We feel like idiots when we do this, yet, we do it all the time. And when we make mistakes like this in love, there’s usually a transit that’s hanging around, supporting our ability to make romantic mistakes, and that transit would be Moon conjunction Neptune. This transit turns us into dreamers. We follow fantasies, but we completely ignore the reality that comes along with them. We fall madly in love with people because we project qualities onto them that they do not possess, and when we wake up to find out who they really are, we are aghast. How did we NOT see this? How could we make such a mistake? Moon conjunction Neptune is how. RELATED: How The New Moon In Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Entire Month Of April 2022 And so, there will be a few of us who will fall down the rabbit hole, only to hit bottom, with a whole bunch of reality staring us in the face. Reality can be a cruel teacher, wouldn’t you agree?

3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall for the Wrong Person During Moon conjunction Neptune Starting March 30, 2022:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) The mistake you’re about to make is due to the fact that you think you are incapable of making a mistake. You believe that when you fall in love — the person you love is flawless and perfect. It’s a narcissistic take on love, one that makes you think if you chose it, it has to be perfection. Alas, you will be eating crow during Moon conjunction Neptune, because this transit is going to let you know, in no uncertain terms, that this super-person that you’ve chosen to fall in love with? They’re a player, and you’ve been played. This is not someone to fall in love with; this is someone you chalk off as an experience. You fell for the wrong person, Virgo, and you’ll regret it. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Forgive Their Enemies During The Moon Sextile Uranus, March 29 - 30, 2022

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) You can’t imagine that you’d choose the wrong person to fall for, and even though your friends have warned you against this person, you can’t see what they’re talking about. You are stuck in your own ways, and the real danger here isn’t about what’s going to happen to your heart — it’s what’s going to happen to your bank account. Yes, that’s right. You might have picked a real winner, Scorpio, as the person you have fallen for seems to be very keen on wiping out your financial institutions. It’s a point of pride for you to not admit to this, but you’ll catch on soon enough as Moon conjunction Neptune takes over. You know something is screwy here — it’s time to admit it. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have the Best Love Life During The Moon In Pisces, March 29 - 31, 2022

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 10) What you thought you got yourself was a soul mate, Pisces, and guess what? You couldn’t be farther from the truth on this one. You fell for this person’s guru-like ways, and you’ve decided that they are some kind of enlightened being when in truth, they’re just a scared little child who pretends to be holier-than-thou. You wanted to be in a romantic relationship with a spiritual person, and because you wanted it so badly, you ended up with a fraud. They somehow convinced you that they’re the real thing, which made you fall even harder for them. Moon conjunction Neptune steps in and saves the day, whether you like it or not. This ‘relationship’ is on its way to the trash heap. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For March 28, 2022 - April 3, 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.