The energy of the post Aries Full Moon with the current Taurus energy and the Mars square Pluto transit is giving us a very clear path forward into what it is we want to create. But the thing is, we may have to be patient in order to receive it. Patience isn’t always fun, but it is part of what goes into creating something that lasts forever. So often it seems we hear this in terms of relationships; that it takes time to build something that can last. While that’s true, it also carries over to other aspects of life including our own personal growth as well. What we have to reflect on is what it means to balance patience with action which is what the last day of Libra Season will be making us think about. For many it seems we swing in one of two directions. Either we are content putting off fulfillment under the guise of patience, or we rush into everything because of a lack of it. Regardless of which way we approach, though, it comes out of fear. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY Either we are afraid of receiving or we’re afraid of losing. But in fear we can’t really build a solid foundation and so we have to come back to that space of balance within ourselves. The space where we had time to focus during Libra Season on what it means to be truly happy and know that while we’re in the flow we also don’t rush anything. Today’s energy will help us become clearer on what we’re passionate about while also giving us a clear path forward. Which means while we may not want to rush anything, it doesn’t mean that we’re not going to have to do something that we don’t feel ready for. But that is one of the greatest important lessons, it’s not so much about waiting to be ready but deciding that you no longer want to wait that matters most.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 22, 2021:

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

As we feel the sun shift into your zodiac season, today is a day to pause and really celebrate how far you’ve come. Maybe it’s about all of the changes that you’ve made in your life or it’s just maybe about all the ones that have happened internally that others can’t see, but that you know are there. This is the beginning of an entirely different way of being. Part of your work is accepting this newness and not allowing yourself to slip back into any previous thought patterns or beliefs because they are comfortable-even if they are painful. You have learned exactly what is most important to yourself over the past month, and a big part of that is that you’ve learned you’re important. You matter. You are of value. You are the only you. So, you can have deep thoughts, you can walk the line between darkness and light, but you have reached a new level of understanding and self-love within yourself which means that the balance you seek moving forward is making sure that others that surround you know this as well. You won’t have to beg to be treated in all the ways you deserve to, sometimes you just need to learn how to do it for yourself first so that you get to set how high that bar is. RELATED: 8 Reasons Scorpio Women Are The Best Women To Love

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The energy recently may have really been challenging for you to move through as it likely was there to help you heal some long-held beliefs about yourself and how you had hoped life would go. The separation from what we think it will be like to what it is actually like. This isn’t just about what it feels like externally for you but also about how you feel about it. Sometimes what we realize is that once we have what we always wanted we realize it wasn’t what we always needed. There is healing in this truth though and for you it likely comes down to the vision you have for your life path and how a romantic relationship figures into it. Allow yourself to grow beyond what you thought you wanted into what it is you truly need during this time. For you there is a big space and opportunity for you here to grow into the person that you truly are and have your life be in alignment with that. But to do so you’re going to have to own the parts of your life that no longer resonate as your truth. This is your balance of passion versus reason. Don’t expect yourself to grow yet stay in space, let yourself go everywhere you never imagined you could, just make sure to enjoy it once you’re there. RELATED: How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Coming off the Aries Full Moon there was a lot of fire energy that is now coursing through your veins making it impossible to remain focused on only one area of growth. As we head into the last few months of the year, more than other signs, you are poised to make a major jump in your life from where you have been to where you will be. At times it seems like you’re ready to do that now, to throw caution to the wind and make that leap but then you are reminded of what it is you’re trying to build. Right now, you are building the foundations of your dreams. Maybe not the dreams you thought you’d have but the ones that your soul wants to make. It just means that you’re going to have to move slower than you have in the past. You’re being more practical, you’re thinking through things more, you’re changing your approach to how you deal with course corrections and changes within yourself and your life. Today is a day to feel strong and confident in yourself, to embrace the growth you’ve already gone through and to be able to stand up for what it is you truly want. If others can’t support you, it doesn’t take away from your dreams but instead only confirms just how important they are to follow. RELATED: 6 Reasons Why A Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Will Breakup With You Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.