattern more frequently, your angels, spirit guides, and/or the Universe may be sending you a message, trying to call your attention to something. “You can work with your spirit guides/ angels and customize each number by talking to them and saying what you want each number to mean from here on out,” Psychic/Medium Kristine Carlson explains. “But for those that have not set a custom intention, 1111 is a sign showing you that you are on the right path.” Not only is 1111 an Angel Number, but it is also a derivation of Master Number 11. Many believe that seeing 1111 is a good sign that is all about manifestation, opportunity, and maybe even twin flame love. RELATED: The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Repeating Angel Numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 00

Angel Number 1111 Meanings In Numerology

An energetic portal may be opening, providing greater opportunity for manifestation.

If you are seeing variations of 11 like 111, 1111, or 1111, it may be a wake-up call for you to pay attention, specifically to your own thoughts and feelings, as an energetic opportunity portal is opening for you in the Universe. Your guardian angels are sending you an important message, wanting you to be aware that you have a tremendous capacity to manifest your thoughts right now. To manifest whatever it is you want most, ask for what you need or want to manifest in your life, be open to receiving it, and do your best to think of having it as already true in your present emotional and/or physical reality.

You are connected with the oneness of the world.

Some people believe that seeing randomly seeing 11:11 and similar repeating numbers is a sign of synchronicity, I.e., coincidental events that seem related but are not always explained. Like that time I wanted ice cream and an ice cream truck just happened to drive by. Boom: magic. Seeing 11:11 in this sense means you’re in synchronicity with the rest of the world. You can use this spiritual awakening as a reminder to be present and to recognize that we’re all connected with one another throughout the world.

You may meet your twin flame soon.

Master Number 11, and therefore Angel Number 1111, is often associated with beliefs in twin flames. Similar to, but also very different from, the concept of soulmates, twin flames are said to be two mirror selves that were part of one soul before being split in half and sent scattered throughout the Universe. “Eleven is like two pillars, two individuals standing side by side in the ultimate partnership and it’s this month that many twin flames find their story beginning or experiencing important milestones,” explains spiritual intuitive Kate Rose. “They are each two whole individual souls on their own,” she continues, “but they complement, understand, and connect in a very unique way. They also emit the exact same frequency of vibration, which accounts for a strong feeling of energies when they are physically around one another.” RELATED: Life Path Master Number 11 Meaning, Per Numerology

More Possible Meanings Of 1111

You might be a lightworker or an earth angel.

Seeing 11:11 on a clock isn’t as random as you might think. Some astrologers and numerologists believe that seeing this umber serves as a wakeup call or reminder that you’re a lightworker. The purpose of a lightworker is basically to contain as much light for the planet as possible by raising the frequency levels of love and togetherness on Earth. So if you’re feeling negative when you randomly look at the clock and see 11:11, it could be a nudge from the universe to cool your attitude and be more positive. The number could serve as a message from angels telling you you’re an “angel on earth,” which means you have the same responsibilities as lightworkers. In her book “Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences,” Doreen Virtue explains that every time you see 1111, you are being gifted with an opportunity. “An energetic gateway has opened for you," Virtue says, “rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring that they match your desires.”

There might be a ghost present.

Some people believe that seeing 11:11 is a sign that there is a spirit with you. And some people — like George Mathieu Barnard, author of “The Search for 11:11: A Journey into the Spirit World” — claim to have seen spirits at 11:11. Barnard calls these spirits “midway creatures.’ And get this: there are only 1,111 of them. Midway creatures are supposed to help serve the planet behind the scenes and through human beings. But unfortunately for everyone but Barnard, he’s the only person who has ever actually seen and worked with them, as he says has done for more than four decades. Despite Barnard’s statement of exclusivity, others have indeed shared their own stories of seeing ghosts as the clock struck 11:11. Here’s an excerpt from just one example: “I was wakened by a loud scratching noise. I thought nothing of it and looked out the window to see the tree. It was still, no wind. It sounded like crumpling paper and deep breathing coming from right above me. Frozen in fear, I now had to think fast. I rushed to the door, despite my brother, and flicked on the lights. A black shadow in the shape of a torso and head, the rest blurred, was right over where I was sleeping. Scared, I cursed it and yelled for it to leave. I prayed as hard as I could to God to make it leave.” Thanks, but no thanks, 11:11. I’m good.

Repeating numbers offer an easy pattern for our brains to recognize.

When everyone went crazy over the palindrome of a date on November 11, 2011 (aka 11/11/11 or 11-11-11), Wake Forest University Physicist Eric Carlson explained that our brains are naturally inclined to look for patterns. And because we’re in the digital age and numbers play such a huge part of our lives (think phone numbers, passwords, PIN codes, etc.), we’ve grown more prone to look for them. “These patterns stick in our minds,” Carlson said. “But I don’t think there is any mystical significance to it.” RELATED: The Meaning Of Each Life Path Number & How To Find Yours

Can 1111 be a warning?

11:11 is an angel number so it is never going to warn you about danger. It is never a bad sign. The number often is shown to remind you to “align yourself during the impending changes, even though it may seem bad at times, everything that’s happening is to your benefit.” Regardless of the reason you’re seeing this special number, it certainly can’t hurt to put the opportunity to work for the greater good. That said, for those who believe in the power of the 11:11 wish, there’s apparently more to it than I thought. “If you keep seeing 1111 or 111 rest assured and have peace knowing that you are on the right path and just keep going,” Carlson advises.

How to make a wish when you see 11:11 on the clock:

Per Urban Dictionary, “If you look at a clock at exactly 11:11 [AM or PM], and have not checked the time since before 11:00, then you can make a wish. Once your wish is made, look away from the clock immediately. Your wish will not come true if you see the time change to 11:12. The next time you look at a clock it should read 11:13. If you miss 11:13, your wish will not come true.” I have to admit, that sounds difficult, but it’s just one option. You do you. Anyway, wish me good luck! RELATED: What Angel Number 1212 Means & Why You Keep Seeing 12:12 Emily Blackwood is a freelance writer, editor and journalist who covers small business, pop culture, travel, e-commerce, health and wellness.