If you know anything about the Law of Attraction, you should know how important maintaining your vibration is to your quality of life.   Law of Attraction 101 tells you that it’s your thoughts, the visions in your head, and the actions you take that attract what you want and create your reality. Period. RELATED: 28 Tips For Living A Happy Life Every Single Glorious Day So, you know you need to be savvy about your vibration. It means being aware of your emotional state and managing it on purpose. Your emotions are a reliable guide as to where you are hanging out on the vibrational scale. And, they are all meant to be experienced, just as they are, whether positive or negative.   When you experience any negative emotions, pat yourself on the back for noticing how you are feeling!   Right away, you will have changed your momentum. You will, then, want to respond by transforming the way in which you are defining the challenges that created those negative emotions. When you are viewing those former challenges as limiting your ability to move forward, you are likely to remain stuck.   Instead, if you are looking for the value you gained from those experiences and how they caused you to grow, you are using your energy in the best way possible to attract and manifest what you now want. There is nearly always an improved perspective that will allow you to shift your momentum in the direction of your desires. And now this is where it gets to be a lot more fun! It’s become clearer that energy is speeding up. In fact, it has already sped up! It’s a different ball game! We are able to manifest things that we want more quickly. The long lag time that we’ve often experienced is no longer necessary. We can think of something we’d like to do and have that opportunity pop up in our inbox immediately. We can think we’d like to get to know some more like-minded people and run into someone who we just click with that day. As more and more people become tuned into their inner games and are making an effort to manage their vibration, the Universe is responding with faster moving and helpful energy. We all know that life will change, at some point. But, how do you manifest happiness and change your current life into the happy life that you want? RELATED: 7 Things You Must Do To Create Your Own Luck & Get What You Want

Here are 3 mind hacks that will get you everything you want in life: 

1. Get ahead of what you want.

You get to have it the way you want. The Universe is already “on it” for you when you put your desires out there by thinking about the improvements you want in your life. Daydreaming, visualizing, and taking steps you would take if you knew your desire was imminent are ways of getting out ahead of it. The practice of expecting the best while also preparing for the best is another example of pre-paving the path to your desires.  Lining up with your desires ahead of time or pre-paving the way to them, means giving up knee-jerk reactions and reacting to your circumstances as a lifestyle — visualize, plan, intend, and act “as if”.

2. Slow down as things speed up.

This tool may seem counterintuitive but it actually helps your manifesting game in this faster-moving reality once you’ve attracted exactly what you want.  When you don’t slow down enough to focus and pay attention to how you are feeling and vibrating, you don’t often get into the vibrational range of your desires. You need to pay attention, stop, notice, and remind yourself often that your focus is the essential element in creating just what you want. This doesn’t mean taking scores to see where you are in terms of manifestation, which generally only shifts your attention to the fact that you don’t yet have what you want.   This form of paying attention is more about being mindful of your thoughts, how you are feeling, and whether your actions are actually in alignment with what you want. You need to hit pause, often. RELATED: 10 Easy Ways To Become A Better Version Of Yourself

3. Let go of the past.

That can sound like a tall order but it doesn’t need to be. When you are motivated to take advantage of this fast-moving energy to create just what you want, it can feel like the very best and most life-changing thing to do.   When you are focused upon what someone else has done, that you are right and they are wrong, you are pointed in the wrong direction. You need to let it go. Regretting what didn’t work, feeling like it’s keeping you from moving forward, doesn’t allow you to make way for the new and improved. You need to remind yourself that much of “what was” is just no longer important. It’s no longer relevant.   Your Inner Being knows what’s important and when you are regretting, feeling guilty, or blaming, you are not in agreement with the way your Inner Being sees the situation. Your Vibrational Vortex, holding all of the things that you desire, knows what is important to you. You simply can’t go forward and backward at the same time.  Clinging to the past, justifying why you are where you are now, is not allowing your Vortex to deliver those things you’ve already created. You need to focus forward and let the past be in your past. It has served its purpose and you are poised now to use this new and helpful speedy energy.   You may be ready for more ease and speedier manifestations. It’s about time, isn’t it?   It’s not that hard to pre-pave your path on purpose, slow down to check in on your mindset, and look forward, not backward, for all of those things that are right there waiting for your cooperation. RELATED: 13 Little Things To Do Every Single Day To Manifest Good Things In Your Life Susan Shearer Young is a life coach who focuses on helping her clients to transform their lives by changing their “Inner Game,” that is, shifting their mindsets.  This article was originally published at howtoallow.net. Reprinted with permission from the author.