The siblings are fortunate to have a team of assistants, nannies, security guards, house staff and a camera crew who are an important part of their kids’ lives but — as all parents know — having so many people around to influence your children can come with its own problems.  With that in mind, the reality TV stars allegedly have strict standards for what they will and won’t tolerate in front of their kids. RELATED: Kourtney Kardashian’s Nanny Reveals Why She Quit & What It’s Really Like To Care For The Disick Kids

Here are 7 things the Kardashian ban people from doing around their kids.

1. No taking photos of the kids.

The Kardashians might be open about showing off their kids on social media but no one else can! The moms want full control of their kids’ images, and therefore, they make the rules on when and where the kids can be photographed. The kids are regularly seen calling out the paparazzi and asking people to stop taking photos of them. In some ways, this makes sense— Kim and her sisters don’t want their nannies to sell photos of their kids to the paparazzi, and they don’t want their kids’ lives to be consumed by the public. Privacy is important to the Kardashian clan, and so is safety, which means no photographs from anyone other than their family, ever. RELATED: The 5 Strict Rules Kim Kardashian Makes Everyone Who Comes To Her House Follow

2. No jewelry allowed.

After her 2016 robbery, Kim allegedly introduced a new rule to protect herself and her kids — no expensive jewelry. “No expensive items ever come to my home. I have it all taken from security before I even enter my home,” Kim told Andy Cohen in a 2021 reunion episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashian.” “I can’t sleep if I have jewelry in my safe, or money, or anything at my house. I just don’t live my life like that.” The rule is likely to prevent her or her children from being a target. RELATED: Man Who Robbed Kim Kardashian In Paris Explains Why She Was Targeted

3. No dressing the kids in just any outfit.

Taking care of kids means accepting a certain level of mess in your life—  kids spill food and draw on themselves with markers at least once a day. They play outside and their clothes get dirty. But anyone in charge of caring for the Kardashian kids isn’t allowed to put them in any old clothes. The Kardashian kids are basically brand ambassadors for their moms’ fashion lines; and as such, it’s important to the sisters that the kids are always dressed their best. There’s no need for Kylie to hire models when her daughter can wear the clothes she’s selling.  The Kardashian kids have expensive wardrobes that their moms expect them to wear. It’s part of living a life in the public eye— the kids are required to be fashionable (and camera-ready) at all times.  RELATED: What Kim Kardashian Allegedly Pays Her Nannies For ‘24/7’ Service

4. No sugar, gluten, or dairy.

It’s no secret that the Kardashians live a healthy lifestyle— just look on any sister’s Insta to see her at the gym. Living in a healthy way includes limiting what their kids can and can’t eat. Nannies, family friends and anyone else caring for the kids allegedly aren’t allowed to feed them junk food. Kourtney, in particular, controls what foods her kids can have. In an April 2016 interview, Kourtney said she and her kids were not eating gluten or dairy and she even had to bring alternative baked goods for her kids when they attended her brother’s birthday party. RELATED: 11 Strict Rules The Kardashian Kids Must Follow

5. No saying the word ‘fat.’

Kourtney voiced this rule during a 2016 episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” in which she reprimanded her mom, Kris Jenner, for using this word. When Kris asked her daughter, “Do I look fat?” in a scene in the episode, Kourtney provided a single answer: “Don’t use that word in front of my daughter, please.” Kourtney’s daughter with Scott Disick, Penelope, was present at the time and it’s clear the mom-of-three is conscious about her children picking up a negative self-image.  RELATED: Dietician Reacts To Kourtney Kardashian’s ‘Dangerous’ Diet Rules & Worries How It Will Impact Her Kids

6. Don’t get too close.

The Kardashians are regularly followed by paparazzi hoping to sell photos of them and their kids but when the moms are trying to have quality time with their little ones, they have no problem telling paps to back off. In 2013, Kourtney yelled at photographers who were swarming her while she walked with her young daughter in her arms. “Get out of the way,” she yelled while sticking her finger in a photographer’s face after his camera got too close. “Don’t talk to me ever when I’m with my kids,” she added when a paparazzi continued to bother her. RELATED: 4 Times Kourtney Kardashian’s Nannies Exposed What It’s Really Like To Work For Her

7. No being seen on camera.

We can safely assume the Kardashians have a large team of nannies and staff at their homes but we rarely see them. The Kardashians live their lives in front of a film crew— almost every move they make is recorded for people to see. But they don’t want their childcare to be visible on camera—  nannies aren’t allowed to be on the show. This could be for their kids’ privacy and safety, or it could be because the sisters don’t want to share the spotlight— or have their nannies upstage them in any way. RELATED: The Kardashians’ Former Housekeepers Break Down How Each Sister Treats Their Staff — & Who Was The Worst Boss Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango’s news and entertainment team. She covers celebrity gossip, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.