Perfection leaves no room for development, and we human beings are always developing on some level. Part of the human experience relies on this one fact of life: we need to make mistakes to learn. Making mistakes is what puts things into perspective for us. By making mistakes, we learn how to discriminate and compare. And it is through the harsher mistakes that we make we can form opinions based on truth. During Moon trine Saturn, we will be exploring one of the paths where we make the most mistakes: romance. This transit makes a space for the act of falling in love with the wrong person. As if this is some sort of rite of passage…and yet, it is. We all seem to do this. RELATED: Horoscope For The Week Of March 14 - 20, 2022 We all seem to make this mistake. But what would life be if we didn’t take chances, even if to find out that we were wrong? It would not be life. It would be a perfect program — and we are not robots. Moon trine Saturn lets us think that we are on the right track with a potential love interest and leads us straight into the mouth of the dragon. It’s instant karma with this transit, as we will find out very soon that the person we’ve fallen head over heels in love with is just another creep that has the power to smash our hearts into a million pieces. Yay, mistakes. What WOULD we do without you?

Here are 3 zodiac signs who make mistakes in love during the Moon trine Saturn On March 20, 2022, and what this means, per astrology.


(May 21 - June 20) Moon trine Saturn is the perfect transit for playing with the heads of those born under the sign of Gemini. Basically, you’ve had it with love. You don’t trust it, and you rarely get involved with it. However, you have a secret: you want to be in love so badly and fear falling for the wrong person. This is why you stay out of the game. This is why you structure your life so that you remove yourself from the situation before it even starts. How clever of you to think you could outsmart the universe! Guess again, Gemini — you can’t. You will find yourself being charmed by someone during this time, and guess what? You’re going to fall for them despite your rigorous training to walk away. And guess what else? They are going to be the wrong person. But you knew that already. Right? RELATED: The Luckiest Day For The Month Of March 2022 For Each Zodiac Sign


(August 23 - September 22) One of the main reasons you will fall for the wrong person during Moon trine Saturn is because you are unsatisfied with your partner and want more. Yes, it’s that simple. You are not getting what you want at home, so you’ve made it your point to flirt your way through life casually and carelessly. It’s only flirting. After all, it’s not like you’re going through with more than that. This is all well and good until you flirt with that one person who steals your heart and gives you the impression that they will save you. They’re not. They are just someone who flirted back with you. They didn’t think about you after, nor did they intend to see you again. You took their flirtatious response to you as an invitation to more. Still, they have no intention of giving anything more to you than the cold shoulder. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Fling Ends During Venus In Aquarius, March 2022


(November 22 - December 21) You fall for the wrong person because you convinced yourself that it was the right person. It’s an ego thing, Sagittarius; you can’t imagine that you’d ever be that off base. If you like someone, you OBVIOUSLY must be liking a person of great quality. After all, it’s YOU who is doing the liking, and you’re always clever and on point, right? Wrong. You are about to fall for a serious monster who will use you for your money, and if you let them have your body, they’ll eat that up, too. In fact, during Moon trine Saturn, you can’t get it right no matter what you say or do. It’s also an embarrassment to you; getting it wrong like this shows that you have no sense of character and might even be self-destructive. Oh, the wacky mistakes we make. Good luck with this one, Sagittarius. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationship Falls Apart During Mars In Aquarius, March 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.