What do you want to accomplish this week? Make the most important item on your to-do list a priority as the Sun in Scorpio harmonizes with Mars in the same sign. Mars rules Scorpio, so their combined energy brings an intensity to the day that can result in flared tempers and angry bursts of energy, but no fear. This can be channeled smartly and bring out maximum results in fitness, work, and your career. Speaking of career, the sign that rules the tenth solar house is where the Moon spends the day. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Hard To Love During The Moon In Capricorn Starting November 7 - 9, 2021 The Moon in Capricorn is perfect for the start of a workweek where we get ourselves back into gear to be productive and prosperous from our efforts. This Monday, the Moon is actively communicating with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio making the day’s energy ideal for investigation, researching, gathering information, and searching for hard-to-find items if you’re doing some early holiday shopping. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY

Today’s horoscope for Monday, November 8, 2021:


(March 21 - April 19) Life often works in the balance, and what comes in but also goes out. In other words, expect the unexpected, Aries. And, while you’re at it, hang on to your pocketbook; don’t spend frivolously as you may need to work a new expense into your budget. The Moon in Capricorn has you motivated and driven to do more than usual, and thank goodness as an unexpected change involving your personal property could be a costly expense that you were unprepared to manage.  RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(April 20 - May 20) Relationships are super complicated today, and the last thing you have time for is complexity where it isn’t needed. The Moon will work in collaboration with the Sun in your sector of relationships, and this provides helpful energy that helps you out in a big way.  You will have a light bulb moment, a eureka flash that helps you to see everything you have not realized up until now to transform your relationships for the better. RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions!


(May 21 - June 20) Be patient, Gemini. Not everyone can be a big thinker, and sometimes fear is the root cause of the problem. The main concern right now is resources. Sharing isn’t easy for people who feel that the world has limitations and not enough to go around.  You may have to work extra hard and dash a smile while you ooze charisma to get someone to agree to release control of an asset you need or must borrow for a while. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(June 21 - July 22) When it comes to love or even platonic partnerships, you wear your heart on your sleeve. At the core of who you are, you’re a people-person who is also too much of a people-pleasure, and on Monday, you may overly romanticize the idea of togetherness.  In fact, being too optimistic is going to be your biggest flaw on Monday. You may need to remind yourself that just because you’re an eternal optimist does not mean that everyone else is interested in following the script you’ve written in your head. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(July 23 - August 22) Roll up your sleeves, Leo, the day is full of hard work and lots of effort, but the good news a positive end result will also take place.  You’re determined to get everything out of the way before Friday arrives so that your weekend is wide open to sleep in, go on a short trip someplace nearby, or take a brief hike with a friend to see a sunrise just before dawn. RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions!


(August 23 - September 22) Who cares if Christmas is nearly two months away. You’re in the spirit early and you’re ready to start showing everyone else how much of a holiday person you truly are.  Creativity is a process you have much respect for, and even if you aren’t the type of person who indulges in the abstract, you will find comfort in getting your hands on some sort of craft or home improvement project that revives a room with a bit of flair. Plant a poinsettia just outside your front door to remind you that THIS is the season you love. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(September 23 - October 22) When it comes to protecting the people you love, you are the one that others can depend on.  You are tougher than nails today as things seem to tense up in your home life, but you’re here for it.  From making tough decisions to setting a few boundaries that are long overdue, you are going to ruffle feathers, but sometimes that’s what you have to do. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today! Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Things turn in your favor, and it could be your presence that starts the ball moving rolling. Your directness can make others uncomfortable today, and even though you are used to being the most intense person in the room, someone may find it difficult to remain quiet about a truth that you need to know.  This can be a huge dealbreaker for you, Scorpio, but also a pivot point where you’re able to negotiate an important change that you wanted, but the loophole didn’t exist to get the deal done. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!


(November 22 - December 21) The Moon conjuncts transformative Pluto in your sector of personal property, so for you, Sagittarius, ownership of something prized is on the horizon.  Priorities and your ideals change, as you feel like you are more in control of your life. You may be ready to make a big, big purchase, and one that could literally wipe out your entire bank account, but for you, this is a worthy investment of your income and one that you have dreamed of for a long time.  RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(December 22 - January 19) Life changes you, and you are not one who takes transitions lightly, but the mood is right and with the new year just around the corner, you are ready to make big moves.  This is more than just an impulsive reaction to situations and circumstances, but a deep conviction of what you can truly be. You may not have all the answers right now, but you really don’t need them. All you need to do at this moment is make a decision to start somewhere. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading


(January 20 - February 18) The silent treatment is so cold, and when you feel that someone has started to change and distance themselves from you it can hurt so much.  But, the truth is you’re a warrior, Aquarius. Even though losing this relationship hurts so much now, keep going. Better days are coming soon. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!


(February 19 - March 20) Friends come and go, but the people who are meant to be in your life will find a way to stay.  You may feel like you are the one who is losing out on a great friendship, but you are changing every day and there will be new people who will value your interests and want to see into the heart of who you are, today, and as you evolve even more… tomorrow. RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions! Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.