Whether you are starting out on your path towards witchcraft or you’ve been practicing for years, you will come to find that there are many different subsects of witchcraft. The type of witch depends on you. RELATED: What Is Witchcraft & Wicca + How To Become A Good Witch Witches come in many forms, experimenting with different tools and techniques that best fit their style. You might find that you’re none of the typical types of witches or you may find that you are many different ways to be a witch. Regardless, discovering your craft style is in no way trying to label yourself, but a resource to help focus your energy in your practice or to experiment with what kind of magick best represents yourself.

Here are 19 different types of witches and the meaning of each:

1. Solitary witch

A lot of new witches find that they are solitary practitioners, not typically by choice. However, some of us are refined to places with low witch populations and actual community support. A wide majority of magical folk find themselves to be solitary witches, meaning they study and practice independently. This can be a very powerful source of magick and leaves your work to be done by yourself, without the support of others. These witches take their magick into their own hands and leave their fate up to no one aside from themselves.

2. Coven witch

These are the witches who have been able to create a community with a network of witches. Contrary to popular belief, coven witches don’t have to congregate in person! You can join an online coven, find one of the many Facebook groups out there for members to join, find a group of friends to Zoom with, or even make penpals on apps like Slowly to create your own coven. Covens typically have great energy and do group spell work and rituals. This is a great practice to get into if you are extroverted or work best in a team setting.

3. Religious witch

You don’t have to surrender your previous convictions to follow a path of magick. It’s not either-or; you can still hold faith in one true God. Just because typical practice includes polytheistic practice doesn’t mean you have to! Prayers can be considered rituals, you can pray to Jesus or Abraham, and you can give offerings to saints and angels! Don’t let the fear of traditional practices steer you away from being a witch!

4. Secular witch

You also don’t have to have faith in a multitude of gods to be considered a witch! Many witches find that they are still atheist or agnostic despite practicing witchcraft; this is still a valid form of the craft! These people can appoint their highest power to the earth around them and more tangible things, or even themselves.

5. Village witch

This is a traditional role of the witch, to perform acts of service for the members of the community. People flock to this witch to hear stories of the old, ancient energy in the lands and for favors in the guise of spell work. This is a trusted witch, typically the elder of their community, carrying a heavy matriarchal role for those around them. This witch will know remedies and curses and is willing to part ways with this information to the young people of their community in need.

6. Ancestral witch

This is seen in a multitude of cultures from Hoodoo to Heathens, where witches feel most inclined to pay tribute to their ancestors, asking them for offerings instead of just giving faith directly into other spirits or gods. It is important that if you are drawn to your ancestors that you do not appropriate the practices of another; respect is very important in witchcraft no matter the path. Each culture has their own magick and can be accessed through research or even DNA testing. RELATED: 8 Magic Spells That Actually Work​

7. Sea witch

These witches are often found gazing off into the ocean, longing to see a mermaid’s tail on the horizon. Sea witches are drawn to oceanic bodies of water and use natural resources from these seascapes in their magick, such as driftwood, shells, ocean water, or sand. Beach bums make the perfect sea witch, but you don’t have to have your sea legs to qualify, just a love for the ocean and all the creatures that may be dwelling in the deep below.

8. Green witch

Much to its name, the green witch is always found somewhere in the middle of nature, if not somewhere on a trail path, then inside of the local nursery. Green witches are masters at herbology, able to create remedies by wandering their local parks. These witches are notoriously environmentally and socially conscious, making great peace leaders within the community. It is not uncommon for people on this path to have their own garden, even in city apartments with no natural lighting; they can’t help their green thumb!

9. Nocturnal witch

This is a path specifically for night oils and those who burn the midnight oil. If you’re more comfortable when the lights go out and are drawn to the darkness you might be a nocturnal witch. Most of the magick these witches perform is done after midnight, in the wee hours before sunrise. These witches have an air of mystery always around them. Don’t be surprised to see them wandering the city streets or parks while everyone else is sleeping. RELATED: What Is A White Witch?

10. Kitchen witch

If while in self-isolation you learned how to make sourdough bread then you’re likely a kitchen witch. These witches use the ingredients in their kitchen to bake and cook their spellwork. While they may not always consume their work as it isn’t always advisable to, they always are sure to pour their love into what they’re cooking up. These witches use the ingredients they have on hand but likely have a full spice rack.

11. Crystal witch

Often boosting a stone collection to compete with the Natural History Museum, these witches come with the power of the earth through pressurized rocks and stones. Often working with other energy work, such as reiki, people who are drawn to the lovely powers of rose quartz or the buzz they get from holding a chunk of amethyst drives them wild. You can find these witches under the moonlight cleansing their crystal collection and trying to raise their stones’ vibrations.

12. Divination witch

These witches are often in touch with their psychic abilities, which is what will draw them to divination. Divination tools are used to contact spirits, interpret past events, and predict the future. These tools vary from witch to witch but are often seen in tarot cards, scrying tools, runes, pendulums, tea leaves, and candle wax. These witches may use tools such as pendulums and divination boards to contact those who have passed on as well. These witches often become professional psychics or at least bring a deck of cards to parties with them.

13. Mental witch

While someone like a divination or crystal witch will have a multitude of tools at their disposal, a mental witch works with one thing only; their minds. They work solely on the mental plane, using limited resources to help in conjuring their magick. These witches are often manifesting powerhouses, might be more reserved than others, and meditate frequently.

14. Sex witch

Working mostly with the energy they produce during the act of intercourse or masturbation, these witches embody the energy of Mars. They radiate sexuality and are captivating to look at. They can easily win over the hearts of many and are the desire of most. Sex witches, with their partners’ consent, will use the energy as close to orgasm as possible to do their spell work. These witches make magick happen.

15. Cosmic witch

These signs don’t just have their head in the clouds, they have skyrocketed into the stars! These witches can read your birth chart and check their horoscope daily. Often, these witches don’t just work with different planets and stars around us but will have a heavy focus on lunar magick and know what each moon phase brings. RELATED: The Best Love Spell For Attracting The Perfect Partner, Using Witchcraft​

16. Art witch

This is the craft for artists! Art witches can anoint their paints and other mediums with concoctions of herbs and intentions and create masterpieces that double as spellwork. Fiber artists can create knot magic, crocheting, and knitting with intention in every knot they create. Cartoonists can illustrate ways they want a situation to play out as a way to manifest themselves into a better reality. Art witches might also find themselves deep into color magic, using color theory to focus on particular areas of the craft to work with, invoking riches and emotions. These witches have the prettiest grimoires.

17. Music witch

People who seem to move with magick, can pick up any instrument after fiddling with it for a few minutes, or have the voices of a seductress can find their power in their song and dance. Spell work can be performed in tunes and lyrics, manifesting can happen while tapping around to the beat of a song. These witches always get passed the AUX cord on a long road trip, often having the volume turned down low so the rest of the car can hear their crooning. Stevie Nicks is the most popular example of a music witch.

18. Faerie witch

Those who are drawn to mythological creatures such as dragons and unicorns may also feel the pull to the fae. Mischievous folk, people resonate with these spirits of the forest and leave them offerings to do their bidding. Fae witches will often have their noses buried in a boo, studying the folklore of their lands and daydreaming about voyages overseas to explore new wooded areas. They may even have their own faerie garden to try to attract their own spirit to them.

19. Eclectic witch

This is one of the most common types of witches, mostly because it serves as an umbrella term to categorize those who take a little of each practice to incorporate into their own path. While reading this list if several things resonated with you, you might find that you’re actually an eclectic witch, making up a mosaic of all different paths to form your own unique experience. RELATED: 6 Ways To Make Your Dreams Come True By Creating A Witch’s ‘Magic Spell Box’​ Tea Jones is a writer covering spirituality, horoscopes, mental health, and interpersonal relationships.