Maybe you should register for marriage counseling when you tie the knot — much like a new set of dishes that gets scratched from constant use, relationships can also show wear and tear over the years. So how do you know if your marriage has hit a rough patch or if it’s something more serious… requiring professional help?

Here are 7 disturbing signs your marriage needs professional counseling: 

1. You don’t talk anymore

Martin Novell, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles, urges couples to seek professional help when they aren’t able to talk about their problems. “When It’s just too frightening to even bring issues up, from sex to money or even annoying little habits that are being blown out of proportion, a therapist’s job is to help the couple become clear about their issues and to help them understand what they are truly talking about,” Novell explained. RELATED: If He Does One Of These 5 Things On Your First Date — Run!

2. Your sex life is non-existent — or suddenly on fire

Most feel know that a loss of intimacy signals a problem. While that’s true, a sudden increase in sex can also be a warning sign.  “If you have not been having regular or passionate sex and all of a sudden your partner behaves like a courting lover or wants to experiment with new activities that s/he has never expressed an interest in before, it could indicate that he is experiencing the feeling of arousal that are not originating from his relationship with you," said Valerie Jencks, founder and executive director of Prairie Family Therapy in Chicago.

3. You can’t let go of the past

Silvia M. Dutchevici, the founder and president of the Critical Therapy Center in New York City, suggests that it might be a good idea to talk to a professional when there has been a traumatic event in your life, like the loss of a child or an affair, and one partner cannot seem to forgive or forget. “Whatever the situation, every person processes trauma differently,” she says. RELATED: 5 Biggest Regrets Divorced People Have About Their Marriages

4. You fight about the same things over and over

“When you see that the same issues are coming up again and again in disagreements, it is a good sign they are not effectively being resolved and the couple is at a ‘sticking point,’ " explains psychologist Julie Gurner. Getting help ASAP will save “many years of trouble down the road.”

5. It’s always about the money

Disagreements over money are one of the top reasons couples find themselves in conflict. If your spouse keeps you in the dark about family finances or feels the need to control everything related to money, it’s time to speak up. Christine K. Clifford, CEO/president of Divorcing Divas, suggests you say, “I want to be aware of our debt, our monthly bills, the balance on our mortgage, how many savings/checking accounts we have, etc." Clifford explains, “If your spouse objects, it’s time to see a counselor.” RELATED: I Tried Being The Third Person In An Open Relationship & It Was A Spectacular Failure

6. Your parenting styles are nowhere near the same

Yes, children are a blessing, but they can also add stress to your marriage, especially if the two of you are not a united front. Clifford suggests seeking counseling if you disagree with each other’s parenting styles and frequently argue about how you’re raising your children. “Think Katie Holmes, and how she doesn’t want Suri raised as a Scientologist,” states Clifford. “These are major issues that need to be resolved.”

7. You still love your spouse

If you still love your spouse, really want to make things work, and haven’t been successful, then consider finding a counselor. Dr. Gurner also stresses the point that you need to seek advice before things escalate and you truly despise the other person. “Be a proactive couple who strives to solve issues before they tear at the fabric of your deepest bonds of trust and intimacy.” Whether you choose to seek help or continue down your current path, be aware that counseling does not “break couples up” or even “hold them together.” As Dutchevici says, “Couples counseling is about helping the couple communicate better and understand what is going on.” RELATED: 10 Signs Your Husband Or Wife Wants To Leave You Jenny Tiegs is a writer for YourTango who focuses on relationship advice and love.