It seems that change and growth are still the themes today as we rise under the Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon, this time accompanied by a Venus Neptune square which prompts us to take on some heart centered actions. Ever since planets started turning direct at the beginning of the month it seems that change is on the forefront of most of our minds. Whether it’s changes within an existing relationship that is simply growing or the changes that occur when we either grow together or apart with another, it seems the time has come to no longer remain where we are. Yet even if we want change, even if we know that it’s inevitable, we can still be reluctant to step into it. Not because we don’t want things to get better but because we fear them becoming worse. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY We tend to use our previous experiences for how to gauge anything in the present and future. While natural to do this, we also have to remember that we’ve learned all of the lessons we have so that we can make different choices. If anything, the past only serves to remind us that this time things will be different. Scorpio Season is usually always a time for transformation as well as passing through the darkness or obstacles that are preventing our growth, both for ourselves and within our relationships. But this one will feel like it hits a bit differently. Today under the Cancer Moon, the ruling sign for Luna, we will be feeling very emotionally connected to our feelings. Almost as if between both water signs we’re feeling everything that has come before this moment, and everything that we hope will come from it. In fact, with the Neptune Venus square that is occurring today, the water sign of Pisces is actually being hit too. While Neptune still moves through Pisces and Venus is in Sagittarius the two will meet prompting us to see all the reasons why it will work out, and through that deep connection to our emotional self today, we will feel inspired to take action on the path of change we see before us. The thing to remember is sometimes it is best to let your heart lead the way.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On October 26, 2021:

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

There’s been a lot of questions lately about a particular relationship, not necessarily bad, but more about what comes next. While you’ve been excelling through the current astrology, at least in terms of clarity and wanting to make plans, your partner likely hasn’t. This has potentially created a space where you have felt a growing sense of insecurity about what will grow with your current partner. As much as you’ve had faith over your life path individually and together, it’s been hard to make sense of everything. Gradually you’ve seen that begin to shift, but the bigger moments are still ahead. Today will offer a much-needed boost to what comes next. Not just in terms of your relationship, but for your own life path too. Try to remain trusting of the situation and positive about the direction things are headed to help keep the focus on hopes versus fears. Approach any conversations with an openness and a space of creating acceptance without taking anything personally. But most of all, practice receiving because often even if it takes a while to get there, the destination is often better than we dreamed it would be. RELATED: Ask your most urgent questions - get clarity from vetted professional psychics. Try now: $10 free + 5% cash back

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

There’s been a strong focus on your relationships lately. While this includes romance, it’s also about friends, family and even coworkers. One challenge for you has been to create healthy boundaries so that you can actually feel more able to be yourself and live life the way that you want to. Not everyone will appreciate boundaries, but they are helpful in creating healthier relationships. If people drop away during this time, it is only because they were not in the space to do that, appreciate and respect the relationships the universe takes away from you during this time. On the other hand, these last couple months of the year are set to be big ones for you in terms of personal growth and change. You can’t delay it any longer. Try to look at what you intuitively feel will be changing, prioritize what needs to come first and start working your way through the conversations that will serve as the catalyst. Remember that you are only responsible for your part, while everyone else gets to carry theirs. RELATED: Our tested professional psychics are here for you - get clarity today! First time? Get $10 free + 5% cash back

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

It’s almost felt lately that there have been some emotional blocks to feeling the full depth of everything that you’ve been experiencing. Part of that has been the astrology of the past month, but the other is you being in the place to be ready to feel. Fortunately for you, today offers a time when you will be able to express your feelings without the fear of what they may mean or what they may do to you. There is a greater strength in being able to feel everything today, which also means it will serve as a great day to process recent events and even contemplate what course of action you want to take moving forward. Today a sense of emotional safety will permeate your heart, allowing you to truly go into all of the feelings that you’ve been having so that you can sort through them and see which are just those to experience, versus those that are prompting you to take a different direction in your life. Try to allow yourself to open up to those you trust in your life, remembering that people can’t show up for us if we don’t allow them to. RELATED: Unsure of your relationship? Get an accurate love and romance reading now: $10 free + 5% cash back Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.