Having a crush on someone is like creating a campfire. You add this and that, stoke the flame a bit, poke at the logs, and before you know it, you’ve got a roaring blaze of glory. And it’s very hard to contain a roaring blaze of glory; it attracts attention, and it’s very hard to pretend it doesn’t exist. After all, it’s a fire, and like love, fires tend to grab everyone’s attention. And so it goes with the revelation of a crush. If you have a crush on someone, it’s going to blaze out of control and become known to the one you crush on. The same goes for someone’s crush on you; sooner or later, the cat is getting out of the bag, and thanks to Sun sextile Saturn, on April 12, 2022, it looks like the time for secrets are about to be revealed. Today’s Sun sextile Saturn works in the way that it sounds: a bright light working in tandem with a secret…sounds like a revelation to me. RELATED: How The ‘Once In A Lifetime’ Jupiter Neptune Conjunction On April 12, 2022 Brings Luck To Each Zodiac Sign So, it’s time to face the facts: we can’t keep this thing a secret for much longer, and why would we want to? After all, it’s a crush, and crushes have someplace to go! They need to evolve into the next phase, which could be a date, a relationship, or a marriage of sorts. Crushes are cute when they go nowhere, especially if we crush on a movie star, but that’s not what we really want, right? We want our crushes to turn into something substantial, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen for those who have crushes on people during Sun sextile Saturn.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Crush Gets Revealed During Sun Sextile Saturn on April 12, 2022

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You are at the point where you no longer wish to keep your crush’s identity to yourself; you are now eager to share your feelings with both that person and the friends in your life who are there to share these things with. Your enthusiasm is over the top now, thanks to the bright vibe that comes along with the Sun sextile Saturn and its effect on the Aries personality. You’re ready to take the next step, and you’ve thought it out; it’s what you want. This person is who you want, and now it’s time to let them know. Will they respond well to your advances, or have they known all along that you were crushing big time on them? Knowing you, Aries, you probably let them know in gigantic displays of affection, and they are ready for it. Just go for it. Conquer those worlds of love, as only you can. Reveal! RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With A Rough Horoscope The Week Of April 11 - 17, 2022

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Oh, you most certainly have a crush on someone, and it’s never been your style to withhold when it comes to love. And so, you will feel that the time is right to reveal your crush’s name and to use that revelation as the jumpstart for more. The Sun sextile Saturn lets you see that there is no more time to waste; you’ve analyzed the situation and it’s an all-clear; they seem to want you, too, and that means go-go-go, to you. It’s nice to think that you can have a crush on someone who is about to admit that they feel the exact same way. Sounds like a new relationship is in its early phases, how very exciting for you, Leo. In your world, there’s just so much time for keeping things secret; you’re now at the place where these emotions need an outlet. It’s time to bring home the gold! RELATED: How The Quarter Moon In Cancer Affects Each Zodiac Sign The Entire Month Of April 2022

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) Sun sextile Saturn lets you know that you can only keep up the status of ‘crush’ for just so long before it becomes a hopeless fantasy and worthy of nothing else. And so, because you desperately do NOT want this crush of yours to fall by the wayside, you pounce! Hello, crush — your Scorpio lover is here. Try not to come off too pushy, though, as it’s possible you take this courageous move too far. The Sun sextile Saturn gives you strength and aggressive bravery, but you could end up turning your person-of-desire off if you push too hard. It’s great that you have a crush and that you’ve decided to take it to the next step, but play it cooly, Scorpio. It’s now time to wait for their reaction, which will probably be very good. Use discretion before making your next move. You’ll be glad you did. RELATED: April 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions For All Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.