In every modality, there are four zodiac signs, with each sign representing one of the four elements seen in astrology: earth, fire, water, and air. The fixed signs are Taurus (earth), Leo (fire), Scorpio (water) and Aquarius (air) — each of which also belongs to a season: spring, summer, fall and winter. Taurus is spring, Leo is summer, Scorpio is fall, and Aquarius is winter. Fixed signs fall in the middle of spring, summer, fall and winter.

What does being a fixed sign mean?

Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn like to start new things and are known as the initiators of the Zodiac. Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are flexible, can go with the flow, and are associated with change. Unlike the other modalities, the fixed signs are born traditionalists. Where cardinal signs initiate and mutable signs are the fine-tuners, fixed signs are the stabilizers of the Zodiac. However, tradition doesn’t make these signs conservative or boring. After all, a tradition isn’t just a routine; tradition is about the meaning behind the things you do at a particular time. RELATED: What A ‘Yod’ On Your Birth Chart Means For Your Life & Relationships, According To Astrology These traditionalists are known to be creative, perfectionistic, loyal, and productive. But they can also be incredibly stubborn, although this tendency manifests differently based on the influence of their associated astrological elements. For example, Taurus values structure but also enjoys the finer things in life; Leo’s need to be the center of attention can make them appear headstrong; Scorpio’s ambition is sometimes quelled by their emotions; and Aquarius tends to be the leader despite their free-spirited nature.

Common Characteristics Shared By Fixed Signs

1. Meticulous

The fixed signs are perfectionists who pay close attention to detail. They are great at managing situations or even trips, controlling all the moving parts of an experience at once, and juggling multiple responsibilities. Sometimes, however, their fixation on perfection and diligence can make them focus too much on the little things, missing the big picture completely.

2. Loyal

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are the friends you can count on when you need them most. They are so incredibly loyal, dropping everything to help their friends get through the hard times. When a friend or family member requests support, fixed signs will stick by them through thick and thin, and remain dedicated to those they hold dear.

3. Hardworking

Because fixed signs are second to cardinal signs, who are the initiators of the Zodiac, they constantly take on projects with the intent of finishing them completely. They value success and will continue to strive towards achieving their goals. These signs go after what it is they want, and they offer no apologies to those who try to get in their way. Where others would throw in the towel, the fixed signs work well past that point.

4. Self-reliant

Rather than accept help or even pity from others, fixed signs are incredibly independent and are admirable for supporting themselves. They don’t need anyone or anything to change their circumstances; instead, they will keep their head up and make the most of a situation. Because of their resolve, when they say they will do something, they follow through — and they got there all by themselves.

5. Stubborn

Fixed signs do come with a few negative qualities, and their stubborn nature is the most prevalent. In arguments, they will never back down; when defending their point of view, they won’t give in to opposing opinions. And forget about getting them to admit defeat. Unfortunately, though they may be great at debating and defending themselves, fixed signs tend to resist change due to their headstrong beliefs.

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Differences Between The Fixed Signs

Each of the four fixed signs is associated with a different element and season. Although these signs have much in common, they also differ in specific areas.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Element: Earth sign Season: Spring As a fixed earth sign, Taurus represents a cozy home, material possessions, and the value of family life. When it comes to celebrations or planning, Taurus loves being in the middle of it all, running the show. Speaking of tradition, during the holiday season, in particular, if Taurus isn’t doing the cooking, they are making sure everyone else is there to partake in annual festivities. What better time is there to spend with everyone you care about? Taurus may be slow and calculated, but it’s because they want everything built on a foundation. These responsible zodiac signs value stability above all else, and work hard to see their hard work come to fruition.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Element: Fire sign Season: Summer When it comes to tradition, Leo sees it as a special event meant for spending time with friends and loved ones outside of their busy schedules. Leo expects great, fun-filled moments, and their loved ones are deeply important to them. Incredibly creative, they revel in the thought of what they will create next, sharing their ideas with everyone they know. And while it’s true that Leo wants to be the center of attention, they see this as a positive path toward success. Of all the elements, fire sign Leo shows exactly what it means to be confident, and has no problem expressing their boldness.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Element: Water sign Season: Fall As a fixed water sign, Scorpio is controlled by their emotions, which can cause their traditionalist nature to manifest as jealousy. Possessiveness is also a cause of their emotional nature. Scorpio is more than just emotional; they have no problem voicing their opinions and being the loudest one to speak up. In the nature of being a fixed sign, they are stubborn and don’t easily change their mind. But despite being emotional and stubborn, Scorpio is also incredibly loyal and makes a great friend. They are passionate, imaginative, sexual creatures whose air of mystery makes them incredibly alluring.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Element: Air sign Season: Winter Even though Aquarians are said to be rule-breakers, they are actually traditional. They like the concept of people coming together, and they find comfort being around people who understand them. Unlike Scorpio, Aquarius has a completely unemotional and clinical way of approaching certain situations. They are not idealists; rather, their realistic attitude makes it possible for them to move forward with completing their tasks and achieving their goals. Despite Aquarius’ no-nonsense, restrained approach, they are loyal to a fault and take those bonds very seriously. When you make friends with an Aquarius, you have an ally for life.

How Being A Fixed Sign Affects You

Being a fixed sign — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — means you approach your love life and personal life with determination, diligence, and perseverance. Fixed signs have a penchant for completing tasks and fulfilling their goals, pushing through even when they have doubts. As a fixed sign, while you feel most in control when paving your own way, you can be rigid and deprive yourself of easy-going fun. You also hesitate to change, which can make it difficult to adapt to new situations. To find true harmony in life, you need to keep that realistic mindset and know when it’s time to cut your losses. Things won’t always go according to plan, so be sure to come to your own understanding and move forward. While the modalities in astrology are based off of your Sun sign, it’s not the only aspect of birth charts. Your full natal chart is a combination of where the planets were at your time of birth. Consider getting an astrological reading for a more in-depth description of your personality. RELATED: What Planet Rules Each Of The Zodiac Signs & Their Meaning, Per Astrology Samantha Maffucci is an editor for YourTango who has written hundreds of articles about relationships, trending news and entertainment, numerology and astrology. Follow her on Twitter for more.

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