We are off to make new changes and adjustments in our lives now that the New Moon is behind us and the Full Moon in Capricorn is only two weeks away. New Moons invite change and adjustments, so everything takes on new meaning when the Moon leaves Cancer to enter the zodiac sign of Leo.  Cancer season is about the family, home, and solidified relationships with authority figures. Today’s numerology is a 6, the Nurturer. So, be sure to take care of your personal needs as you take on new challenges and make changes to meet demands that require much of your time and effort.     RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During Venus Sextile Jupiter, June 28 - July 4, 2022

Learn what your zodiac sign’s daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Thursday, June 30, 2022.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tarot card: Judgement It’s normal to second-guess yourself when it seems that your opinions are much different from others. Today try to take a more balanced approach when it comes to making an important decision. Weigh pros and cons and be open to receiving input. If you can wait until later, then perhaps you might decide to do so. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Tarot card: Strength You have to push through a bit more than usual today. You are going against many obstacles, but with the right mental attitude, you can rise above the challenges and see that light at the end of the tunnel. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are Amazing In Bed, Ranked From Best To Worst

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Tarot card: The Devil Temptation is hard to avoid, and when you are faced with the opportunity to do something and think that no one will catch you, it’s tempting. Try not to give in, Gemini. Remember, you always know your own character. And you prefer to live in honesty because you like yourself better when you do. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune Fate seems to be knocking at your door, Cancer. You are having a face-to-face meeting with destiny and you can see clearly that certain things are aligned for you right now. There’s no reason for you to doubt that your fate is sealed. You don’t have to worry that what belongs to you will be taken away. If it’s meant to be yours, all you need to do is show up and claim it for yourself. RELATED: The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Tarot card: The Hermit When you look deeply into your own soul, what do you see? Today’s made for introspection and analyzing your innermost wants, desires, and feelings. If you are at a place where you feel lost and out of sorts, it’s time to look within. RELATED: The Most Attractive Physical Feature Of Each Zodiac Sign

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Tarot card: The Empress It’s your softer side and your femininity that people find so powerful. You rule from a position of nurture and tenderheartedness. Is there really anything more powerful than kindness and your love? RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Great Wives, Ranked From Best To Worst

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Tarot card: The Fool Are you forgetting something? That nagging feeling that something is not right can bug you all day. Keep going and try not to worry. Things have a funny way of manifesting themselves when you least expect it. You may even realize that not having what you thought you needed to be turned out to be a blessing in disguise. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Will Break Your Heart, Ranked From Most To Least Likely

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Tarot card: Temperance It’s best not to worry or to overthink things. You may be overanalyzing a problem and wonderful if there is one more angle you’ve missed. It’s difficult to stop worrying once you have started. Today, give everything over to the universe and watch how things fall into place for you organically. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Marriage Material, Ranked From Most To Least

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Tarot card: Death Endings are sad, there’s no doubt about that. But you know what is even sadder? Never having a chance to start over again. You are having this beautiful period of change and transition. Soon all that you desire will fall right into place at just the right time, too. RELATED: The Absolute Worst, Most Negative Personality Trait Of Each Zodiac Sign

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Tarot card: Two of Swords You’re fighting within yourself, and the uncertainty in your decision-making will cause you to fear making any changes at all. Stop and allow your gut to speak to you. You will know what you need to do the moment you are able to let go and let your internal voice guide the way. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Tarot card: The Emperor Put the guards down, Aquarius. You are fighting a battle you can’t win. Your feelings are there showing you what it is that you want and need. You are looking at the mountains ahead and forgetting how great a climber you are. RELATED: The Prettiest Zodiac Signs — And The Most Attractive Feature Of Each One

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Tarot card: The Magician It’s time for you to believe in yourself. You may not have all the answers right now, but with a little more time and effort, you’ll surprise everyone. You may even surprise yourself with how incredibly talented and skilled you can be once you set your mind to focus. RELATED: The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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