The Moon in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in the eleventh solar house which is about networking, social friendships, and helping others. So, we have lots of reasons to become distracted by friends and our social obligations, but it’s best to narrow our priorities down, even if it’s just for the next 24 hours. There’s support to get things done and yes, it could feel lonely. The Moon in Aquarius is interested in the collective and the good of all mankind, but Saturn is stern and reminds us that some people need less of us and that we need to work hard to get the results we want. RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY

If your birthday is on October 14:

You are a Libra ruled by the planet Venus whose symbol is the Scales glyph. Famous celebrity Libra zodiac signs who were also born on October 14 include American singer and songwriter Usher and English actor, Roger Moore.  Zodiac signs Libras are most compatible with include Aries, Aquarius, and Gemini.

Daily horoscope for October 14, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of friendships. Saturn provides structure and this Moon is coming off of the First Quarter Moon phase.  This is a time for you to aim for stability. Avoid friendships that seem to pull you in negative directions. Focus on your goals, Aries.  The day was meant for developing ideas and not getting side-tracked by other people’s problems - even if you do think that you can solve them. Let others learn from their own mistakes.  RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of career and social status. The day is bringing energy for you to apply yourself to whatever it is that came up yesterday involving your job.  You may be seeing some problems surfacing that involve an assault on your character, but you can turn this around and form new alliances with bosses and supervisors to bring you back to good standing and positive social graces. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of beliefs. There are lots of times when too many ideas cause confusion.  You don’t have to believe just one thing about life, but at the same time, Gemini, know what it is that you believe. You can be too open-minded right now.  Saturn is asking you to narrow down your spiritual practices and to focus. Have a mantra that you repeat to keep you grounded and centered. This will do wonders for you. RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of secrets and shared resources. As the saying goes, ‘God gives and he takes away.’  A gift you thought you’d receive won’t come through for you, but at the same time, a blessing will show up in your life in a way that you never dreamed of!  Don’t let your heart become discouraged because a vision did not manifest as you had believed it should. Sometimes your greatest blessing is a failure. RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of commitments. You have to decide what it is that you want. This is not a time to play games or to hold off an important choice that is life-changing.  The Moon and Saturn in your sector of marital relationships is a signal to lay the foundation of love now even if you are single. Don’t live life as someone that you aren’t.  Be true to yourself and although it feels like the well has run dry in your love life, it could mean you’re not ready for the person you hope to find. Be patient, Leo. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of health and routines. If you haven’t seen your doctor in a while, this week is a great time to get that out of the way and to schedule an appointment. Start making your physical health and well-being a priority, and be cautious at this time.  Risk-taking is ill-advised. Saturn can be problematic and cause you to feel more tired than usual. Rest and do what you need to do: sleep well, eat better, and be sure to drink your water! RELATED: Struggling To Move On? Get Answers With A Free Psychic Medium Reading

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of romance and creativity. Yesterday you may have felt super creative but today wonder where all your inspiration went? You won’t always be full of fresh ideas, Libra, but that’s OK.  Use this time to tend to tedious items that help you to follow through on your vision for the weekend. Buy what you need. Run errands. Clean the slate of obstacles to your free time. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of home and family. You may not have time for everyone but you can choose to be selective of how to make good use of the socializing you do with people whom you’ve prioritized.  Turn off the phone. Be fully present. Even if you think a person doesn’t care about having your full attention, don’t be deceived, they do. RELATED: Are You On The Right Track? Get A 3-Minute FREE Psychic Reading!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of communication. Less is more at this time. You have a lot of people who are tuned in to what you say and they are listening intently.  Be careful with how boldly you state wisdom. Not all situations are one-sided, and despite your years of experience and expertise, some problems are outliers, and those need to be carefully advised from you. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of money and personal property.  If you’ve got things you need to sell, the time is great for placing an ad or seeking sales help to get them listed on your behalf.  Property can be a really good investment for you, and if you don’t have the financial ability to buy a place of your own, consider starting to search and save more intensely. Look at where to cut corners and be more frugal. RELATED: Get 3 Free Minutes WIth A Psychic To Answer All Of Your Questions!

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of identity and personal development.  There are topics that you can study to help you become positioned as an expert in your field or to grow your skill set to find a new job that you’ll love doing.  The Moon conjunct Saturn encourages you to buckle down and to get more focused in an area of your life that you’ve unmanaged. Things that have been unfruitful to your life and are time-wasters should not be invested into anymore. RELATED: Confused About Your Relationship? This Free Psychic Reading Can Give You Answers!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The Aquarius Moon conjuncts Saturn bringing intensity to your sector of karma and hidden enemies. This is a serious time of reflection for you, and you could even feel emotionally lonely.  Don’t fill your time with people who do not deserve your attention. You don’t need to be with individuals who are there, but are emotionally unavailable just because you are afraid to be by yourself.  Let the lessons of loneliness teach you the gifts of self-preservation and endurance. RELATED: Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Get 3 Free Minutes With A Psychic Today! Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.