While no one wants to feel like we’re stuck in a pattern or repeating the same conversations day after day but that doesn’t mean simply wishing away a cycle will rid us of it. Although we had four planets turn direct earlier in the month, we are still in the post-shadow phase for many of them which means the planets are still returning to their regular orbit. During this post-shadow phase, we can experience many similar retrograde moments but with a new perspective since the planets are once again direct. Today offers a chance to review something that had come up back in September, something that maybe we had hoped would just go away or even solve itself. But under the double water energy and the transformational influence of Scorpio we will be able to finally not only see things from a new perspective but also finally be able deal with what we had put off. Also occurring today is a Neptune Venus square which combining the energies of Pisces and Sagittarius will help us get to the place of inspired action. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY This means that we couldn’t have possibly dealt with what comes up back then because we didn’t have all the knowledge that we do now. Sometimes we have to learn that while we can’t avoid dealing with things, we also can’t rush it either.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On October 27, 2021:

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Unfortunately, this tends to be a challenging time of year for you as there tends to be more focus on your home and family environment and whether or not it meets your needs or even dreams. This season is no exception, but you are being asked to see it from a different lens. At times you have tried to just move beyond what’s uncomfortable in your lives, but it doesn’t always prove to work. When you’re dealing with those relationships that are most important to you, often you carry the weight of what didn’t work on yourself. While this is challenging for your own journey, even worse is that you fail to accept the truth and instead keep working on the same situation to hopefully get a different result. This is what will be coming up for you around this time. Try to reflect on what relationships you feel like you’re constantly failing in or those that don’t seem to come together no matter what you do. During this time, you will be invited to have deeper conversations that will lead to some clarity, but also space. This means that moving on will take a completely different shape once you’re finally free to do that. RELATED: What A Capricorn’s Love Style Looks Like, By Zodiac Sign

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Ideas are one thing, but feelings are another. Sometimes it can be challenging to know what to do with those that are uncomfortable or that we can’t make sense of no matter how hard we try. Today there may be some lower energy around which has you trying to revisit a past traumatic event. This may be from childhood, or it may be a relationship of any kind which had a sudden or unexpected ending. As such a cerebral sign, even though you yourself tend to be unpredictable to others, you often struggle with those things that happen unexpectedly to you. Especially those that cause heartache as sometimes you view these emotions as something that weighs you down or only gets in the way. Try to make time to feel the full spectrum of what comes up, especially as it relates to this kind of situation. This may mean taking a break from life for today, or even the next few, but it also may mean getting help from others that you haven’t yet sought. If your feelings feel too big, or the hurt too much don’t be afraid to reach out to talk with a counselor, there is no harm in talking things through so that you can finally heal, no matter how long it’s been. You can tell other people you’re fine and over it, but unless you actually are it doesn’t really matter. RELATED: How To Keep A Gemini Madly In Love, According To Astrology

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Whenever we grow, we should always expect that there will be a test to follow. This isn’t to mess with us or to throw us off our path but to see if we’ve really learned all that we were meant to. It’s important to keep this in mind around this time as it’s likely that the universe will be bringing you a test to see if you really have changed how to view yourself and your relationships. This also applies to how you have chosen to show up for others as well. Be aware of what comes up for you that tests the growth that you’ve done to establish your own opinions and to look for the authenticity within others that matches what you’re trying to achieve within yourself. Sometimes when we’re tested, we don’t even know because it’s already come like second nature, but at others we falter. We can’t become challenged, or tempted, we can think about reverting to our old ways. The trick is to remember why we’ve come as far as we have so that we don’t ever think that going back is the way to get ahead. RELATED: 10 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo Man Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.