As you have been moving through a dramatic time for change and seizing your life without excuses, you wil be happy to know today brings a new perspective.  This will allow you to come face-to-face with what you are truly feeling and question the sense of balance you feel in your life.   When you are blind or not acknowledging the full scope of your emotions, you do not always understand why you might feel off or like you need to change something, but as the Moon and Sun light up the Virgo and Pisces axis, it is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious.   RELATED: How To Use The Power Of Manifestation To Get What You Want In Life With the Full Moon is in Virgo this morning while the Sun is still swimming through Pisces, your logical thoughts and emotional feelings will align. It’s a chance to clearly see the relationship between how you spend your day and the dreams that you have for your life.  This will be a turning point as you cannot fully understand what area to focus your attention on to change until you know what is not in alignment with your truest desires.   Amplifying this energy is a connection the moon makes to Pluto in Capricorn which lights a spark within us and our desires, creating a sense of urgency and you will want to take immediate action.   Today is the meeting of both truth and change and the results of this will continue to play out over the next few months, in your benefit.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Soulmate Wants Commitment During Moon In Libra On March 18 - 20, 2022

The three zodiac signs who have the best horoscope on Friday, March 18, 2022 (and why): 

1. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22)  Today is a chance to take an honest look at your life and to see what is giving you that feeling that something isn’t quite right. This feeling has been in the back of your mind since the start of the year. You know that something needs to change, but no matter what you may have done in recent weeks, it has not made a difference to quell that nagging inside of you or bring more fulfillment. Virgo, you will be able to see clearly what is not in alignment or what you have been depriving yourself of. No matter how much you want something to be right, it does not mean that it is meant for you. Look for what you are being directed towards to indulge in and to explore. Try not to talk yourself out of anything and instead to try everything. Events from the beginning of September will come together around this time giving you a clearer picture of what is working in your life and what is not. Now you can finally start putting the pieces together so that the life you are living is the one that is meant for you.   RELATED: 13 Ways The Universe Warns You To Stay Away From Someone

2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20)  With the Moon in Virgo, the first half of the day is one that you will see highlight the romantic relationships in your life. As a dreamy Pisces you can tend to always see the glass half full even if it is all an illusion. This lunar energy though allows you to focus on what your needs are within a relationship and encourages you to take a pragmatic approach in speaking up and adjusting to have them fulfilled. Love cannot be all about seductive romance, but also needs to include how someone is physically, emotionally, and mentally showing up to support and encourage you. Pisces, today’s moon may also create the space to reflect on the balance between the dream of the relationship versus the reality of it. It is not all about discord or things to figure out though, as the moon joins up with Pluto you and any current or prospective partner will feel a fervent desire to act on their desires. The energy of this will allow you to feel like there is greater balance in your life and in your relationship. It is all about recognizing no matter how beautiful a relationship can be, what matters is the work that you and another put it to make it a reality.   RELATED: 15 Signs The Two Of You Are Simply Meant To Be

3. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22)  Even though the moon is full in Virgo during the early morning hours, it switches gears and moves into Libra soon after. In many ways this gives you the benefit of a full moon in your sign as well. By going through such a personal time of change since last fall, you have been working on starting over with a new and stronger foundation. Libra, the energy and moon will give you the chance to discover in a new light what is profoundly important to you. This is only the first step though. The next is being able to put the work and time in to take that and make it into the life that you really want to be living. While you tend to have wonderful ideas, something you also learn is that you need the groundeness of plans and details to make it a reality. With the moon flirting on the cusp of both Libra and Virgo today, you will feel the pulse of this balance edging you towards courage and action. Do not be afraid if you realize you still need to shed parts of your life that are no longer working to make space for what will. This is a point to recognize the work you have put in while still recognizing that there is more to do.   RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Life Is About To Get Crazy Kate Rose is a writer, yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.