In the coming days, asteroid Juno joins Jupiter in Aries, there will be a resurgence of dedication to committing to and pursuing your own internal truth at all costs. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes For January 8 - 14, 2023 Juno is the asteroid that governs commitments and contracts, in Aries alongside Jupiter it helps you see that the more you resist fighting against yourself and instead understand your feelings and passions are divine guidance, then the more abundance you will create for yourself. During this time, it is important to recognize that you cannot truly create the life you desire if you act as if you yourself are your own worst enemy. Befriend yourself. Remember that you need to be your own ally, protect your dreams, believe in yourself, and remember that if you are feeling the call to pursue something, then it means that it is meant for you. As you travel along the energy this week with Mars as it turns direct, it will suddenly feel as if you can start to act, and you will begin to feel more positive about the ongoing changes within your life. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For January 9 - 15, 2023 Use this as fuel to find acceptance of what has occurred and to recommit to what you feel the most passionate about, trusting that you can achieve anything, especially when the universe is on your side.

Each zodiac sign’s luckiest day of the week for January 9 - 15, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th You have just begun a phase of supercharged energy as Jupiter entered your own zodiac sign just a few weeks ago. Now Juno joins Jupiter blessing all that you will start to create within your life. Jupiter is the expansion and Juno is agreements and contracts. This is a time to fully expand into yourself. To make your life more about you and to pledge to not let anything get in your way. RELATED: The Luckiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked


(April 20 - May 20) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, January 14th The Last Quarter Moon in Libra activates your health sector, encouraging you to release what may be taking away from your growth within this area. Whether it is supported to live a healthier lifestyle, beliefs, or old behaviors, this is a time to truly focus on what kind of balance you need to feel and live your best life. An amazing life starts with health, both the mind and body. RELATED: The Astrology Placement That Predicts Your Favorite Music


(May 21 - June 20) Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, January 12th Mars, the planet of action and passion, has been retrograde within your sign since October. During this time, you have had to pause in the uncomfortable and feel into the lessons instead of just moving ahead at all costs. However, this week Mars finally turns direct which means that there is now nothing stopping you from seeing those plans through to the greatest fruition. RELATED: What It Means If You Were Born On A Zodiac Cusp


(June 21 - July 22) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th Pisces energy always rules your luck sector. This week, as Neptune in this zodiac sign, harmonizes with the Sun in Capricorn, it is time to act on your dreams. Nothing is too far-fetched or impossible, it is just a matter of figuring out how. And when you are truly passionate and connected to something, you also will always be able to figure out a way to make it work. Refuse to give up. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Year For All Of 2023 Leo (July 23 - August 22) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th Juno is the asteroid that governs agreements and contracts. This week as it moves into Aries, joining Jupiter already here, your life is about to really start progressing. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so moving, learning, and even traveling is all center stage right now for you. With Juno joining in this energy, it represents a sign from the universe to not hold any fear to commit to what this new journey represents. In other words, do not be afraid to go all in. RELATED: The 5 Most Dramatic Zodiac Signs In Astrology That Exaggerate Everything


(August 23 - September 22) Luckiest day of the week: Monday, January 9th Uranus has been slowly making its way through Taurus, the luckiest part of our life, for the past few years. It may not have always seemed like it as there have been a few lessons along the way, but it truly is about creating a new and more stable foundation of abundance within your life. This week, Uranus in Taurus works with retrograde Mercury in Capricorn, encouraging you to focus on your self-expression to create the life you desire. RELATED: Signs You Formed A Soul Tie — And How To Break It


(September 23 - October 22) Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, January 12th Mars first entered Gemini last August and then turned retrograde within this same sign in October. Since then, it has been a time of feeling you were laying the groundwork for something important even if you did not know precisely what that was yet. Mars in Gemini is about making the most authentic decisions for yourself and then acting on them. Now that Mars is turning direct it is truly time to make your own luck. RELATED: 7 Things You Must Do To Create Your Own Luck & Get What You Want


(October 23 - November 21) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th Juno is the asteroid that governs agreements and contracts. In Aries, it connects with matters involving health and wellness. This is not just physical health though, but those silent agreements you make for yourself to think, speak and act from an emotionally healthier place within yourself. Juno in Aries will also speak to the healthier agreements you can make with those in your life both professionally and personally which can allow you to truly create the life that you desire. RELATED: The Healthiest Choices Your Zodiac Sign Should Make, According To Astrology


(November 22 - December 21) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th The first part of the year will be an interesting one for you. Jupiter is already in Aries and now that Juno joins it, there is a strong emphasis on what you commit to now. Aries energy rules your sense of self-expression, creativity, and joy and in this sense, it feels like this is something you have neglected for far too long and are now seeing that it is the most essential part of who you are. Recommitting to your own joy is the fastest way to build more of it. RELATED: The Absolute Worst Zodiac Signs To Get Into A Fight With, Ranked


(December 22 - January 19) Luckiest day of the week: Thursday, January 12th Mars in Gemini has been bringing up themes of health for you since it turned retrograde at the end of October. It may be a situation of having to review or reflect on areas that you previously have felt growth or more stable. During this time, you were invited to see things from a unique perspective and to recommit to a healthier lifestyle and self because of your own internal desires and nothing coming from outside of you. This puts you in an incredibly strong position now as the new year is starting and you have learned what matters most. RELATED: The 5 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs In Astrology


(January 20 - February 18) Luckiest day of the week: Saturday, January 14th The Last Quarter Moon in Libra is activating your house of luck which is great news for you. Libra energy rules this part of your life and with the Last Quarter Moon occurring here it means that you are being guided to release something so that you can build more of this expansive energy within your life. Sometimes what you hold onto is not because of necessity but comfort. As you move through the energy this week, make sure that everything you are working for works for you. RELATED: What You Need To Understand About Holding On And Letting Go


(February 19 - March 20) Luckiest day of the week: Friday, January 13th Aries energy rules your value sector within your life which is going to be of major focus for most of this year. Jupiter first moved into Aries just a few weeks ago which brings abundance, luck, and expansion. Now that Juno is joining Jupiter it brings benefit and positivity to any contracts or agreements that are signed. Aries and value bring greater focus on those things that matter most to you, but it also increases your financial and material wealth. This is a longer transit lasting for the first half of the year, but it is one that will bring great abundance and fortune your way. RELATED: 11 Steps To Hitting The Jackpot With A Life Of Abundance Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.