This means that it’s not what you are saying that counts the most, but how you say it and what your body does when you are either speaking or listening. RELATED: 10 Things That Make Men Catch Major Feelings For You Luckily for men, how to attract women without talking is pretty simple to figure out because body language is pretty easy to learn and easy to master. With just a few short lessons, you’ll be fluent in no time at all.

There are four main “moves” that will allow you to attract a woman by just using your body language:

1. The wink

It’s sexy and playful, with just the right amount of mischief thrown in. It also sends a clear message. You’re not likely to wink at someone unless you are either interested or at least find them attractive… unless you have sand in your eye. A friend I had in college has a mom who often tells the story of seeing actor Michael Landon at a Texas hotel swimming pool when she was in her early twenties. Their eyes made contact and he winked at her. Yeah, it was Michael Landon who, my female friends assure me, would have still been super-hot even when wearing a Little House on the Prairie bonnet. But, still, never underestimate the power of a wink: it’s simple and effective. RELATED: 5 Little Tricks To Make Him Choose You Over Her

2. The smile

When it comes to how to attract women without talking, the smile is the most important factor. A smile is worth more than a thousand words and a thousand cheesy pickup lines. A smile makes you seem non-threatening, warm, and friendly, all things that women find appealing. If you are the one to smile first, it also conveys confidence, another trait that women want in their male counterparts. So, smile at women — teeth, no teeth, it doesn’t matter, just smile. If you have dimples, you should pretty much be smiling all the time.

3. The lean

When it comes to body language, the lean forward speaks volumes. It says “I’m interested in what you are saying.” Just like the lean back says “I’m only half listening to what you say while I look around the room for girls who actually fascinate me.” Obviously, the direction you lean can mean the difference between getting a girl’s real phone number, and getting one that is fake: 555-FOFF. RELATED: How To Make A Man Feel Deeply Attached To You

4. The eye contact

The final piece in the how to attract women without talking quest involves eye contact: maintain it. But, maintain it with their eyes, not their breasts. Pretty much every woman in the world can tell when you are sneaking a peek at her girls, no matter how sly you think you are. The trick with eye contact is to have enough, but not too much. Eye contact during conversation conveys respect, something Aretha and all other ladies demand. But, too much eye contact can also be a little bit creepy… and leave the girl you are wooing all but certain that 1) you are a serial killer looking for victims or 2) she has lettuce in her teeth. The best route is to let your eyes continually move back and forth, between her eyes and other areas of the room. Attracting women without talking is an important skill to master for all guys. From the guy who is merely trying to get laid at the bar to the guy who is looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with. But, body language only gets you so far — at some point, you’ll have to start using actual words as well. RELATED: 5 Shady Signs You’re Dating A Pick-Up Artist Michael Griswold is a writer focusing on love and relationships, and a relationship coach. He has a Ph.D. in relationship and breakup psychology.