A mother and son’s relationship directly affects your and your partner’s marriage, too; the way you handle certain situations as a couple, the way you make decisions, and the way you manage your household. RELATED: New Mom Decided To Move Out With Her Newborn After Her Husband & Mother-In-Law Ganged Up On Her I talked to four female friends last week to get their perspectives about their partners’ relationships with their mothers. It was enlightening to hear what they had to say. There are three married women and one engaged. Their ages range from 22 to 50. I’ve always been a fan of Little Women, so let’s just go ahead and call them Jo, Beth, Meg, and Amy.  Four big truths came out of my chat with these four women. Let’s talk about them.

Here are 4 ways his mom affects your marriage, for better or for worse:

1. You may not know where you fit in

“I expected her to be like my parents, but she was just, well, not,” Jo said. “She made no effort to see us or spend time with us. If we saw her, it was because we went to see her. “My parents were constantly coming to see us and we were going to see them — it was reciprocated. She always used how busy we were as an excuse not to see us.”  Jo’s husband has been getting in contact with his mother more, and they talk, now, more than ever. However, she says the bond is still distanced, especially in her relationship with his mom. They still only see his mother a few times a year, comparatively less than they see her parents. Jo continued to say how different her husband is from his mother. She hopes that their relationship will continue to improve, but what’s next for her and his mom? It’s a mystery. If he’s not close at all with his mother, there’s a possibility that he has intimacy issues, which you should watch out for. However, if he at least makes an effort, like in Jo’s case, but the effort isn’t reciprocated on the mother’s part, then you can commend your mate for trying to close that gap. Understanding the difference between him and his mother can give you a better understanding of their relationship — and hopefully maintain something of a relationship with her yourself.  RELATED: Woman Uninvites ‘Picky Eater’ Mother-In-Law From Thanksgiving But Her Husband Says She’s ‘Ruining’ The Day

2. You may have to remind your spouse it’s your input he should want — not his mom’s

“He always needed her input,” Beth said about her first husband. “He would go to her for everything. Big or small decisions. And there was no way he was going to grow as a man being attached to her the way he was.” When a man gets married, he has a new priority: his wife. It’s a new life, with a new woman taking the top spot in that life. It’s OK to ask for advice from your parents from time to time, but when his reaching out invades the communication between partners, that’s when you know it’s not just advice anymore. It’s reliance. And he did not marry his mom.  If he always needs his mother’s input, he may never look to you for decisions, or to himself. That’s a big red flag. If he can’t make his own choices without her guidance, he may never grow into a man on his own accord. He won’t trust himself, so he’ll feel asking his mother for advice is the only way to go. After all, that is what he’s done all his life. And how are you supposed to trust him if he doesn’t trust himself?

3. You are “the other woman,” so to speak

Meg began her relationship with her fiancé when they were in high school. They were each other’s first serious relationship. Meg noticed early on that her fiancé was his mama’s “baby boy.” He is the oldest boy of three. He is close to his mother, but Meg wasn’t going to let his relationship with his mother deter her from their relationship altogether. “Sometimes, I think his mom thinks I’m interfering with their mother-son relationship. But, I fell in love with him, not his mother. I’m not going to let her be the reason for leaving.” I asked Meg if she thinks his mother feels like she is stealing her baby away. She responded, “Yes! At times, it feels like I’m competing with her.” Although feeling that you still have to earn your spot in your husband’s life is frustrating and difficult, it’s not about him. It’s about his mom. Amy developed a strategy to get her on board. “I’ve learned that the more time I spend with her, the less of a threat I am to her. I am giving her more opportunities to get to know me, and I like that.”  RELATED: Woman Walks Out Of Her Baby Shower After Comments Her Mother-In-Law Made

4. He expects you to act like her

“He’s a baby at home, but a perfect gentleman out in public, if that makes sense,” Amy said about her husband. “He always needs taking care of, and I assume that’s because of his mother. I really don’t think he’s lazy — OK — well maybe a little, but with the way he was raised, he merely expects me to take care of him. And, I do because I love him.” Sometimes you have to decide what habitual behaviors to accept as they are because he is a product of his upbringing, and which to break him of. Like Amy’s experienced, it’s a “pick-and-choose your battles” type of decision.  If you’re always cleaning up after him, or he still expects his mother (or you) to clean up after him, he’s not 100 percent to blame for that behavior. However, he is still responsible for changing his ways. It’s your choice if you want to baby him, but you should probably sit him down and tell him you will not continue supporting lazy behavior, no matter what his mother has done in the past. Refusing to talk it out will only build tension in the relationship, and things will probably blow up further down the line. I am so thankful that my husband shares a healthy balance of love, respect, and separation with his mother. Their relationship is one that I personally cherish. I have spent time alone with my own mother-in-law, and she has a genuine love for her son; she believes that we need to think more in terms of him and me, and less about what our parents think. I love her for that. She also told me she wants my husband to feel comfortable discussing things with me and to find a conclusion without input from either of his parents.  And I think she’s right. I think, both my husband’s and her attitude toward their relationship is a best-case scenario (lucky me!). My husband and I have discussed our relationship, and where our parents fit in. We feel we should discuss decisions and situations with each other before we ever discuss things with our parents. Great marriages are often created through constant communication and I must say, we’re working on it. Unlike some of the ladies above, his mom is not in the picture in that regard. A healthy balance of love, respect, and separation between a mother and son is what makes a great relationship. The fact that he has a relationship with his mother can truly be positive. As for you, make sure he knows that. And realize his mother can make him a better partner for you. But, if you feel your man is favoring his mother over you, talk to him. Be honest and open with your partner about your feelings, and you’re much more likely to feel like your man’s a mama’s boy. Her influence will remain crucial, but subtle — as it should. Does your partner’s relationship with his mother affect your relationship? RELATED: Woman Angry After Mother-In-Law Did A DNA Test On Her Daughter & Found Out Her Husband Is Not The Father Alisha Cornett is a photographer, writer, and columnist who focuses on love and her marriage.