Healthy relationships often have great sex, but not every sexual encounter with your partner ends up in an amazing time.  The truth is that there are things you notice in the bedroom that can trigger the alarm in a relationship. In order to resolve a sexual breakdown, you need to take a look at exactly what you should be aware of. RELATED: The Real Reason Your Relationship Lacks Intimacy

Here are 7 ways the problems with your sex life reflect your relationship issues:

1. You want something different

It is not about the frequency or duration of sexual intercourse. Many people would describe it as “something more” but the point is that your current sex life does not fulfill your expectations. Whenever you are thinking about it, it leaves you wondering whether there is more to it than what you are experiencing.   Once this voice appears in your head, it is essential not to ignore it. Instead, do some thinking and consider what would help to spice up your sex life. Regardless of what your desires are, gather the courage to express them to your partner in an honest conversation. They should also be open-minded and ready for compromise as much as possible.   RELATED: I Almost Gave Up On My Miserable Marriage — Until My Husband Changed This Behavior

2. Everything is a two-way street

You started noticing that your partner seems more interested in other activities than having sex with you. If you have a male partner, perhaps you noticed them watching TV or playing games often. Or vice versa, your female partner seems withdrawn and doesn’t offer any reaction when you touch them. Keep in mind that everything is a two-way street. When you notice the other party is not interested in sex, what can you do about it? Is your female loved one afraid that any touch has to lead to sex and that is why they are withdrawing? Or your male partner doesn’t push anymore because you rejected them on several occasions already? Try to take some action yourself or honestly discuss the issue.

3. You just want to finish things quickly

Having the best sex life can have many benefits, including stress relief and lowering blood pressure. But can you qualify it under “good” if the sex is regular and you are only thinking about getting the job done quickly so that you can continue with your favorite activities?   This is particularly important for those with male partners — if you are trying to make them reach orgasm quickly instead of enjoying yourself, it is a sign something is wrong. Once again, communication is the key, but before you talk it out with your partner, consider why you are doing this and how things could be improved. RELATED: 3 Common Kitchen Herbs That Make Extremely Powerful Aphrodisiacs

4. You have a sex schedule to follow

You are aware that having regular sex is important and do not want to leave this component out of your relationship. That is why you designed a sex schedule to follow. While couples that are in long-term relationships may benefit from an occasional reminder that sexual activities are welcome, strictly following a schedule is not a good thing. From one point of view, you may use the schedule to build anticipation. The problem occurs when one of you wants to break the routine and that causes a fight because you are not adhering to the arrangement. The whole point is that you should have sex when both partners feel like it and not just because you are pressured by anything. However, keep in mind the benefits of daily sex.

5. Frequent fighting with your partner

There are people who believe one of the best tips for how to have good sex is to fight first. This couldn’t be more wrong. First, sex won’t help you resolve any issues — that is what conversation is for. Second, you need to think about whether there is an issue at all. More often than not, the reasons to pick up a fight are benign and bizarre. Unnecessary and frequent fighting is an indicator you are not feeling the right sexual connection. Try to boost your emotional connectivity with honest conversations and sharing intimate things and you will notice how your bedroom life has gone up to a new level. RELATED: Misunderstanding Intimacy Is The Biggest Mistake I Made In Marriage

6. It’s just another chore

Imagine this: you just came home from work and need to clean the entire apartment. After vacuuming and washing the dishes, you are too tired to have sex. In fact, it is the last thing on your list. But did you know that sex may help you get rid of stress? Some bedroom action may be an excellent way to relieve stress and refresh your body and mind. This is something you owe to yourself after a hectic day, so why not invite your partner to enjoy it together?

7. It seems just physical

While the sex itself may still be okay, you started having a feeling that it is an activity that purely focuses on physical needs. Or even worse, on the physical needs of your partner only. When two people are in a relationship, it is only natural that you should look for an emotional connection. While sex may bring it if it doesn’t seem like emotions are present, try to strengthen the bond outside the bedroom first. They say that little things often can reveal the most about a person or relationship. Even though sex is not a little thing, there are parts of it that can be used to figure out when something is wrong. The sooner you discover these issues, the sooner you can dedicate yourself to resolving them and propelling your relationship in the right direction. RELATED: I Stopped Being Intimate With My Husband And We’re Closer Than Ever Aneeca Younus is an expert editor, mentor, analyst, and researcher. She has worked across the globe with highly qualified health and beauty experts.