You love her to pieces and are a good friend to her, but even if you’ve known her for years, you might not know everything about her. The more you know about your best friend, the more you will love her. It helps you and can make a huge difference in the way you see one another. That’s just the way friendship goes! Even if you’ve been friends since grade school, these conversation starters will give you something to talk about. And I’m willing to bet that these questions to ask your best friend will help you go deeper in your friendship. RELATED: 150+ Inspiring Friendship Quotes To Show Your Best Friends How Much You Love Them Plus, even if you’re just getting to know someone other than your close friends, it will make your heart rest easier knowing you’ve put in effort to form a connection.

145 Good Questions To Ask Your Friends

Fun Questions to Ask Friends

These questions are meant to be lighthearted and may even spark a conversation that will have you laughing. Whether it’s your best friend or a new friend, you’ll both be smiling ear to ear.

1. What was the greatest prank you’ve played on someone?

2. What was your most embarrassing memory?

3. If you could live anyone’s life for a week, who would it be?

4. You just found out that you’re a distant relative to royalty, and you now have a royal title. What 5. title would you want, and what country would you want to represent?

5. Which TV show would you star in?

6. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

7. If you could travel to one of the planets, which planet would you go to?

8. What would you like to be known for?

9. What would you name your next pet?

10. Who is your hero and why?

11. What is one thing you’d like to cross off your bucket list?

12. If there was a zombie apocalypse tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do?

13. What is your most treasured possession?

14. If you had to be reborn again, who or what will you choose to be?

15. If you could have a magical power, what power would you choose?

16. Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?

17. When was the moment in your life you laughed the hardest?

18. What would be your perfect day? Plan it out from waking up to bedtime.

19. What do you do when no one else is around?

20. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

21. You just won $10,000, what would you do with the money?

22. What is the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?

23. If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, who would it be and what would you name them?

24. If you had to describe yourself in only three words, what would you choose?

25. If you could time travel, where would you go?

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Deep Questions to Ask Your Best Friends

For those friends who have been there for you through thick and thin, dig a little deeper and find out what really makes them tick. These questions work best in intimate settings, like a girls night in with your closest friends.

26. What are you most afraid of?

27. What do you think is your biggest accomplishment today?

28. If you could have a “life redo,” what would you do differently knowing what you do now?

29. How do you comfort yourself after a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day?

30. Do you believe in reincarnation? Why or why not?

31. Which friend of yours impresses you the most? You’re not allowed to say me.

32. Which family member do you feel closest to?

33. Do you have any recurring dreams?

34. If past lives exist, what do you think your past life was?

34. What emotion do you feel you experience the most?

36. So far this year, what do you think was your best moment?

37. Were there any careers that you almost pursued, only to change your mind at the last minute or just have it not pan out? What happened? Do you regret it?

38. If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

39. What is your biggest fear?

40. Where do you hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen?

41. If money was no object, what would you buy?

42. When have you felt the most proud?

43. When have you felt the most challenged?

44. What would you change about your life if you could?

45. Do you have any phobias?

46. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

47. Do you want to have kids one day? How many?

48. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

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Random Questions to Ask Friends

Find out what your friends, new and old, think about some of the most random questions you could ever ask. For instance, what kind of animal they would like to be, or whether or not aliens exist!

49. Did you ever experience something paranormal? If so, what did you see?

50. If you could have dinner with any famous historical figure, who would it be and why?

51. If you could be an animal, what would you be?

52. If you could have the perfect day, what would it look like?

53. What is your least favorite food and why?

54. If you could hang out with any celebrity, dead or alive, on a regular basis, who would it be?

55. What do you think life will be like when we’re 85?

56. What superpower would you want to have?

57. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

58. Let’s say you lived in a fantasy world. What mythical being do you think you’d be born as?

59. Which cartoon characters did you love as a kid? Which ones did you hate, and why?

60. If you could pick an age to stop aging at, what age would you want to stay? Why?

61. Do you believe in aliens?

62. What did you dream about last night?

63. What is your favorite thing you own and why?

64. Which celebrity would you want as your other BFF and why?

65. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

66. If you had to eat one expired item in your fridge, what would it be?

67. If you could make one wish right this second, what would it be?

68. Do you believe in ghosts?

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Questions to Ask New Friends

While these questions may seem like you’re just getting to know someone on the surface, they will actually give you clues into who your new friends really are. You might find out that you have more in common than you think.

69. What is your all-time favorite song?

70. What was your favorite memory that you had at school?

71. Who is your favorite reality TV star?

72. Do you have a go-to dinner recipe you swear by when you want something tasty but impressive? What is it?

73. What are the first three laws you’d try to pass if you became president?

74. What is your opinion on couples’ costumes or costume parties? Do you think it’s overkill or adorable?

75. What time period would you live in, if you could live in any time?

76. What is a skill you’ve always wished you had, but never quite managed to get a hang of?

77. Is there a cartoon character you can really relate to? Who is it, and why?

78. Out of all your family members, who do you not vibe with?

79. What is your favorite quote?

80. What did you want to be when you grew up?

81. What food will you absolutely never eat and why?

82. What one cause are you passionate about?

83. If you were an animal, what would you be?

84. Do you believe in soulmates?

85. Do you like roller coasters?

86. If you could only listen to one singer or band for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

87. What is your favorite holiday and why?

88. What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

89. What book has impacted you the most?

90. If you were going to get some ink, what would you choose and why?

91. What would your dream vacation consist of?

92. What is your absolute dream job?

93. What are your top three biggest pet peeves?

94. Who was your very first crush?

95. What foreign language(s) would you want to master and why?

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Awkward Questions to Ask Your Friends

If you’re looking to put your friends in the hot seat, so to speak, these awkward questions will have them scratching their heads, and probably cringing on the inside. But it’s all in fun, right?

96. What would you do if your significant other didn’t want to work anymore, and expected you to support them?

97. When was the last time you cried?

98. What is the most childish thing you still do?

99. What is the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had?

100. What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?

101. What is the most disturbing fantasy or dream you’ve ever had?

102. What is the most awkward experience you’ve had with a crush?

103. What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?

104. What is the cruelest thing you’ve ever done to someone?

105. How many people can someone sleep with before you secretly judge them for their “number”?

106. What is the first thing you’d do if you woke up one day and you were the opposite sex?

107. What is the biggest romantic fail you’ve ever experienced?

108. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done when you were alone?

109. When is the last time you were flat-out rejected and how did you handle it?

110. What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

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Questions to Ask Your Friends About Yourself

While you’ve spent time getting to know your friends, asking them questions about what makes them tick, these questions will reveal a little bit more about you. Find out what your besties truly think about how you met and see how well they really know you.

111. What did you first think when we met? Did you think we’d be friends this long?

112. Is there a smell that reminds you of me?

113. If we met earlier, do you think we’d still want to be friends? Or, do you think we’d be way too different?

114. Do you have any advice for me that you’ve been wanting to tell me, but haven’t gotten around to saying it quite yet?

115. What am I most afraid of?

116. What has been my greatest accomplishment?

117. When did we meet?

118. Who was my biggest crush when we were younger?

119. Why do you think we get along so well?

120. What do you do that makes me laugh the hardest?

121. What drives me crazy?

122. Which two fictional BFFs are most like us?

123. When were you most impressed by me?

124. What are the best and worst dates I’ve ever gone on?

125. What is the first thing I would do if I won the lottery?

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Juicy Questions to Ask Your Friends

Ever wanted to know juicy little tidbits of information, but have always been too nervous to ask? Now is your chance to get your friends to open up about everything under the sun.

126. Who was the worst boyfriend you ever had, in your opinion?

127. Did you ever send someone a gift that they clearly hated? What happened?

128. Did you ever drop acid or have a hallucinogenic trip? What was it like?

129. What is a little-known skill you have?

130. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else, only to do something they regretted because of it?

131. What is the one thing you’d do in bed with someone if you had no inhibitions whatsoever?

132. What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made in bed?

133. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in front of other people?

134. What is the biggest dating disappointment you’ve experienced so far?

135. How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?

136. What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told without getting caught?

137. What is the one aspect of a guy’s personality that is either an immediate turn-on, or turn-off?

138. What would be on the gag reel of your life?

139. What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

140. Do you have any regrets? If so, what are they?

141. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done to attract a crush?

142. What do you like most and least about your own appearance?

143. If you could erase one past experience, what would it be?

144. What is your favorite go-to move for getting attention from the opposite sex?

145. What is the last lie you told?

Questions About the Future to Ask Your Friends

While you’ll always hope that you’ll still be in your friends’ lives five, 10 or 15 years from now, it’s time to pick their brains and see if their future involves you. Hopefully, you’ll see eye to eye on this one!

146. What is the one vacation you’d like to take?

147. Do you see us being friends 10 years from now?

148. What are you most looking forward to about growing older?

149. Would you become immortal if given the chance?

150. When do you think you’ll find your soulmate?

151. What is your biggest career goal?

152. Do you see yourself starting a family?

153. Are you worried about the future, or do you go with the flow and see where life takes you?

154. Do you see yourself being successful?

155. Would you move across the world for your dream job?

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Serious Questions to Ask Your Friends

Because these questions are meant to go deep, this might be a time to put a pause on the laughter and be a little serious. After all, friendship means you handle the ups and downs — together.

156. When did you feel the most angry? Sad? Happy?

157. What makes you feel most alive?

158. What nickname did your friends or family members give you that you absolutely hate?

159. Are you afraid to die?

160. What scares you the most about the past, present and future?

161. When do you feel most vulnerable?

162. What is your relationship like with your parents?

163. What are you most grateful for?

164. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

165. Are you religious or spiritual?

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Questions to Ask Your Friends Over Text

When you and your friends are miles apart, you can still connect via phone. Ask them these questions over text… and maybe add a GIF or two if you really want to keep the conversation going.

166. What song do you play on repeat and never get tired of?

167. What joke do you tell most often?

168. What is the funniest pick-up line you’ve used?

169. Do you have any hidden talents?

170. What is your favorite meme?

171. What is your all-time favorite movie quote?

172. What is the most embarrassing text you’ve accidentally sent?

173. Who is your celebrity crush?

174. If you could be any superhero, which one would you be?

175. What is your favorite selfie?

RELATED: 120 Unique Nicknames For Your Best Friends Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others. Follow her on Twitter for more.