While this week usually brings a lot of sameness, we can’t help but want to nudge the goodness along a bit, and it seems we will do just that. With Saturn transiting first through Capricorn, then through the zodiac sign of Aquarius, we’ve learned many harsh lessons over the last few years, and we do not wish to repeat those performances. This week is for hope and resolution. RELATED: Ruby Miranda Shares Specific & Heartfelt 2023 Advice For All Zodiac Signs For New Year’s Day We will be tossed, turned, shaken, and stirred this week as the planetary transits that loom above us are tumultuous and strong. Changes will occur this week, and we might be surprised that such things could happen. And yet, it all has a vibe of promise; nothing here this week speaks of anything too, too problematic. With the Sun trine Moon as the very first transit of the year, under the Capricorn Sun, we enter on a good note; we are practical and patient and believe in the power of good. As the week unfolds, we will be working specifically with the influences of Mercury sextile Neptune, Moon trine Venus, Venus sextile Jupiter (very good!), Sun conjunct with Mercury and a Moon in Leo strengthens our convictions. It may be ‘just another week,’ but for us, it’s a chance to get it right. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Selfish In Love During Mercury Retrograde, December 28, 2022 - January 18, 2023 Good luck, zodiac signs!

Each zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for January 2 - 8, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19) It’s the first week of the year, and you want to approach it from a spiritual vantage point. You feel that you need to keep an eye on your spirit and that if you can be in touch with the invisible layer fully, this will be what grounds you throughout the year. This is a very active week for you, Aries, and honestly, nothing will stop you once you are on this track. You feel you’ve neglected spirit in the last year, and if you focus hard and meditate, you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way. RELATED: How To Make Daily Meditation Work — Even On The Most Frantic Schedule


(April 20 - May 20) You don’t mind laying down the law where your friends and partner are concerned; you are not about to let this year turn into a directionless mess, and you need to let your people know what you intend to do about it. You are highly driven this week, and you communicate your thoughts well. If you need to get across something, you’ll be blessed with the right words, and everyone in your life will see how serious you are and support your ideas. RELATED: 6 Communication Tips The Most Alluring, Charismatic People Know


(May 21 - June 20) The stars seem to want you to search within yourself to find that last thing that bothers you, as this stopped you last year. You will spend most of this week unearthing some old memory, knowing that it is worthless and prohibitive of creativity. This memory has kept you stuck; honestly, you’re sick of it. That’s a good sign, Gemini. You don’t need to hold on to things you barely recognize as important in your life and this old memory; it’s time to release it. RELATED: If You Always Feel “Stuck” In Life, Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong


(June 21 - July 22) Good week for you, financially, Cancer. It might be business as usual, but whatever you did last year seems to be paying off right at the top this year. Your week will be spent concentrating on how to grow your business. You are highly inspired by the transits of the first week, and you can’t wait to get your hands on the next project. What’s great is that your renewed sense of creativity will kick in during Week One. You feel optimistic, joyful, and happily independent. RELATED: Psychic Ability Is The Engine Of Creativity — Here’s How To Channel It


(July 23 - August 22) Your approach to life during this first week of the year is one of acceptance and ambition; you know what you have to do. You do not want to experience what happened last year on that particular topic, so starting this week, you plan on making things feel comfortable and acceptable. This probably concerns your love life, which will take a turn for the better this year. It all starts this week, however, and while you sacrificed much to get here, you are OK with all of it. RELATED: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Have A Hard Time Accepting Love


(August 23 - September 22) If you can retain your hilarious sense of humor, then this week won’t feel as redundant as it might be. Let’s face it; we place great importance on the first week of the year, and most of the time, it pans out as a ‘regular ol’ week.’ This week has the same for you, and while that might mean fighting for more money or asking for respect if you don’t get what you want, you’ll, fortunately, be able to laugh it off. Laughter is your saving grace, Virgo; take this with you throughout the year. Let your laughter save you. RELATED: Funny People Are Smarter Than Everyone Else, Says Science


(September 23 - October 22) You may find yourself involved with someone this week who is very interested in you as a person and not as a reputation or legend. This means you are used to show a side of yourself that isn’t necessarily ‘you.’ Your charm and impress with this alternate version of yourself, and yet, this new person in your life has no interest in the facade and wants only to know who you are. This piques your interest as you feel nobody wants to know the ‘real you.’ RELATED: 8 Ways Astrology Warns You You’re About To Meet Your Soulmate


(October 23 - November 21) This week feels like an extension of last week for you, and that’s a good thing as you feel magnanimous and happy. It’s just a good time in your life, and you know it, and with a new year ready to unfold for you, you see this first week as a fresh new beginning. You have left your jaded thoughts in the past and are ready to tackle the new year with intense positivity. You will also find that people are incredibly attracted to you this week; they love your warmth and approachability. RELATED: How To Stop Your Negative Thoughts And Improve Your Quality Of Life


(November 22 - December 21) What you might not have in money, you have abundantly in love, which pleases you more than you can express. You have no right to say that you are unloved or alone, not anymore, that’s for sure. You have the love of someone who is unflinching, and they are all the riches you’ll ever need. Of course, that shouldn’t stop you from making a bundle of cash, but it’s nice to know that you are walking into the new year on the wings of love. RELATED: The 7 Best Places To Live Rich —​ Without Much Money


(December 22 - January 19) The first week of the year hits you immediately with an important decision. You will have to weigh the facts before making your decision, but all your investigative research will prove invaluable, and you will make the right choice. This is work-related and specific and will need to be there if it all goes according to schedule. You are the person who makes things flow this week, Capricorn. You are the conduit for business to take place. RELATED: 9 Ways To Develop Your Intuitive Thinking & Decision-Making Skills


(January 20 - February 18) You not only feel good about this week but also about yourself. You’ve come a long way to get to this feeling, as you haven’t always been your number one fan. Last year, something taught you that it’s foolish not to love yourself and that you need to have more faith in everything you do and believe in. This week allows you to own that positive thinking, and as it kicks in, you feel better and better about where all of this is going. RELATED: 3 Reasons Many Men Don’t Fall In Love Anymore


(February 19 - March 20) Your greatest source of joy flows freely this week, and that is your family as they gather around you in peace and love. It’s not the same holiday spirit that absorbs you this week, but one that helps you appreciate exactly what you are walking into this new year. You are so loved that it’s like a backbone for you; the love that permeates everything in your life keeps you afloat, and this week will be spent in gratitude and appreciation for all you have. RELATED: 5 Personality Traits All Grateful People Have, Even In Hard Times Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.