Shortly into any relationship, we come to grasp the idea that love is not all it’s cracked up to be - oh, it’s good, but it’s not the ‘ideal’ we had counted on, especially if we created or bought into that ideal when we were small children. And so, because love is great - but not ideal - we who find ourselves in relationships may also find ourselves in problematic situations that we need to either overcome, or reject. The preference usually goes to ’trying’. And because we have the help of cosmic forces - like Moon in Leo Sextile Mercury, starting October 29, we can overcome our relationship problems. RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For November 2021 Who is going to be successful here, among the Sun signs? Which groups of people will put aside their ego enough to make room for a solution to the marital-partnership woes? One has to be strong and willing to compromise for such a thing to happen. Are you one of these people?

Zodiac Signs Who Overcome Their Relationship Problems During The Moon Sextile Mercury Starting October 29, 2021:

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

There’s nothing in this world that can convince you that you cannot have the perfect love. You stand your ground here and you are unfailing in your dedication; you and your partner will rise above any difficulty, because you believe that obstacles have been thrown into your path for the reason of getting around them. You do not see problems as hindrances; you are susceptible to the wisdom and healing that comes with Moon Sextile Mercury, and you have every intention of letting all help come your way. You do not stand in the way of your partnership’s progress. You will do what is necessary, even if it means compromise. You believe in this relationship and “if a problem comes along, you can whip it.” RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Scorpio Season 

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

It would not be practical for you to abandon ship, when it comes to your relationship, simply because the two of you butt heads a little too frequently for anyone’s comfort. Moon Sextile Mercury has the ability to open your eyes to new possibilities. And if it falls on your shoulders alone, you’ll find a way to mend what has cracked within this relationship. This partnership isn’t broken; it’s merely going through what all people go through when they spend a lot of time together. Maybe we’re not meant to be sitting on each other’s heads night and day, continuously in each other’s faces. A little agreed upon space could be a winning solution, if you can both agree that this is not a bad thing, but a very productive and healing thing. Overcoming problems in a relationship, to you, Capricorn, only means putting in the work - and work is your bag. More power to you. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find The Courage To Leave During The Moon In Leo

Pisces (February 19 - March 10)

You are someone who does not take failure lightly, and you will not let your partner down when it comes to any problems that may come up in your relationship. You will fight with all your might and you will overcome obstacles. You know it’s not a walk in the park and that maintaining and sustaining a love affair takes work and compromise, and that is what you are prepared to do. Moon Sextile Mercury has made it easier for you both to open to the idea that it can work, and that nothing drastic has to take place. Both of you need to take a step back, l inhale, have a good thought, a calm conversation - and then, try again. There is no need to set fire to all the work you’ve done, this isn’t a movie; it’s real life, you love your person, they love you and yes, you have problems. Now, go work on them! RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find It Hard To Show Affection During The Quarter Moon In Leo Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda