Every sign is, it is just showing up differently for everyone. But on this journey of change, you are given rest days. Just like you would have with an exercise regime. Today is one of those rest days. It does not mean that things still will not need to be taken on or dealt with, but it is quieter, and we know that we have accomplished something big in the last few days. That does not mean that you need or even should keep that pace up each day. You need to rest. To let the dust settle, get used to this new sense of routine you are working to establish. Do not just take time to do that today, but also make it. This should be one of those important lessons that you are moving through right now; part of doing what you value and what means the most to you is creating time for you to rest. To just be. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For March 2022 There is not a strong influence of socializing for later. However, the celestial lovers are still dancing through the sky, which means that we could be drawn to spend the evening with someone special. Venus herself is still canoodling with Neptune, bringing together love and our dreams and creating a sweet and delicious background for us to develop our relationship even further, or even to start branching out and taking a chance on new love. Whatever direction you feel compelled to follow yesterday’s push, just make sure that you rest along the way, enjoying just how far you have gotten.

3 zodiac signs who will have a great day on February 25, 2022


(November 22 - December 21) If you’re still standing after yesterday, then you know you succeeded. It is as simple as that. The Moon in your sign made numerous connections with different planets. This has given you the runaround and serves quite a dose of the reality check you had been hoping would never come. But it did. The Moon shifts into Capricorn at midday, with peace and quiet being the theme. This should be a welcome relief from yesterday and give you a chance to process everything. Be mindful, though, to take the time and find the courage to find the underlying cause of recent events and feelings instead of just suppressing them. That is how you got into this position in the first place, and the fact that you are here again means that you need to deal with it differently. Use today to relax, to breathe, to be available for those people who matter most to you, and to really reflect on how your life feels to you right now. Either you will keep living in this cycle, or you will make a choice to feel better. There is only one decision that your soul can live with. RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign, March 2022


(February 19 - March 20) For all those people, whoever told you to get your head out of the clouds or be more realistic when it comes to love, today is for them. Venus and Neptune still holding onto one another. It is the best of both worlds you will enjoy. Venus will be bringing all her knowledge and truth about love, while Neptune holds tight to his dreams, creating a scenario to not have to choose. You get to have the kind of love that is a dream come true. One that holds you when you are slipping and gives you goosebumps at night. It is love so good; you must pinch yourself to see if you dream. And the best part is, it is all yours. Today brings either a chance to meet someone who will turn out to be quite crucial to you on your path or the deepening of an existing relationship. Just trust it when it comes because you get to finally see that not letting go of your dreams is what eventually will turn them into reality. RELATED: Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For February 28 - March 5, 2022


(August 23 - September 22) With so much water and air energy around, it is easy to think that none of the astrology will affect you. Still, thanks to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, luckily, it will. Today should bring you one step closer to the life you indeed have been dreaming of. With yesterday being heavy for so many, today should serve as a welcome relief and an opener to feel freer to embrace what you genuinely want from your life. You have been guided to work through and to let go of so much. Releasing things enables you today to have space to think about your future differently than you have before. When you deal with something instead of ignoring it, you create a more energetic space. This space can be used to call in new people, feel more deeply or even allow yourself to really think through ideas that were previously just too big. All year Jupiter will be expanding your relationships, both professional and romantic. Today, Neptune reminds you that a dream is where it all begins, so being available to do just that is important for whatever comes next. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love They Can’t Have During Mercury Square Uranus Starting February 25 - 30, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.