The month’s transition from Virgo to Libra energy with Venus, the planet that governs finances leads this shift. Venus is mostly known for its effect on your love life, but it also correlates to your finances and even how you view financial abundance. This mentality is one that does not change whether or not your bank account displays a certain amount but instead how you feel about yourself. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2022 Financial abundance begins with how you value yourself. During the next month, this theme will arise in multiple ways which will help you understand who you truly are, how you have grown and actually what it is you truly deserve in life. By embracing this energy, you will see that the better you feel about yourself the more luck it seems you encounter. This is because life is shaped not by external events but by how you feel about yourself. When you feel good, life is good. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For September 2022

Each zodiac sign’s luckiest day of the month for September 1 - 30, 2022


(March 21 - April 19) Luckiest Day: Saturday, September 10th The Full Moon in Pisces activates themes of spirituality in your life which give you a boost of understanding and working with the energies of divine timing. For you, the more that you understand and can see a meaning for why things play out the way that they do then the more you are able to move ahead in your life. Even though you can be more impulsive than other fire signs, there is also a sense that you can truly learn something from everything you experience, and this provides the opportunity for just that. RELATED: 7 Things You Must Do To Create Your Own Luck & Get What You Want


(April 20 - May 20) Luckiest Day: Sunday, September 25th Take your health matters to heart as the New Moon in Libra peaks asking you to make sure that you are making choices that are in your best interest first. Health matters are not just how you care for your body but also how you care for your mind, your heart and even how it is present in the choices that you make for yourself. This month is a new beginning on looking at what makes you feel best and when you do how the choices you make reflect that. Make sure to prioritize your needs so that your cup will continue to be full to pour from. RELATED: 10 Ways To Rid Yourself Of Bad Luck, Curses & Negative Energy


(May 21 - June 20) Luckiest Day: Friday, September 9th Careers and finances improve as the Full Moon in Pisces begins this week. Look for opportunities or sudden advancements which end up helping bring you to where you want to be. There may be some components of you having to be more flexible in your approach so that ultimately the universe has more space to help you manifest. The biggest opportunities can often be missed by fear so make sure you let yourself seize anything that crosses your path. RELATED: Why You Need To Find Your Own Luck, And Not Wait For Luck To Find You


(June 21 - July 22) Luckiest Day: Wednesday, September 28th Retrograde Jupiter in Aries aligns with retrograde Uranus in Taurus activating your finances this week. This could be the renegotiating of terms or even reentering the workplace after a period of time off. The energy this week shifts to using what you have experienced in the past to be able to create a more financially abundant future. Finances do not always seem important to you, but they are the base for the stability that you crave in life. RELATED: 4 Colors That Are Good Luck For Money


(July 23 - August 22) Luckiest Day: Thursday, September 22nd The start of Libra Season means that communication will be your central focus for the month. This rules how you think through things and then the types of conversations that you have around them. You will be able to listen more this month, truly responding to what someone says and not just what you may hear. This gift of enhanced communication will allow you to truly state what it is you need from others which in turn will provide that lucky break you have been waiting for. RELATED: How Chiron Retrograde Effects Each Zodiac Sign’s Luck The Rest Of 2022


(August 23 - September 22) Luckiest Day: Thursday, September 29th Venus enters Libra today turning your attention to finances and what you value most. This is what you need in life to feel like your needs are met, but it is also about making sure that logically there is more coming in than going out. During this transit, it provides an excellent opportunity for you to reflect more fully on your budget and for you be able to make adjustments where necessary. When you do this, you actually send out a different vibration to the universe which allows you to end up attracting more abundance. RELATED: The Luckiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked


(September 23 - October 22) Luckiest Day: Thursday, September 29th Ceres, the asteroid that governs self-care, will move into Virgo today, highlighting themes of spirituality around it. Self-care is more than just facials and yoga; it is about how you care for yourself overall including the level of forgiveness and acceptance that you extend towards yourself as well. This is the path of growth and for you this month it seems that there are some major ah-ha moments in store that will allow you to start understanding how to care for yourself in a new and profound way. RELATED: 7 Honest Reasons You’re Attracted To Guys Who Don’t Respect You


(October 23 - November 21) Luckiest Day: Saturday, September 3rd Venus enters Virgo today drawing your attention to the circle that you surround yourself with. Venus is not just romance but also represents the people that you can call on and that are there to help you. During this time expect a lot of reflections to come up in this area. You may be called to expand your circle or only see how many actually exist within it. This is a form of love. Yes, it may not be romantic, but often those we surround ourselves with can often be of even more importance. RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Your Life Is About To Change


(November 22 - December 21) Luckiest Day: Monday, September 5th Matters of your career will see a strong increase as Venus moves into Virgo the first week of the month highlights opportunities and advancement. It is time to start taking the risks that are actually going to correlate to the rewards that you want to start seeing come in. Whether it is a new job or a completely different career path altogether, it is time to embrace your inner confidence and move ahead with full direction and autonomy in your decisions. This has the capability to change the course of your life, so it is best to go all in on this process. RELATED: 10 Subtle Signs From The Universe That You’ve Finally Met ‘The One’


(December 22 - January 19) Luckiest Day: Saturday, September 24th Libra energy tends to rule your career and finances so as the New Moon in Libra rises today, you will experience divine moments and opportunities to help you get further ahead in these areas. Career and finances are not everything, but it is important to be abundant in all areas which can differ for everyone. There is a difference between living with energy of lack versus abundance. In lack, nothing is ever enough and the universe seems to have it out for you. In abundance, it is trust and faith that your needs will always be provided for and that everything that happens is always for your highest good. Let yourself be reborn in the way in which you see yourself and life. RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!)


(January 20 - February 18) Luckiest Day: Thursday, September 29th This is a chance to focus and reclaim the relationship that you have with yourself as Ceres, the asteroid that rules the relationship with yourself, enters Virgo. There has been a lot of focus on the intimacy that you have in your romantic relationship but this month you will be called to focus on the one you have with yourself as well. This will allow you to move through some new realizations over just how much you have changed which means that you may be operating as your new self versus still making decisions from your old self. It is time to let luck lead the way by realizing that neither you nor life is the way it once was. RELATED: 13 Ways The Universe Warns You To Stay Away From A Toxic Person


(February 19 - March 20) Luckiest Day: Saturday, September 17th Gemini energy is going to have a strong influence on your life over the course of the next couple of months as Mars will spend much of his time here. Today the Last Quarter Moon also occurs within this sign helping you to release what truly is not meant to be a part of your path so that you can say yes to what is. There will be large periods of growth over the next seven months due to this shift of Gemini energy which is amplified today with the Last Quarter Moon. It may be time to truly just let go of trying to make things a certain way and instead just simply accept everything as it is so that you can start to accept what it is you really want. RELATED: 9 Ways To Quiet Your Mind & Follow The Path The Universe Has Laid Out For You Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.