The Moon brings out our feelings in ways that are often unexplainable, and for Aries, Cancer, and Aquarius zodiac signs the following three days hold emotional promise. We all want the best love life, but the only way to have a perfect love life is to allow yourself to become vulnerable and open anything less is just faking it. You have to be open to receiving love from another, and when love is on the line, why bother removing yourself from the picture? Go for it. Let the love flow in. Open your heart so that you can get all the good love that you have coming your way. The Moon in Cancer is right there to help us open our hearts. This transit represents sensitivity and vulnerability. While those very things can sometimes become our enemies, it’s tough to experience the beauty of life without them. So, the Moon in Cancer appeals to our sensitive side, which is precisely what keeps our hearts open for love. RELATED: One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of February 14 - 20, 2022 And so, on February 11, 2022, many of us will feel the full-throttle effects of what it’s like to be open to love. This is a time when it’s best to just go for the experience of it, rather than deny ourselves this pleasure once again. We can use this transit to get the very best out of our love lives if we are wise.

3 zodiac signs who have the best love life during the Moon in Cancer starting February 11, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19)  You’re about to experience a real upturn in your relationship, and that’s because you are finally coming to accept that it’s OK to show vulnerability. Look, nobody on earth could blame you for being standoffish when it comes to love; after all, love comes with pain, but what is life without love? Your partner has been trying to sway you over to the vulnerable side for a long time now, and as of today, during Moon in Cancer, you’ll finally see what they mean. And it’s good! Imagine what could happen if you just give in, totally? You could be having the best love life ever! RELATED: How You Really Show Affection When You’re In Love, According To Your Zodiac Sign


(June 21 - July 22)  You could go one of two ways with the Moon in Cancer. You could close shop for the day and lay in bed, feel raw and vulnerable, OR you could take that hyper-sensitive state and ask your partner to help you out with your feelings. You might not be able to believe this, but the people in your life who love you, mainly your romantic partner, want to help you. They want to be there. All they’ve ever really wanted is for you to step outside of yourself so that you can feel at ease with asking for help. Your love life is about to grow if you dare to let it happen. Take a chance and see what you get. It’s looking very much like surefire success. RELATED: Sensitive Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least Emotional


(January 20 - February 18)  You think you know what you need to improve upon your current relationship, which would be…travel. Your relationship needs newness, a spark, something you know is possible yet has fallen to the wayside of your relating. Moon in Cancer makes you feel like time is fleeting, bringing up feelings of mortality and inevitability. Life is short, and you want to experience love in all of its myriad forms. You want to travel with your sweetheart, you want to take chances with them, experience risk and failure … you want to know success as well … you just want it all. And during Moon in Cancer, you will come to see that it’s up to you to make all that happen. Things are about to get much better for you, Aquarius, and that is because, during Moon in Cancer, you’ll decide you want it that way. RELATED: The Ultimate Power Couple Match For Your Zodiac Sign Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.