Daily horoscope for November 18, 2021:


(March 21 - April 19) There’s a lot of emphasis on income and personal property this week, and with the Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of money you may feel more aware than usual about what you no longer need.  In fact, now is the perfect time for you to start making a list of what you ought to let go of. It can be expectations about money including what you thought you should or should not have by now.  Consider the emotional energy associated with these disruptive thoughts including how they make you feel when you have them. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(April 20 - May 20) Even though this is not your solar season, with the Sun and several personal planets opposite your zodiac sign, you’re bound to feel pulled out from your inner shell. The universe wants you to break away from the monotony of life and start to see things from other people’s point of view.  The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of personal development and self-identity. This is when people who appear in your life, (especially if they are a Scorpio) act as reflective mirrors. Let their rubbing you the wrong way be a signal that it’s time to change things up! RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!


(May 21 - June 20) What a nasty week this has been, and yet the highs have equaled many of your low points.  The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of karma, and you’ve been burning quite a bit of the negative energy this week which intends to cleanse your heart and soul down to your core.  You’ve paid dues big time, and this may not be how you hoped the week would go, but the lack of instability will be a gift that helps you to finish this year strong. When the Moon in Taurus perfects into the Full Moon phase, think of this as your big birthing moment. Through it all, Gemini, you are being made new. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(June 21 - July 22) The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of friendships. Since you’re ruled by the Moon, this feeling of loneliness can be a bit more intense for you. Sometimes our friends are there for us, and then there are times when you look around and not a person can be found.  You are feeling the lack in your life, and yet there’s also a peaceful surrender to the reality that the universe is always there, carefully watching, loving, and caring for you especially during your darkest night. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(July 23 - August 22) Don’t give up just yet even though a large part of your mood today is screaming to throw in the towel.  The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of career and public reputation, and the push to let it go and just give up can be part of the change you’re going through before you get your second wind.  Everyone has those breaking points where they feel that they can’t go any longer, but you’re a lion with lots of courage, and as life has taught you before time and time again, what does not kill you only makes you stronger.  RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions!


(August 23 - September 22) You don’t have to know all the answers right now. In fact, not knowing is going to prove to be the best thing to happen to you, Virgo.  The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of education and your awareness of being in the dark on important matters are going to help you to remain alert and awake.  You may not like the discomfort of being out of your element, but it’s good for you. The pain you’re going through right now is a gift that will put you in a better position once a little bit of time has passed. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(September 23 - October 22) Even you can lose sight of the long game when exhaustion. You need to watch that you do not become short-sighted during the time up to the Full Moon.  Right now, the Moon is just building up to this intense lunar phase while in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of shared resources. You could create a rift where you do not want to lose traction by expressing angst too soon.  Give yourself a little bit of time to process your feelings, and you will see that this too will pass — not necessarily smoothly, but just the same, this hardship will move on. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(October 23 - November 21) You are too intense sometimes, and this can be your downfall. You don’t like to quit, and you hate the idea of letting go of something you feel belongs to you. All the time you’ve invested should produce a result you can keep, right? But, you learn to let go, now, Scorpio, and this is counter-intuitive for you. The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of commitment, and this is in opposition to all that you’ve believed for so long. You have to make room for new things in your life, and how will you do that if you’ve cluttered. your emotional space with what you’ve outgrown, don’t need, and no longer work for you. RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!


(November 22 - December 21) Bad habits die hard, but so do good ones. You are trying out a few new things lately, and even though you’re getting results, there’s this nagging sense that this is not for you, and you would rather not continue living life this way. The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of daily duties and routines. You have a window of opportunity here, Sag, and that’s to make an improvement, but this means letting go of your stubbornness and admitting that good does not mean better, and even if it gives you a result you truly want. The question becomes, is what you want worth the price you are paying? And is the return of your investment best done here? RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(December 22 - January 19) Obstacles still loom over your schedule, Capricorn, and you are the only person who can remove them.  It’s time to take a break, and not the kind that you bring your work with you to do. The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of creativity and pleasure, and it’s time to have fun and enjoy yourself for a little while.   Besides, you have been working so hard. Don’t you need that vacation? Set aside all your responsibilities, care, and worry. Let life wait for a little while. It will all be there waiting for you when you get back. RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!


(January 20 - February 18) Cutting the cord from your parents and standing on your own two feet should be easier, right? But, parents can worry excessively, especially when they fear that the world is not playing nice to anyone lately.  You may need to assert your independence a bit more than usual, and this is easier said than done. The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of home and the family, and the feminine, maternal energy can strike a cord between your relationship with a mother-figure. Try as you might, guilt can hit hard, but you’re grown enough to handle this emotion and to see it for what it truly is. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(February 19 - March 20) Some messages are not meant to be spoken aloud, and this is why action speaks louder than words.  Words are a big deal right now, and so much is on your mind, you need to clear the air and the energy. The Moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, your sector of communication, and just before this Full Moon phase, it’s time to unload your thoughts, feelings, and insights on paper. Maybe jot what you’re thinking and feeling down in a journal and date it. Come back a year later to see how far you’ve come. RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions! Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.