Mercury is the planet that rules communication, and it has been retrograde since the middle of January, overlapping with Venus Retrograde which ended at the end of January. Two retrograde planets have made for challenging times in our relationships and how we communicate —an important aspect of making any connection work. Now, as Mercury returns direct in the late-night hours close to midnight, we are renewed with a sense of direction and purpose, however, timing may still be an issue, and confusion could result. RELATED:How The End Of Mercury Retrograde Affects Your Zodiac Sign Starting February 3, 2022

For three zodiac signs who will have a truly great day on February 3, 2022, these energies teach us valuable lessons.

The Venus-Uranus trine has been a longer-lasting transit meant to shift priorities in our relationships. They help us to make sure they aren’t only more stable, but also truly based on what we value and need in our lives. Mars sextile Jupiter brings in a major confidence boost that will help us take those next steps in our lives whether they are in career or love. We will see heightened feelings of positivity, strength, honesty, and determination to accomplish whatever we set out to. Later in the day, the Pisces Moon will form a sextile to Venus in Capricorn while holding hands with Neptune in Pisces. Both encourage us to be social and loving with others so that we can make the most of the time we have with the people who mean the most to us. While the timing of moments like this confuses us, ultimately, we are asked to go slowly this time around so that we can make sure we’re building something that’s truly going to last.   RELATED:Horoscope For Month Of February 2022, By Zodiac Sign

The 3 zodiac signs who will have a great day today, Thursday, February 3, 2022:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) With the Moon in your zodiac sign today, expect a greater connection to what you truly feel. This energy will make you especially susceptible to the influence of the Moon’s three transits as well leading to some possible confusion. The confusion though for you isn’t so much about acting when the time is right, but wondering why your intuition feels like it’s off. What you have to learn is that there is nothing wrong with your intuition today, it’s just you’re a bit ahead. You can see and feel things that you might think should be happening at this moment when in reality they need a few extra days to pan out. This is part of your natural intuitive gifts though, especially with you being a day or so ahead of the curve. You know that there are changes coming, big life shifts, and great opportunities, just because they aren’t happening doesn’t mean they won’t, it only means that the Universe needs more time. This evening, either plan a night in with people you care about or take the time to have a night with just yourself. Now that we’re within the 2-2-22 energy portal things will start to pick up, don’t lose hope, just keep trusting your inner knowing instead.   RELATED:The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A GREAT Month Of February 2022

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) You continue to be star of the show even though your solar return has passed. This is thanks to Mercury and Venus both retrograding and hanging out in your zodiac sign for a few weeks. Add to that today the Moon is a sextile Venus and you’re going to be really feeling the shift. For some of the day, your thinking may feel a little cloudy even if you wake up with the intention of getting so much accomplished. This is because Mercury slows down before he turns direct, so don’t take it personally or as a sign that you’re not on the right track. If anything, especially after the last month, you are clearer about who you are and what you want than ever before so don’t let anything get in the way of that, even a little bit of mental confusion. The sextile with Venus later in the day should provide some opportunity to reconnect with either a friend or romantic interest as this will have you wanting to mend any recently strained relationships and to feel expressive about your emotions right now. Today is a great day to exercise that patience you’re not always known for because tomorrow will be a day for big steps of action. Today, just simply trust in the timing of everything and let those close to you know how much you care about them. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples

3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)  While you’ve likely been strongly affected by the recent astrology (thanks to so much earth energy being present), today Uranus in your zodiac sign makes a sextile to the Moon in Pisces. This is a positive transit and one that you will feel stronger than most, but there is a bit of a catch if you choose to look at it that way. Today is all about feeling confident and strong in pursuing what you’ve gotten clear signs from the universe you should be moving into. With Venus retrograde ending, this may have to do with relationships, but it could also be a new career path or even a big move somewhere different to live. This will fill you up with motivation and drive to start taking action, but there’s a difference this time than when you’ve previously been at a crossroads. Rather than just taking steps because you want to, you now know that you need to make sure it is at the right time. This means that you also have to embrace patience that everyone may not be on the same page as you or that you may need to wrap up some loose ends before moving forward in your life. These are not no’s from the universe but simply a reminder of how much you’ve grown. Look for what comes up today as there will be clues on what you can do next until it feels like the stars have finally aligned for that next chapter you’re dreaming of.   RELATED:3 Zodiac Signs Who Find A Lost Love When Mercury Retrograde Ends February 3, 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.