Daily horoscope for January 17, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of home and the family.  The end of a lunar phase is a reason to let things go. What pressures or concerns do you carry related to your parents, authority figures that you argue with, or experience familial tension. It’s time to let certain things go and to forgive even if you can’t forget. RELATED: Live Tarot Reading- 10 minutes for only $1.99!


(April 20 - May 20) Some conversations just do not need to be had. The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of communication, but when this Moon happens it’s not a time to dwell on topics but to relieve yourself of the burden their energy places on you.  Write down your fears on a piece of paper and burn them. Set an intention that you’ll work toward during this new lunar phase. Let go as you make room for new things. RELATED: Love might be calling your name. Get a free prediction today!


(May 21 - June 20) Clear the energy, Gemini. The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of money and personal property.  This is a great day for clearing out old things that clutter your home. From closets to drawers and outdated files, purge what you no longer need. RELATED: Feeling lonely? See what 2022 has in store for you with a tarot reading!


(June 21 - July 22) Have you been putting on a show for anyone just to be nice?  The Full Moon takes place in your solar house of identity, and it’s a reminder to just be yourself.  It may seem contradictory to put yourself first, but when you are who you say you are, the rest of the world can react in authenticity and it sets everything else into motion where truth aligns and honest interaction is supported. RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season… Get a true psychic love reading today!


(July 23 - August 22) You’re human with real feelings, so when you start to see a person you once cared about in a negative light it feels conflicting.  The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of hidden enemies, and you may have trouble reconciling that this person you cared about is not who you thought they were.  You were hurt by their dishonesty, but now that you face the truth, as they say, it truly does set you free. RELATED: Confused about your relationship? Get an Accurate Prediction today.


(August 23 - September 22) The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of friendships, and brace yourself, Virgo.  You may get word of a loss or that a friend is going to relocate to a new state.  Things in the universe are shifting and you’ll want to be mentally prepared to accept these changes gracefully.  RELATED: Don’t wait… find your soulmate! Start with a free astrology reading.


(September 23 - October 22) Are you thinking about quitting your job? The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of career and social status, and this may be when you start to feel unhappy with your routine, your role, and the people with whom you work. This energy is hard to manage at times, and this does not necessarily mean that you ought to submit your resignation. But it can prompt you to wake up and start to make changes that should have been done long ago. RELATED: Is your relationship worth fighting for? Find out with a Live Tarot Reading


(October 23 - November 21) The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of higher learning.  This Full Moon may be a call to spirituality and to let go of any preconceived notions about what God is supposed to be, how you ought to live out your faith, or where you need to be in fellowship.  If you’re a churchgoer, this is a good time for visiting other churches to make a change in your religious community. RELATED: Struggling to move on? Get instant answers with a Psychic Medium Reading!


(November 22 - December 21) The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of shared resources, and it can prompt losses of property and perhaps even of opportunity.  If you have plans that fall through, don’t be alarmed. Mercury is retrograde and so is Venus. This can mean a repair or a revision and then a return back to normal once the season is through.  RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(December 22 - January 19) The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of commitment, but maybe who or what you’ve been dedicating your life to for so long is not doing it for you anymore.  All that you have promised to include in your life is up for speculation. You might find that certain things you definitely want to stay involved with but others, not so much. RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season… Get a true psychic love reading today!


(January 20 - February 18) Not every day is meant to be a day of work, and sometimes you can fill your plate so full that it’s too much to accomplish within 24-hours.  The Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of daily duties, and it’s inviting you to clear your calendar, reduce what you dedicate your time and energy to, and to be more selective. RELATED: Love might be calling your name. Get a free prediction today!


(February 19 - March 20) Everyone deserves to have a little bit of fun, Pisces, and the Full Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Cancer, your solar house of pleasure.  This only happens once a month, and when it’s a Full Moon you’re invited to be a little less concerned with what others think and to focus on what makes you truly happy. RELATED: You have the power to change your life in 2022. Find out how with a Free Psychic Reading. Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.