October 2nd brought Mercury, the first planet to turn direct, even though it still is in its post-shadow phase. This lightened the energy and made it possible to see things more clearly. As Pluto and asteroid Vesta join Mercury this week, it is an initiation into what life will be like post retrograde season. Although October will see other planetary bodies turn direct, this week’s powerful turn brings the reality of your romantic relationship to the forefront of your mind. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s The Luckiest Day Of The Week For October 3 - October 9, 2022 Mercury governs the mind, while Vesta rules your inner light and Pluto, of course, all those things hidden beneath the surface. It is time to see things as they are and not as you wish or fear them to be so that you can begin conversations that will honor your inner truth and light. For some, the week ahead is about embracing the growth and the love that is waiting for you, yet for others, it means making the difficult decision to leave a comfort zone so that you can make space for the love you truly deserve. This week is one of the revelations showing you that when love is real, you will know.

Important dates affecting love during this week’s horoscope:

Wednesday, October 5th Vesta, the asteroid that governs your internal light and home fire, turns direct in Aquarius today. If you have felt disconnected from yourself or what you need from a committed relationship or those you share your home with, that energy will shift today. Aquarius is Vesta’s home zodiac sign which means its energy is powerful here, allowing you to rekindle that connection with yourself and the reality that you are currently living. The more connected you feel to yourself and your life, the more you can start assessing the clarity that arrives this week with the ending of so many planet’s retrogrades. Saturday, October 8th Today marks the third planetary body to turn directly this week. Pluto is the lord of the underworld and governs your subconscious thoughts, which are often hidden from the surface of life. These may be secrets, true feelings, intentions or even plans. As Pluto turns direct in Capricorn, you will understand what is truly going on in your relationship and your heart. As challenging as its retrograde was, this time marks a return to having more of that bigger picture to decide what you want to do with the latest information. This week as Pluto turns direct, it also forms a harmonious connection to Mercury, also now direct, in Virgo, prompting important conversations about what has been brought to the surface. Something will only be a deal breaker if you want it to. Otherwise, it may end up bringing you closer together. Sunday, October 9th Aries is the Ram, and the sign of the warrior. This zodiac sign fights for what it wants and does not let anything get in its way. Reflect on the beginning of April earlier this year; that was when the New Moon in Aries occurred. Since then, themes around moving ahead, advocating for what you need, and taking risks to achieve it have likely been part of your life, especially in relationships. As the Full Moon in Aries now rises, it is time to reflect on what this time represented and what you have now learned. Use this as an opportunity to harness the energy of Aries love warrior to make changes in your life, declare your feelings, or start the conversation that you know needs to happen. Now that planets have begun to turn direct, this is finally the perfect time to start moving ahead yourself.

Read on to find out what’s in store for each zodiac sign’s weekly love horoscope starting October 3 - October 9, 2022.


(March 21 - April 19) Best day for love: Tuesday, October 4th This week, ensure you are not letting influences or pressures from those around you dictate your love decisions. Venus is currently in Libra, your opposing sign representing your romantic life. As it unites with the Aquarius Moon this week, you will have to decide if not following your heart is worth the approval of others. Make sure that your decisions are for yourself and no one else. RELATED: Decisions Are Tough — But Here Are 4 Ways To Always Make The Right One For Yourself


(April 20 - May 20) Best day for love: Sunday, October 9th Mars is the planet of action and ambition; currently, Gemini is helping you reflect on what you value. This also extends to your romantic relationship as it will help you come to a greater understanding of what someone means to you and also whether or not you feel like you are valued in the connection. This week Mars crosses paths with Neptune in Pisces, activating the pressures you may feel from your outside life to prioritize certain things or people over others. This is the time to know what and who means the most to you and not give up on anything. RELATED: 4 Types Of Men That Will Never Make You A Priority


(May 21 - June 20) Best day for love: Friday, October 7th No matter how you wish you did not have to, you need to talk about what is going on in your relationship. This week is your chance to take your conversations to a deeper level and discuss what has been happening beneath the surface. Pluto turning direct this week in Capricorn activates themes related to intimacy and connection, while Mercury in Virgo focuses on your committed relationship and home. Even if you feel disconnected from your partner, that does not mean it cannot be improved, but you will need to discuss it to see an improvement. RELATED: 6 Signs Of Emotional Detachment In Yourself Or Someone You May Know


(June 21 - July 22) Best day for love: Thursday, October 8th Capricorn is your opposing sign that brings your attention to your romantic relationship. This week, Pluto, lord of the underworld, turns directly to Capricorn, helping you to see the reality of your feelings and life fully. You have likely felt like you are on the verge of making a tremendous change but have been holding back because it has not felt like the right time, or you did not have all the information yet. All of that changes; you need to make sure that you are willing to speak your truth no matter how challenging it may seem. RELATED: 44 Little Changes That Will Make Your Life Infinitely Better


(July 23 - August 22) Best day for love: Wednesday, October 5th Asteroid Vesta lights up your romantic life this week as it turns direct in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign that rules over your romantic relationships, which means you will start seeing some movement in this area of your life. If you have felt like you may be single forever or that you will have to deal with living in your current home, you are about to change your mind. Remember that you don’t have to settle for anything, even something that you thought you used to want. RELATED: After 20 Years As A Dating Coach, Here Are The 8 Things I’ve Found That Keep Women Single


(August 23 - September 22) Best day for love: Friday, October 7th Mercury is still direct and moving through Virgo, activating your sense of self and personal beliefs. As the Moon shifts into Pisces this week, though, triggering a focus on your romantic relationships, you will start having to think with your heart and not your head. As much as you can logically explain a relationship or what you hope for, love will always be illogical. Don’t miss something great just because you are struggling to explain it. RELATED: Why Feeling Too Much Will Always Be Better Than Feeling Nothing At All


(September 23 - October 22) Best day for love: Sunday, October 9th This is a huge turning point for you and one you began working towards last year. Aries is your opposing sign and represents the romantic sector of your life. As the Full Moon rises in this determined fire sign, it is time for you to put something behind you and take a risk on love. Reflect on this lunar cycle that began in April earlier this year and consider how much has changed, especially regarding your perspective on love. You are ready for this new chapter, even if you struggle to feel like you are. RELATED: If Anyone Has Ever Told You You’re Too Much, You Need To Read This


(October 23 - November 21) Best day for love: Wednesday, October 5th Some compelling energy moves into your life this week as Vesta turns direct into Aquarius. Vesta is the asteroid that governs your internal light and also that spark of connection within your home. Retrograde brought about themes surrounding your connection to yourself and how aligned you are to your home, especially as Aquarius rules this aspect of your life. This week it is time to fully embrace yourself and stop settling for less if you genuinely want more. RELATED: Why You Need To Stop Being OK With Settling


(November 22 - December 21) Best day for love: Sunday, October 9th The next few months will be exciting as Mars continues to make its way through Gemini, the sign that rules over your romantic relationship. This week Mars in Gemini creates a point of tension and change with Neptune in Pisces, which brings together the themes of romantic love with your home and family. Changes are in store, not that you needed anyone else to tell you. However, this week something big occurs which will help you heal the divide between where your heart is and where you are. RELATED: 5 Early Warning Signs Of An Abusive Relationship


(December 22 - January 19) Best day for love: Sunday, October 9th It is never too late to start making changes. As a pragmatic earth sign that fears leaving that comfort zone, creating steps of change can sometimes seem overwhelming and futile. But this week, as the Aries Full Moon occurs in your home and family environment, it is time to be less of a worrier and more of a warrior. You cannot continue thinking that things are fine or will be, especially if they don’t align with what you need from a committed relationship. Take things into your own hands this week and recognize the power you hold simply by making choices that support your desires. RELATED: Are You Ready For Change? 9 Ways To Tell For Sure


(January 20 - February 18) Best day for love: Thursday, October 5th Even if you don’t always share it, there is a lot going on beneath the surface, especially regarding the depth of connection you feel within your relationship. This week allows you to tap into those feelings and begin to share them with your partner as Mercury in Virgo creates a moment of opportunity with Pluto in Capricorn. Trust that the feelings that you have deserve to be shared even if you cannot make sense of them; being vulnerable is an act of love that allows you to deepen your relationship. RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When Your Life Is About To Change


(February 19 - March 20) Best day for love: Sunday, October 9th This week brings up themes around what you need for yourself and what you need from someone with whom you share a committed relationship. Neptune in Pisces brings back your dreams for your future and love, while Mars in Gemini helps you reflect on the choices for your future. This is a period of no longer holding back from making decisions, but you need to make sure you are making those that fully support the life that you are trying to build. As much as things will always turn out how they are meant to, it is also time to make sure you are taking an active role in manifesting your dreams instead of trying to be satisfied with the status quo. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.