There are some simple steps one can take to stop habituated patterns that are disrespectful and replace them with more responsible ways of relating. The following steps, although not necessarily easy, will teach you how to show respect in your relationship so that it can grow and thrive: RELATED: 5 (Classy) Ways To Be Assertive, So People Give You The Respect You Deserve

Here are 25 small-but-beautiful ways to show your partner respect:

1. Listen attentively to your partner’s needs, desires, and concerns.

2. Show that you notice your partner’s needs, desires, and concerns by acting on what you discover about your partner.

3. When your partner is direct with requests, respond to what he or she asks for and act on those requests in a timely fashion. 

4. Speak words of acknowledgment, appreciation, and gratitude not only for what your partner does but for who your partner is.

5. When using humor to enliven the relationship, be careful to only playfully tease and not to wound with sharp barbs.

6. Only make comparisons to others for the purpose of calling attention to your partner’s strengths and talents.

7. There are intimate details that only you are privileged to know; never violate confidentiality.

8. Carefully spar with your partner to work out differences during conflicts.

9. When bringing a complaint, be careful not to go over the line to criticism.

10. Replace cutting sarcasm with gentle language.

RELATED: 10 Unusual Behaviors That Will Make People Respect You More

11. Speak directly to your partner rather than sharing your complaints with others.

12. Banish all forms of contempt, including rolling of the eyes.

13. Omit impatient and irritable tones from your communication.

14. When your partner makes unskillful choices, be compassionate and reassuring by saying something like, “We all make mistakes and can learn from them.”

15. Validate your significant other’s offerings with encouraging words, such as, ”You’re full of good ideas.”

16. Make room for your partner’s style.

There are many ways to get things accomplished.

17. Assure your partner that there is room for many opinions.

18. Support your partner’s choices whenever you can.

19. Acknowledge whatever level of financial contribution your partner makes to the family expenses.

20. Acknowledge how much your partner contributes to you and your family on the non-material, emotional level.

RELATED: 6 Assertive Ways To Get The Respect You Deserve

21. When you make an unskillful choice, apologize as soon as possible.

22. Take responsibility for the ways you harm your partner.

Get busy learning from your breakdowns so that you don’t continue to harm your relationship.

23. Be quick to offer forgiveness when your partner makes unskillful choices.

24. Tell your partner that you are proud of her or him.

25. Declare your respect for your partner in front of others.

Be sure to tell your partner that you are overjoyed with the partnership you are co-creating and that you’re pleased to have a partner who’s worthy of your respect. These ideas are just a starter kit; you can certainly come up with some splendid ideas of your own. If you follow these simple guidelines, you have a right to expect that you will soon find yourself in a more enriched partnership. Don’t take our word for it — look to your own experience and see what you discover. And be sure to enjoy the process as much as you can. RELATED: 10 Essential Things All Couples Need To Do To Build A Strong Relationship Linda and Charlie Bloom are the authors of their new book, Happily Ever After… and 39 Other Myths about Love: Breaking Through to the Relationship of Your Dreams. This article was originally published at Psychology Today. Reprinted with permission from the author.