This week we draw mostly reversed cards, which always throw people for a loop; reversed cards do not necessarily imply negativity, but rather, different interpretations of the original meaning of each card. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For August 2022 Sometimes, the reversal of a tarot card can bring about a ’lighter’ look at what might come off as severe. For instance, if we draw the card, The Devil, but in reverse, it’s more like “The Devil Lite.” This week’s lessons focus on law and finance. There’s not a lot of advice in love or romance, but plenty of suggestions here for us to watch out for our own behavior in matters of money and law. We will also be receiving news that could change the course of our lives, and we need to accept all news, both good and bad.     RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Love Horoscope For August 2022 There is also an emphasis on diligence and doing the right thing. This is our chance to mend what’s been broken in terms of relationships and family misunderstandings. This week presents no dire threat to anyone and promises to right the wrongs of our lives if we concentrate on putting in the effort to help it out.

Each Zodiac’s Weekly Tarot Card Reading For August 1 - 7, 2022


(March 21 - April 19) Nine of Cups, reversed This week’s Tarot reveals that you are doing everything you can to create something of beauty and that while you’re totally on the right track, your goal of accomplishment may fall short this week. It’s all good, and there’s nothing to worry about. It’s more of a warning to you that tells you to keep going, don’t stop. You won’t be receiving anything this week, but your efforts are absolutely heading towards success. Stay with it, and trust in the process. All will work out for you, Aries. RELATED: The 5 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs In Astrology


(April 20 - May 20) Seven of Swords, reversed This card has positive results in its reversed state. This week will put you in the position of winning an argument. While arguing isn’t wonderful, knowing that you were right and that your part in the argument is justified and true is a good feeling. You don’t let yourself get torn apart while communicating what you believe to be true with other people. You just state your feelings, and in the end, you’ll be known as the person who taught them a well-needed and appreciated lesson. RELATED: Female Zodiac Signs Who Are The Best Lovers (Ranked From Best To Worst)


(May 21 - June 20) Nine of Wands, reversed You can look forward to way too many obstacles getting in the way of your progress this week. This doesn’t mean you won’t get what you need, but it does mean that everybody and everything in your life will stand in your way. You’ll not have the money for this. You won’t be able to make an important appointment. Dinner will burn accidentally, and you might miss a payment on a bill. Nothing is tragic, and all is frustrating. RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies


(June 21 - July 22) The Empress, reversed You are about to see something in your life unravel, right before your eyes, and this does not imply anything negative. There’s been a mystery, and you’ve spent years trying to figure out what’s going on. This week will have you finding out something important, which will complete a certain episode of your life. You needed this ’thing’ out of the way, and it’s coming to its conclusion this week. It’s all good, Cancer. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Betrayal


(July 23 - August 22) The Chariot, reversed This is the week where you finally find out some news that you’ve been waiting on. The verdict is not what you wanted. There’s a good chance this has to do with legal matters. If you’ve been involved in a lawsuit, you may find that you have no leg to stand on, or you’ll be offered something that you find insultingly insufficient. This week will have you fighting mad and not in the mood to give in. RELATED: The Scariest Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them So Creepy


(August 23 - September 22) The Devil, reversed You’re going to get into a quarrel with someone this week who really gets on your nerves. The thing about you, Virgo, is that you go right for the throat when you feel someone has overstepped their mark, and that is what you’ll be doing during the week. You simply do not care what anyone thinks of you. As you read someone the riot act for offending you as they will, you will leave this person speechless and unable to fend for themselves. RELATED: The Healthiest Choices Your Zodiac Sign Should Make, According To Astrology


(September 23 - October 22) Seven of Cups This week brings you frivolous but fun things to do. This week promises nothing too serious — which might be a perfect thing. Your interests and hobbies will be where your mind is, which should work very well for you. Don’t plan on accomplishing anything gigantic, as this week is not slated for that kind of ambition. Stick with easy projects and things that you know you can complete. RELATED: Is Your Zodiac Sign Destined For Wealth? How Your Astrology Chart Can Show How To Get Rich


(October 23 - November 21) The Star This card has always confused people; however, its true meaning does revolve around the idea of you being the star of your own show, this week. Essentially, you’ll be the ‘it’ person on everyone’s mind. The attention you will get may be good or bad, but the one thing you won’t be able to dispute is the ‘amount’ you’ll be receiving. So, if you’re feeling private and quiet this week, prepare yourself for an onslaught of attention, as all eyes will be on you. RELATED: The Scariest Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them So Creepy


(November 22 - December 21) Six of Cups, reversed This week brings you instant gratification. You will be proactive when it comes to diligence. This means that if you pay off a debt, you will receive the reward of never having to be bothered by it again. While that seems obvious, it’s also what you’ll be doing this week. Expect to clear up old misunderstandings and start new endeavors. Your moves are well-balanced and will not create a karmic consequence. You will feel good about your choices this week, Sagittarius. RELATED: Signs You Formed A Soul Tie — And How To Break It


(December 22 - January 19) Two of Swords, reversed You may rely upon image rather than content this week, as this card implies that you’ll be trying to get over on someone. You might just be successful at that, but you will know that on some level, whatever brought you your success was somewhat of a lie or a false image of yourself. It’s only human to want to have things, and for you to get what you want this week, you will give misleading information. You will get away with it, and that will please you. Still, inside, you may carry with you some guilt for your false representation. RELATED: The Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs, Ranked


(January 20 - February 18) King of Wands Expect to find the guidance of a helping hand this week, as there is someone in your life who is very good at this sort of thing. You’ll be rescued in a manner of speaking, which refers to financial guidance or advice in law matters. Family is there for you, and you can depend on those you’ve come to trust. One thing is for sure, you are not alone. You can take advantage of anyone who offers their help to you, as they are trustworthy and capable of working with you and for you. RELATED: Your Zodiac Sign’s Power Color, According To Astrology


(February 19 - March 20) Four of Wands, reversed a perfect card and a perfect week to follow. What you put your energy into flourishes in positive ways. Family life is good, and all arguments have been put aside. It’s a healing week, as well, as you come to realize that there are no obstacles to stand in your way of progress. RELATED: The Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs, Ranked You may reach out to an old friend only to discover that the friendship is still alive and blooming; this week is fabulous for reunions and talking about good old memories. Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.