Today marks the start of Aries Season. It represents the Vernal Equinox, the first spring day in the Northern Hemisphere.   There is a long-standing spiritual significance of the Vernal Equinox because it represents the balance of day and night. Still, it also brings new growth and beginnings. This is a theme of what you have been working towards since this year.  No matter how you thought things were previously coming together or how hard you worked, it did not seem that you made the progress you had been hoping to.  It was not a matter of something you were not doing, but instead of the universe being in the place to help and support this new beginning.  RELATED: The Luckiest Day For The Month Of March 2022 For Each Zodiac Sign Today though the energy is clear, it is a new zodiac season, and it is also the start of Spring, a time when growth is taking the focus.   Coming off the Virgo Full Moon a couple of days ago, you are increasingly aware of what it means to have balance within your life. Especially as it relates to what you have to get done in your life and what you authentically feel called to pursue.   Reflect on what came up during the Full Moon and today. Take it as an opportunity to start letting yourself grow in new ways so that your life is more of what you want rather than what you must do.   Uranus and Venus are still squaring off in the sky, so this means you will be more apt to wipe the slate clean and start over again in your life and in your relationship. It is the prime time to grow beyond what you thought was possible.   RELATED: How The New Moon In Pisces Affects Each Zodiac Sign During The Month Of March 2022

The horoscopes for the three zodiac signs who have a great day on Sunday, March 20, 2022:

1. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19)  There are many remarkable things about the start of your season, but the bittersweet one is that you can no longer put off what you know you must do. You always tend to be an action-orientated person. You do not give yourself extended periods of being miserable or confused without producing a plan or acting. So far, this year has moved a bit too slowly for your liking. While it was not your fault, given all the earth’s energy and retrograde planets, now is a time that will start to gain momentum. All the feelings and thoughts you’ve had will reach an unavoidable peak and prompt big life changes as the year progresses. As intimidating as it can be to actively initiate new growth in your life, it is also exciting. Try to focus on all the good as you move through today so that you can look ahead rather than behind you.   RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies

2. Scorpio  

(October 23 - November 21)  On the first day of Spring, the Moon will also be moving into your sign. This signifies that your emotions lead you to new beginnings and growth in your life. Unlike some other zodiac signs, which must act first and let their feelings catch up, you do it differently. You grow and heal so much internally that you are no longer the same person you were when anyone sees any action in your outdoor life. This is a great representation of the growth that you will experience during a new season highlighted by the April 30 solar eclipse, which activates love and romance. Today should serve as an awareness point about just how much has changed and give you the confidence to now act in your life so that it can better align with how you are feeling about everything, including yourself.   RELATED: How To Get Each Zodiac Sign To Commit In A Relationship

3. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21)  With so much Capricorn present after and even during your birthday season last year, it has been challenging for you to really feel like yourself. You have been concerned with routine, structure, taking care of obligations, but there has not been much time for dreaming or for love. It also would have made it an incredibly challenging period to initiate and follow through on any meaningful changes. As you begin Aries Season, you will feel hopeful in a way that you have not for some time. There will be a greater direction about your energy and determination to follow it. The energy has changed from January until now. Part of it is about you and what has been simmering below the surface while you ran around tending to what everyone else wanted you to do. Often, you need to feel what it is like to completely lose yourself before you find the drive and desire to reclaim it. This is what is nourishing you moving forward because you have or are reaching a point where you can no longer keep going as you have. The options will be to crash or let it all go so you can rise even higher.   RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Have Psychic Powers, Ranked From Most To Least Mystical Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love.