He reported the incident to the police, saying he had been feeling sick for a month. 

The husband planted a hidden camera to find evidence his wife was trying to poison him. 

Yue P. Yu was arrested outside her dermatology office located in Mission Viejo, California on Thursday, August 4, 2022, as told by Lt. Bill Bingham. Lt Bill Bingham, speaking to DailyMail, said, “She was arrested under a section of California law that alleges she woefully placed a poison or harmful substance in food, drink, medicine or pharmaceutical product.” RELATED: Stepmom Who Poisoned & Killed 6-Year-Old Placed In Isolation After Inmates Allegedly Tried To Seek Revenge The husband, Jack Chen, called the Irvine Police Department earlier in the day on Thursday and shared his belief that his wife was poisoning him.  “I’ve been doing this 22 years and this is a highly unusual and unique case,” Bingham said. He said that he’s heard of cases of “accidental poisoning among children,” but said “intentional poisoning” cases are not common. 

The husband said he had video evidence to prove his wife was poisoning him.

Chen, who is a radiologist, told Irvine Police he had video evidence to prove his claim and gave it to police officers, who are now reviewing it.  From the nanny cam, the footage allegedly shows Yu trying to poison Chen with Drano by pouring it into his lemonade. Chen says he became sick and suffered serious injuries before handing police the video saying it proves his claim. Following the alleged poisoning, Chen said he developed symptoms that began to worsen over the last month. RELATED: Woman Finds It ‘Romantic’ That Her Partner Poisoned Her Tea With Cyanide He did seek medical attention once he became ill but did not provide details on whether a blood test revealed the poison in his bloodstream. Yu has not been charged, but Chen has been granted a temporary restraining order against his wife while the police continue their investigation.

Chen claims his wife’s behavior changed when they had their children.

When Chen’s children were born, he says his wife’s behavior changed and said Yu’s mother also verbally and physically abused their children. “As early as two-years-old Emily and Amy were verbally and then physically abusive to [our son and daughter], which intensified as they grew older,” Chen said. He claims his wife would make their children cry, saying she spanked her daughter when she was three years old because she wet her bed. Chen also said she hit her son on his head and arms when he was two years old.  “When the kids fall asleep without her permission, even if after 11:00 PM she would wake them up, demand that [they] go to her room, shut the door and make them cry,” Chen claims. While the motive is still under investigation, it appears it is “a case of a domestic-related incident between a husband and wife,” Irvine Police say. Yu’s attorney has said their client denies poisoning her husband or abusing him or their children, as reported by the New York Post. RELATED: Michigan Man Poisons Wife’s Coffee And Gets Just 60 Days In Jail Kurtis Condra covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics for YourTango. He is also a poet based in San Francisco, California. You can keep up with his poetic journey on Instagram.