Pisces, Aquarius, and Cancer zodiac signs, you will feel the energy of the Cancer Moon and get more excited about what comes next for you.  January was slow, but now that we are in the middle of February, the pace is rapidly changing for the new year. So, leave room for the unexpected.

February 13, 2022, brings more happiness in big but also small ways. 

Mercury is speaking to Pluto but conversations and connections are less rocky for you, which means more closeness and intimacy due to less miscommunication. RELATED: How This Month’s Full Moon Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, February 2022 Today you have Jupiter in Pisces interacting with Uranus in Taurus introducing additional themes to relationships and career but don’t forget to make time for socializing, like last-minute get-togethers in the evening hours, or working out. 

3 zodiac signs who will have a great day on February 13, 2022 


(June 21 - July 22)  It feels like there’s a new energy around you today. You’re less afraid of change. Now you’re hopeful and excited. Take a look at your relationships because Capricorn’s energy may make it feel like this is your biggest challenge today.  What appears to be hard to manage will be a blessing instead. Today Jupiter and Uranus are going to have you wanting to rush ahead and get started on whatever it is that needs to be done. Your happiness aligns with the life that you want to create because people-pleasing is taking a backseat to self-confidence. You are learning more about who you are, and today is an excellent step in the right direction. The next few weeks will be important for you so make sure that you take advantage today and even if it’s researching something or starting a hard conversation that takes time to finish. Your future self will thank you.   RELATED: One Card Tarot Reading For The Week Of February 14 - 20, 2022


(February 19 - March 20)  Not even Pisces Season and already you’re seeing a lot of planetary action in your sign. With two different aspects today including Jupiter and Neptune in your sign it’s no surprise that you’re going to be feeling better and more excited about your upcoming birthday season. Jupiter meeting up with Uranus in Taurus today means that you are not interested in looking back. You’re no longer thinking about all the what if’s or even if you made the right choice. It’s going to give you a quiet determination and acceptance to move forward, wherever that takes you. When you are able to feel most like yourself that is when you make the best decisions. This means that with Neptune, your ruling planet, creating a really beautiful aspect with the Moon you’ll be at the top of your game. You may feel inspired to start researching your next big trip or even start that new art endeavor but this time it’s coming from a place of happiness rather than looking to fill a void of sadness. You can overdo the melancholy artist persona a bit too much at times, but underneath all of that is just someone that wants to enjoy life while being themselves. This is exactly what today brings and with the Pluto Mercury meetup in Cap being over the energy should feel lighter for you to be able to do just that.   RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Can Combat Resentment In Their Relationship, According To Astrology


(January 20 - February 18)  Your birthday season is one for the books this year! With planets turning direct and the monumental Venus-Mars connection, it’s clear that the universe is trying to tell you something. The thing is that, unlike other years, this one you’re actually in the space to listen. The themes for today are feelings, change and hope. Three ingredients are necessary for a happy and satisfying life. Your old self might still be around wondering if it’s a good idea or if things will turn out okay, but you’ve come too far to ever go back. Part of today’s shift is realizing you get to allow yourself to move forward and be happy. With so much activity today happening during prime time in your season you’re really being encouraged to look at change differently. Bring in more positivity and less thinking that something won’t work out just because it didn’t work out before. You are being fueled by a lot of courage right now which will let you find success in whatever you take on. The areas of your life most affected by this shift is how you live your life and your relationship. Use this burst of confidence to make decisions knowing you get to define your reality which means that at any time, you get to decide to change your mind which is always the beginning of changing your life.   RELATED: Horoscope For The Week Of February 14 - 20, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.