In the case of Mercury square Mars, we will be presented with a similar kind of idea especially when it comes to the future of the relationship we’re presently in. There’s a need in human beings to crave security within a relationship. These are the days when, if we are casually seeing someone, we may want to ‘put a ring on it’ so to speak. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have a Rough Week, January 17 - 23, 2022 And while that doesn’t necessarily mean marriage, it does mean that for certain signs of the zodiac, those casual romantic flings may very well become exclusive relationships. That’s what you get with Mercury square Mars: communication with purpose and direction. This also means that we’ll be speaking up. If we are having a fling with someone, and we want that fling to become an exclusive romance, then we need to use our communication skills to state in clear terms, exactly what we want out of this coupling.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Fling Becomes Exclusive During Mercury Square Mars Starting January 17, 2022:


(May 21 - June 20) You’ve enjoyed playing the part of the lover who doesn’t really want a commitment, but seriously, Gemini that’s so NOT you, and as cool as you’d like to come across as, you’re really into the whole committed thing. You want an exclusive relationship now, and that’s great because your fling-partner wants it even more than you, and they will be presenting this idea to you during Mercury square Mars, around the 17th of January. Get ready to take it to the next step, and be fearless. You have nothing to lose but your ‘single’ status. Time to make this thing real. Try it. You’ll like it! RELATED: Male Zodiac Signs That’ll Always Remain Alone And Single, No Matter What You Do


(October 23 - November 21) There’s a method to your madness, Scorpio, and during Mercury square Mars, you’ll be taking your relationship to the next level: exclusivity. Now, here’s how your method works for you: you don’t want your fling-mate to be with anyone else. Sure, you might not be dying to get into a monogamous relationship, but in order to secure your soon-to-be partner’s loyalty, you are willing to commit your own body to them. Exclusivity has a price, and you are finally at ease with paying that price. You have fallen in love, and you want it all, to yourself, and if it means making it exclusive, then bring it on, baby! RELATED: How Monogamous Or Polyamorous Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(November 22 - December 21) Well, it’s been fun. Now, it’s time to take this fling thing seriously and make it an exclusive relationship. It’s time to grow up. Life moves fast and so do you. You feel that if your heart is already this much on the line, then you might as well go for the whole kit and caboodle. And so you do. Mercury square Mars makes the idea of exclusivity very attractive to both you and the person you can now call your partner. If you can both agree on this, you have a very good chance of making something wonderful together. Be brave and carry that torch, Sagittarius. Love is beautiful and so are you. RELATED: The Most Unique Zodiac Signs —​ And Why Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda