As Venus crosses into the adventurous territory of Sagittarius, joy, and light return to love and relationships. Venus in Sagittarius is a time for focusing on what is ahead rather than what may lie behind. Old wounds, grievances, and frustrations can all come to rest allowing you to feel like you are finally able to understand what matters most. This energy is intensified as the Last Quarter Moon in Leo occurs this week as well. The Moon and Venus help you to find a place of acceptance and forgiveness which will allow you to genuinely cease looking at what takes you away from enjoying all that is present in this moment. Love is meant to be enjoyed, but to do that you also need to make sure to separate the difference between avoidance and forgiveness.     You cannot actually move ahead if you are pretending that there is nothing to discuss or even to forgive. Instead, it only happens when you harness the beautiful power of truth that Sagittarius represents and bring everything out into the light so you can finally enjoy the love and life you have actually created.

Important dates for each zodiac sign’s love horoscope this week:

Wednesday, November 16th Venus, the planet that governs relationships and love, shifts into the passionate flames of Sagittarius today just as the Last Quarter Moon occurs in Leo. Venus in Sagittarius feels lighter than it did during its stay in Scorpio. Instead of feeling like everything is so intense in an all-or-nothing type of way, it becomes concerned about enjoying the best parts of love. Venus in Sagittarius is the reward for having made it through its time in Scorpio. Post-eclipse, either your relationship has survived and thrived, or it has not. Now is the opportunity to make the most of what has proven itself to be a truly lasting love affair. In Sagittarius, Venus not only focuses more on light and joy but also on the truth. You will explore new depths of your relationship and adventures, both near and far become important. All in an effort to make the most of life and your relationship together. With the Last Quarter Moon in Leo emphasizing themes of acceptance and forgiveness, it is a chance to make peace with what has not worked along with your own intentions in the past so that you can embrace the future-orientated energy of Sagittarius. Thursday, November 17th Today marks Mercury’s journey into Sagittarius which will help you not only express your heart clearly but also be able to think outside the box. It is not a guarantee that Mercury and Venus will always be in the same sign together, following each other as closely as they have but it does represent a benefit in those moments that it does. Mercury governs how you think and communicate. When in Sagittarius it is looking for the truth but also the greater meaning of everything. This allows you to find the clarity that likely only a month ago was more confusing. In the same sign as Venus, it also represents a time when you will be able to speak more from your heart and the words you speak will help you deepen and even heal your romantic relationship. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships, November 14 - November 20, 2022 Sunday, November 20th In astrology, the asteroid Vesta represents your own inner light and the home fires that burn eternally. Today, Vesta moves into Pisces creating a more intuitive and sensitive energy for you and your relationship. Under this energy, you will be able to tap more into your own authentic spirit in a very gentle way and will appreciate giving more than receiving. This affects specifically those relationships in which you live together or share space more frequently together. Vesta in Pisces will soften any disturbances that occurred recently resulting in the perfect time to cuddle up and enjoy the beginning of the holiday season together.

Each zodiac sign’s weekly love horoscope starting November 14 - 20, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th This may be a challenging week for you, but it is one that holds an enormous amount of growth and healing if you decide to embrace it. The Last Quarter Moon in Leo brings forgiveness for your own self as well as being able to ask or receive it from others. Forgiveness is the basis for love as you cannot keep a relationship growing without it. Let yourself say the difficult words you have been holding back from speaking and watch how it can transform your relationship. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes For November 13 - 19, 2022


(April 20 - May 20) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th Venus in Sagittarius brings some interesting energy your way. Sagittarius energy rules the part of your life that governs transformation and also intimacy. It may be that you need to transform your relationship through some meaningful quality time or that you need to transition out of your relationship so that you can reignite that intimate relationship with yourself. Observe what comes up and stay attached to nothing. RELATED: Why Women Start Acting Distant And Pull Away, According To Astrology


(May 21 - June 20) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th Sagittarius energy rules your romantic life and relationship. As Venus moves into this fire sign it is time for love to become the major focus for everything in your life. Venus in Sagittarius wants you to explore a different side of your relationship, one that you sometimes hold back from embracing because you stay in your head too much. Use this energy to drop into your heart and feel your way forward. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples


(June 21 - July 22) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th Venus represents everything related to love and relationships, as it crosses into Sagittarius it activates that essential theme of self-expression. In the past few months, you have learned that you cannot keep silent and expect things to just work out, even if you are not sure what that may even mean. This has opened up a new way of expressing yourself that holds the key to creating the relationship that you ultimately want to create. Let yourself say everything you feel so that you are creating the space for another to do that as well. RELATED: The 5 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs In Astrology


(July 23 - August 22) Best day for love this week: Sunday, November 20th Vesta is the asteroid that governs your own internal light and even the connection that you feel to your home space. In Pisces, there is a more intuitive, sensitive aura around these themes right now. You may need to give yourself some of the care and nurturing that you extend to others around you. It also once again reaffirms the feeling that you are still on the hunt for what home even means and where that will be. Remember that the first home you need to tend has to be the one inside. RELATED: Female Zodiac Signs Who Are The Best Lovers (Ranked From Best To Worst)


(August 23 - September 22) Best day for love this week: Sunday, November 20th Pisces energy rules romance and commits relationships for you. As Vesta returns to this empathic and romantic water sign you will see a change for the better in this area of your life. Vesta in Pisces will help you to be more compassionate towards your own truth which allows you to then use that energy to positively affect your own relationship. Love is a two-way street and while no one is perfect, it still can always be worth it. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Luckiest In Love The Week Of November 13 - 19, 2022


(September 23 - October 22) Best day for love this week: Thursday, November 17th By the end of the week ahead, both Mercury and Venus will be in Sagittarius activating all themes of communication for you. On your current journey of allowing yourself to go more deeply into your relationship, this is an important transit because it will allow you to be more vulnerable. You have to trust not just your growth but your own heart as well. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs That Are Good Communicators In A Relationship


(October 23 - November 21) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th When you get really clear about what you value, everything in your romantic life becomes clearer. Instead of craving the intensity of inconsistency or romantic ideals that can take you away from yourself, you become more fixed on what is real and stable. Venus in Sagittarius activating themes of value in your life will not just help you understand who matters most, but also what beliefs and needs you have for love. The clearer you become the better your decisions are as well. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful


(November 22 - December 21) Best day for love this week: Sunday, November 20th Pisces energy holds reign over your home life and committed relationship. With Neptune here having squared off recently with Mars in Gemini, there is an ongoing story that is still playing out. A big part of the resolution coming to this area is Vesta moving into Pisces. Vesta helps you determine what is true for you as well as what it is that matters most when it comes to home and your committed relationship. When you finally know the truth, challenging decisions suddenly become so much easier. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Marriage Material, Ranked From Most To Least


(December 22 - January 19) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th The Last Quarter Moon in Leo is going to help you focus on the themes of transformation within your romantic connection. The transformation ultimately means change which is something that you often find yourself resisting simply because of the unknown that exists. You may have to reconcile some important beliefs that you have held true regarding change and how that interacts with the romantic connection you are within. As you do, you will begin to see that without it, nothing will improve, including your relationship. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are Terrible At Relationships (And Why)


(January 20 - February 18) Best day for love this week: Wednesday, November 16th Leo energy always brings positivity to your romantic life. With the Last Quarter Moon in Leo occurring this week, you may have to make peace with something that has or even has not occurred within your relationship. Your partner will not always do what you need or want them to do, yet that does not mean that they are not the person for you. Instead of looking at all trivial things that are not perfect, extend acceptance and allow yourself to see that love does not ask for perfection, it only requires consistency. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Self-Soothes And Relaxes


(February 19 - March 20) Best day for love this week: Sunday, November 20th Asteroid Vesta returns to Pisces this week helping you to feel more connected to yourself and your relationship. Vesta rules your own inner light and that of what is most dear to you within your home and committed relationship. When you are being yourself, you are also projecting such a dynamic attractive energy that no one including your partner can resist, not that they would want to anyway. Let yourself receive exactly what it is you have always wanted by realizing that you never had to be anyone other than yourself to achieve that. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For November 13 - 19, 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.