These themes are ones that we are all feeling in our own lives.  Even if it was quiet yesterday, there was still that impending feeling that something was on the way, which may have made it harder to relax.  But today’s energy with the start of the third and final Mercury-Pluto Conjunction and two different lunar aspects brings our attention to what needs to change and what we may also be trying to avoid.  RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Turns Cold During Moon Trine Saturn Starting February 10, 2022 These two planets bring intensity to our thoughts and to our conversations. They help us speak our truth and move through any life changes with honesty and authenticity.  Because this one is the final of three until next year, it represents the end of a journey or chapter.  Sometimes it is shifting, making way for bigger and better things in our lives.  Some of the deeper issues in your life bring clarity for you and will help you feel more positive about making those changes.  This is just the start of an exciting new week in astrology. Still, it’s important to remember that a little bit of pressure can also help us transform our lives. 

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On February 10, 2022 


(December 22 - January 19)  Inspiring shifts are taking place, but you’re also being helped and supported by the universe during this process — excavating any essential truths that have needed to come out.  So, today is about increasing value and stability, which you should keep in mind. You may have to make a decision sooner than you thought you would, but ultimately, everything is in the universe’s time, not ours.  RELATED: The Most (And Least) Brutally Honest Zodiac Signs In Astrology — Ranked


(February 19 - March 20)  Today is a great time to socialize and create a feeling of peace and well-being. You received a lot of emotional support so expect more surprising shifts in your life this week. While you may have one rough spot in the day that can force you to have a change of heart. You may be aware of something you didn’t recognize previously, which makes all the difference. You are growing — genuinely — which is so healthy for your life. The day is perfect for you to socialize and to be extroverted. Make plans to see friends that you can also really talk to.  Don’t keep your thoughts to yourself. Instead, talk about them, especially with people who do genuinely love you.  RELATED: How To Tell If Someone Is Lying, Based On Their Zodiac Sign


(January 20 - February 18)  Today raises the stakes in your life, especially your relationships. This is not necessarily bad news, but you will see clearly the changes you want to make in your life so that ultimately you feel more at peace.  You are committed to making this year different from the rest, which means you won’t want to repeat lessons from the past. Instead, you will find the heart and strength to move forward, which is precisely what today will bring for you. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Old Souls? Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.