For starters, on February 15, 2022, this transit will take place during an eclipse and Full Moon in Leo, and if you’re a Leo, Libra or Pisces this will affect your love life the most. But, just hearing the term, “Moon opposition Saturn” is enough to make one quake with fear. It does have a certain kind of disastrous Sci-Fi sound to it, doesn’t it? Moon opposition Saturn: The Multiverse Movie! There’s a reason Moon opposition Saturn sounds so terrifying and that’s because it is. Saturn is extra scary when it comes to relationships. Saturn makes demands. It strips away what people do not appreciate or value. And, when Saturn is opposite any planet that’s when the weaker person of the partnership falls apart. So, if your love life has been teetering for a while, and you know who is the main person to blame, you can probably assume that during the Moon opposite Saturn transit, those last legs to your relationship will finally crumple and break. RELATED: How This Month’s Full Moon Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, February 2022 Yep, blame Saturn — the planetary influence that makes us feel we can’t push the boundaries. We feel imprisoned by family, by loved ones, and with Moon opposition Saturn, we feel stifled and unable to speak up. Endings will happen during this transit, and there will be a lot of anger, and begrudged feelings going on for Leo, Libra, and Pisces zodiac signs.

3 zodiac signs whose relationship falls apart during the Moon opposite Saturn starting February 15, 2022:


(July 23 - August 22) You are so filled with pride that you can’t recognize what’s happening right before your eyes when it comes to your love relationship. You have been told, and you have been warned by your partner; they have been begging you for what feels like years to just try to set aside your feelings so that you can entertain the possibility of someone else’s feelings. That’s the main problem in your partnership is that you only think of yourself. And you also think that’s enough because you feel like you’re very loving, and while you are, you are also loving ‘on your terms alone’. Your partner has been wanting their voice to be heard, but you’ve been ignoring them. Moon opposition Saturn pushes this scene to the end. Is this what you really want, Leo, or could you possibly consider being fair next time around? RELATED: The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most To Least


(September 23 - October 22) Moon opposition Saturn will have you so confused that you’ll end up making the wrong decision based on the wrong information. You’re still working your relationship as if it’s Day One, and no rules or boundaries were set up; you think your inner plan is the only way to run this relationship, but you forgot that people grow and that they also grow past boundaries. If you’ve been keeping secrets from your lover, you can expect this to grow into a monumental argument that will end up with them taking off. Yes, you love your privacy, but you have also closed the doors on the one person who loves you because of that desire to keep to yourself. The Moon opposition Saturn will have your lover seeing you for who you really are: a closed person who has no intention of sharing their life. RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For February 14 - 20, 2022


(February 19 - March 10) This transit will throw you for a loop simply because it will bring up all your rigid personal rules and regulations, and in the long run, you’ll feel stifled and clamped up. You thought this whole ’love relationship’ thing was for you; after all, you are someone who doesn’t like to be alone, but did you choose wisely when you signed on for this current relationship? No, you did not, in fact, you chose someone who would eventually — as in today — during the Moon opposite Saturn find you to be stuck and not on their level. You will be insulted by this person and they will not want to stick around to argue this one out. They, too, chose wrongly, and this will sadly become the beginning of the end of this relationship. RELATED: Horoscope For The Week Of February 14 - 20, 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda