What’s the big news for the month of August? Outside of the many interesting and influential transits we’ll be seeing, we have to step out of the way to make room for the Sun in Virgo. It’s about to become Virgo season, and this may be just what we need for renewal. Virgo season brings personal bests, confidence, strength of character, creative drive and magnetic charm — to mention only a few of the benefits this major transit symbolizes. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For August 1 - 31, 2022 Before we get there, we’ll see the last of Leo season and the many transits that will act as its backbone. Right at the beginning of the month, we will have the pleasure of Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, which will run side by side with Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus. These transits are going to ensure that we remain stable and strong. At the same time, we do a deep dive into sensitivity and compassion. What may have ended up with us feeling a little too vulnerable around this time will be heartily balanced by Moon in Libra, quickly followed by Pluto in Capricorn. We’ll be alert; eyes wide open — ready for anything. As soon as Sun enters Virgo, we’ll be hit with a unique transit that should affect each of us, Uranus retrograde in Taurus. If our inner perfectionist isn’t ignited by Sun in Virgo, then wait until Uranus gets ahold of us. RELATED: How Chiron Retrograde Effects Each Zodiac Sign’s Luck The Rest Of 2022 Many of us might become a tad picky around this time. The month of August looks to promise focus, well0-directed energy and powerful decision-making.

Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For August 2022


(March 21 - April 19) Interestingly enough, you’ll be one of the signs that will have to make a decision, but that decision won’t be whether to do this or not. It will be, “Do I choose to be happy or sad?” You are changing, Aries; many things in your life have been upturned and uprooted. August is here to push you into making a choice: do you wish to cling to the past, or are you ready to live in the now where you can make a positive change in your life? This month gives you that feeling that the year is starting to close and that you need to get on the ball pronto or miss out on the new you that is destined to be. RELATED: 7 Things You Must Do To Create Your Own Luck & Get What You Want


(April 20 - May 20) August brings good fortune to your work life, but like Aries, you, too, will have to make a decision. You might be offered a better position, but that may also come with responsibilities that you feel might cramp your ‘freelancer’ style. The money is better, but you’ll be heaped with responsibility; it may be time to ‘grow up,’ which counts for Taurus of all ages. You may want to get on board with the upgraded position to save money. Don’t worry. There’s always time for play in August, and if you choose to accept your new position, you’ll have tons more money to have as much fun as you want. RELATED: The 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs & Their Meanings, Explained


(May 21 - June 20) This is the month where you will be reclaiming what is rightfully yours, and whatever that may be, it means everything to you. You are no longer concerned with what other people think is right or wrong; you know the truth and are more than prepared to work for that truth. This may even refer to taking back your life or setting yourself free from someone else’s restrictions. This month, you are a solo player, and no one can or will stand in your way. They have tried and failed, and now it’s time for you to step up to the plate and do what you were meant to do. RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Is Unapologetically Picky About


(June 21 - July 22) August is when you not only stand up for yourself, but you recognize that you are actually worth fighting for. You have put yourself down for so long that you’ve started to believe it. And, you’ve noticed that when you put yourself down, others feel free to join in, as they do not see a person of self-esteem in front of them but rather a doormat. Well, think again, people — Cancer is no longer here to take abuse. You will have a lot of fun shocking people this month; enjoy it, as it only improves. Good on you! RELATED: 12 Signs You Have Low Self-Esteem (And It’s Affecting Your Quality Of Life)


(July 23 - August 22) Don’t be surprised if August has you flying away on a solo retreat to improve your mind and body. While you are always up for good times and social engagement, this month has something else for you. It has to do with happy solitude and mindful renewal. You are on a spiritual quest; you want the reality of peace, not just the self-help book. Daily life has so much pressure and pain in it that you realize that if you’re to live a life of contentment, you need to be the one to drive that vehicle. Enjoy the time you spend alone as it will be rewarding. RELATED: 10 Best Self-Help Books About Love


(August 23 - September 22) The very thing you aren’t expecting is exactly what’s going to happen, which is that you will advance in your career. Rarely do you expect much in the dead of summertime, especially regarding your job, and yet, that well-deserved, long-awaited raise in pay is coming your way? You had a feeling something like this would happen, but you didn’t let it make you too happy, so you’ll be overjoyed — elated when it does happen. Time to dream big and know you are totally in control over your manifest. Think positive, Virgo! RELATED: The Secret To Finding The Relationship Of Your Dreams (Even If You Constantly Make Terrible Decisions)


(September 23 - October 22) This month brings you a new idea, and you make the world shake whenever you get inspired. And shake it will do, as you will be unstoppable. You feel like a kid again; everything is fresh, interesting — ready for you to dive into. You haven’t been this inspired all year. Yet, August seems to provide you with the perfect creative energy and innovative thinking. You will also be in the position of leadership; you inspire others with your uncanny sense and demand respect in the way that you show others how devoted you are to your work. RELATED: 8 Habits That Successful Leaders Practice In Order To Build A Lasting Legacy


(October 23 - November 21) This month is about love and passion, and could anything be better than that in terms of your personal desires, Scorpio? Who knows, next month you may feel differently. Still, this month is about knowing yourself as the lover to another and happily situated in something very romantic. You want it all; you always have, and August of ‘22 brings you as close to the ideal as possible. You feel attractive, sexy, and desirable, and you are glad to be in the company of someone who sees you as the cat’s meow. You’re in love, and all is well in your world. RELATED: The Only 3 Ways To Know You Really Love Someone


(November 22 - December 21) If there’s one thing that August gives you in abundance, it’s fierceness, and while that may not exactly be what was on your wish list, it’s here, and you are the scary one in town. You never wanted to be scary, but you’re so intense sometimes that people tend to back off, making you think they understand you when they’re merely shaking in their boots because you’re so concentrated. You, as a Sagittarius, know this all too well. However, you weren’t prepared for yet another month of intimidating everyone you know. Your lesson of the month will be about tempering your rage and your scathing judgment. RELATED: How Blowing Cinnamon Into Your Home Can Bring You Prosperity For The Month Ahead


(December 22 - January 19) You may find yourself in a legal battle this month, and whether you are prepared or not, you can whip together everything that you might need to win. Nobody gets over on you, Capricorn, and while you’re always able to come across as mild-mannered — even reserved, you are a formidable opponent in money, politics or legal matters. Know that whatever comes your way, you will fight with reason and acumen; you are direct, fearless and able to say, “no.” that, in itself, is the prize right there. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies


(January 20 - February 18) August has fun in store for you, but not without a ton of overspending and buying yourself luxury items. You’ve either come into some money, or it’s just been burning a hole in your pocket. Still, August brings out the spendthrift in you, and you’re all about materialism. In a way, it’s due, as you are generally a fairly spiritual person who does a lot of soul-seeking and exploratory inner work. They say everything in moderation, and with this in mind, you’ll be doing that uniquely human thing: spending money in abundance. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are The Worst & Most Evil, Ranked


(February 19 - March 20) There’s such a good money vibe for many people. Still, if there’s a lottery winner this month, it will be a Pisces. While gambling certainly isn’t something anyone would recommend, the stars are definitely smiling on you, financially, during August of 2022. This is also a great time to feel good about yourself and all you’ve done; you are a very active person and go out of your way for others. You’ll be appreciated by friends, family and the universe during this time. Enjoy it all, as there is so much to love. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Seriously Obsessive, Ranked From Most To Least Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.