It isn’t hard to achieve that state. many people associate happiness with material things or vain desires. Maybe you believe if you lose weight you will be happy. Or if you get that raise, a nicer car or house, etc.  The truth is that yes, all of those things may put you in a better mood. But to be truly happy and at peace with yourself is when you will see results. Once you have the foundation of loving who you are the results you want to see will come more easily.  Life is tough. So we shouldn’t make it any tougher on ourselves by not being as happy as we deserve to be. The trick is simple. If you want to be happy then be. There is no secret formula. But there are some tendencies to help you get on the right path.  RELATED: Read This If You’re Saying ‘I’m Fine’ Just To Get Through The Day

Here are 8 sexy signs you’re becoming a better, happier person:

1. You feel less inclined to pointlessly argue with people or judge them

The more confident and secure you feel with your own life, the less likely you are to judge the way that others live their own. You’re seeing that passing judgment on others won’t make your own life any better. You’re learning to live and let live.

2. You feel lost, or like you might be on the wrong path

When you’re feeling lost, you’re probably just switching lanes. You are finding your own distinctive direction and sometimes you’ll get stuck at a crossroads. Keep going. The feeling of being lost is a normal feeling to have. Because when you are lost, that usually means you are about to be found. RELATED: 9 Ways To Quiet Your Mind & Follow The Path The Universe Has Laid Out For You

3. You are no longer afraid of being alone

The thought of being alone used to terrify you. So you’d cling to people in order to feel safe. Now, you’ve found peace in being alone. You are comfortable with being your own best friend.

4. You finally understand why you made the mistakes you did

You spent so much time dwelling on every single mistake you made. Constantly replaying your every move in your head over and over again. Asking yourself what the hell you were thinking. Wondering where the hell you went wrong. An indication y You finally understand why it is you made those choices, and you’ve learned from them.

5. You feel things deeply and intensely

You’ve finally let yourself feel things. Instead of surprising your emotions, you embrace them. Because you know that having emotions just makes you human. And that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having them. RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!)

6. You feel anxious or worried about the future

Thinking about the future terrifies you. You may come across as being a bold and strong individual, but a lot of the time you actually feel extremely insecure about your own life. You feel like sometimes your accomplishments simply aren’t good enough. That you simply aren’t good enough. And day by day you get the feeling that you’re running out of time and the clock is ticking faster than ever before. But, this really just means you’re anticipating what is next. You will figure out your life when you use anxiety as fuel. When you finally realize that life isn’t meant to be a race. And that everything will happen according to your own time zone.

7. You have a strong desire to cut off unnecessary, unfulfilling relationships with people who don’t add anything beneficial to your life

When you’re growing as a person, you will need to cut ties with people. It’s just a part of life. And most of the time you will feel that you have a lot of acquaintances, but very few “real” friends. You begin to see real vs. fake. Who puts in the effort? Who wants to remain a part of your life? And who could care less? You will lose people. And you may feel disappointed, guilty, or uneasy when you do. Especially the people you had such high expectations for. You will finally see that ridding toxic people from your life is only to make room for new, positive people.

8. You feel like you’ve completely isolated yourself from the rest of the world

Or as if you’ve trapped yourself in a tiny bubble- A safe space. Your own little world where nobody else can get in and mess with what you’ve built. You were waiting to be saved, and now you’re finally seeing that only you can save yourself. You are slowly but surely realizing how independent you actually are. And you’re seeing how being fully dependent on yourself will be the greatest thing you will ever do in life. RELATED: 10 Things You’re Doing Because You’re Finally Starting To Love Yourself Andrea Davis is a freelance writer, photographer, and social media influencer who covers lifestyle, health, fitness, relationship advice, and news. This article was originally published at Thought Catalog. Reprinted with permission from the author.