Now that Saturn is no longer retrograde, we can jump for joy and live in the light that is Saturn Direct - all happening on October 10, 2021. Saturn is one of the planets that really makes us crazy - Saturn is associated with partying, overdoing it, excess, mania and mental illness. It is also at the heart of why we suddenly cut people off, or cancel them abruptly. Look for signs of this to happen during this transit.

October 10, 2021 Saturn direct shines a light on to our home lives, as well as a probe into our relationships.

If we are involved with someone who we really aren’t taking that seriously, then there’s a good chance that this Direct energy will remove that situation from our lives, altogether. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY If we are in the middle of a fling - that could be ending, roughly by the time I’ve finished writing this sentence. And….gone.

Zodiac Signs Whose Fling Comes To An End During Saturn Direct Starting October 10, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This transit could go any number of ways for you, Aries, as it’s all about strengthening - or weakening whatever relationship you are in right now. There’s a good chance you’re with someone who isn’t a person you can envision yourself with down the road; they are temporary in your life - a fling. While this person is a good person and worthy of being let down easily, they are still someone who you WILL let down, as this transit starts to ready itself in place. There’s a real sense of clarity coming your way, and it’s going to bring to your attention the idea that the person you’re with - isn’t all that great for you, nor are they even interesting to you - and you, being an Aries, needs a power-packed personality to gel with. You can finally admit it - this is a fling, and one worth ending, which will happen shortly after Saturn Direct gets its footing in your world. RELATED: Are Aries So Sad?

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

What you might not be expecting is that the love of your life is waiting for you - so why the heck are you with that dud of a person, right now? You don’t mind being alone, but you’d always rather be coupled, and this fling that you’re in the middle of having, right now? It’s nothing to you - and what makes it easy to end is that, it’s nothing to them, either. You are both just using each other - that’s fine, as long as you can both admit to it. Once you do, you’ll either take it for what it’s worth - or you’ll both go your own ways. If you do, you’ll open up the doors to opportunity where there’s a good chance your real and true love is waiting for you to finally make an appearance.  RELATED: 5 Ways To Keep The Capricorn You Love Happy — Or Else

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Get ready for a zap because this transit that we’re talking about? Well, Saturn Direct happens while in Aquarius, which will act like a bolt of lightening to your mental state. You will feel awakened by this aspect, and that’s going to trickle down into your love life very fast. Whatever you have going on right now in love and romance - it’s about to end, especially if you have very little attachment to the person you’re involved with. There will be no loss here, as both parties seem to be on the same page: this is a fling. It is fun, but it is not slated for life; it’s a season in your life, not life itself, and you both will accept that. Sun Direct can be irksome as it shows you a little too much about yourself for your total comfort, but then again, that kind of truth delivery can take you from one place to another, and in life, momentum is what it’s all about. You will end a fling, and if you so shall choose - you’ll start another. It’s all up to you, Aquarius. RELATED: What To Expect When An Aquarius Zodiac Sign Dumps You & Breaks Your Heart, According To Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda